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Orono Weekly Times, 16 Mar 1967, p. 3

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_____________ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THUYRSDAV, MARC!! l6th, 1967 R eport Froi, Ottawa ,-ussell C. Honey, MP, Durham- _ - Thiere .ws genuine sorrow lu mIýL *4 Otaa îthis week as ourGoeorf ry, ig -l~nrlwas laid bo rest. The. ~ynic migta times, find somne O godsfor belief that this city uften- takes a pretty philosophiea view about the historythat passe s The Kirby Public Sci j 7 a with Geera Vasnier. he re Kianis MuslicnFeta wiy each day.Suh asnot he remiarkabMusicellival -as deep, hearfeit sorrow. Peterborough. The scho( lool did erecent held lu )ol won, Geneal anir wa a escnd-two firsts and three ,seconds. The Iant al of aonerof an a d's firstfirst place shiowîigs were ln the' ci oe o 'Cnadi's . M Triple Duet and the Sehool Choir. f rench isettIers. H1e had a passion- /1hey wvon second place with the te bof anathe nityand diesta- 'wo-pari- chorus. Craig Cochrane sny f Cnad. Cnadins re autwon second place in the solo dlv- .alar wihhspsint pel ien for eleven years and uinder. for understan.ding and good-will KrnLwr lownscn -betwe en ortwo fotunding races. 1 pace Lu te voca solonr6searsd -1e was a living example of he d under. es ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ý a rurua .R- NEPRISE ScHoO j t onliy think with our minds; Enterprise sehool won tirdci posi-i id hearts and not with our pirej- 1 ien, for gradés 1 to 4 fo 1hi saices. ceoIk choir. Also they placcd, General Vanier, by precept andý :Iat n1o nai blessed as Cani- da is.Ilie saw our cdestiniYclea-I' y as onsttutinal onareh,, i~aing suehl goodi as wve doý fron-t lie xperenceand tradlition of nu Brtishparliamentary sStemr ng te. Qeeilu Canada, lie was rt srun svppoterof these iu, 1 >ituto n's.Buit bhesaw Canlada's~ ;Wtreclay as a nation basedï n nertndn and co-oper&ý aion between Eniiglish speaking ndFrench speaking Canadians - . eeh goup aintaining and e.eojgits own culture sultures whiich lu each case are; nr i ched by the contributions ~de by Canadians who have corne arom Il over, the world to make Iheir homes here. Sometime-s we Canadians seem obe preoccupied with our troub- ~e'adprobleuts . . , we almost -seem to enjoy- the worry asseciat- -id, witl our probleis of Canadimn rýitihood. Why is il that En- ttsh and Fr-en)ch speakling, Canadi- ýrnS have so muchel trouble identi- lying themselves as CandiisI when i tis problem dçoesni't conI cenNew Caniadians of other 'nec- ma origi n. Sucit New Canadians do net h jave any difficulty in feeling- lýhemselves to be really Canadian. They have no dlifficul]ty n reco- nizing thile blessings, thie advant- ages, the benefits of our countýry,. T!hey rejoice at being Canadians :und they want to get ou~ with Élite> -ulding of01our country. Englisi and Frencht speaking Canadians have been so close toý ,-ur benefits. and blessings that ,e ometiinies have difficulty in -eeing lthle forest for the trees. ieneral Vanier pointed a11 of us :si the direction of niationhloodl. UCW, Uniît 6 Ten m-embers of Unit 6 met on tite evening of MJarch 7th at the home of Mrs. J. Williams. We are -peased bi. welcome Mrs. A. itcllh- ell as one of our unit members. The meeting opened with Mrs. E. Couvier, unit leader, giving a reading, "God's Dreaut." Rev. Long led in a discussion of chapter 3 of the Study Book - tThe- Church created by God.' The church is unique among Inlstîta. tions for it came int being be- cause of the purpose'of God - not -as. a resuilt of man's initiative. Ibis is why we talk about "the ýChurch of Godl'. God's instrument is the church, and he works through humnan lives which are kuit together ln the response of gratitude and, obedience to him. The church is the fulfilment of the way H1e has worked uilte past and is -working toda. The Deývotionial period w'as gv -en by Mrs. F. Cowani, who opecne4, w,,ith a eall to worship foillewed by,, as Easter Meditation. Mlrs, Beyd Wood read te Seriptuýres fojlloýw-' ed by prayer by Mrs. Çowan. The, offering was received. OurT hostess served ado- ious lunch. Unit 6 will meet on -April 4th at te home of MF&, 0. Chatterton. lioni Centre- Althongli th.ese à k r gurpeopfle may have dfiult Rer. Local News Heu G fte Sp a i reating affection 10 other a- On Tesay arch 7th ýthie Cduits; Vwho0Cani resist the simple JadMs odnAkn Bwaville Couiples Cluib (Jack appreciationi of the farmn animaIs Karen and EarI have -returnied, ani Jills) hostýed the Oroo Club for thi cdi~ aeTi sa~- fter spending threeî-ek tÉo hear their 10longsou-1ght-after sa .I is impor tant. holidaying in Florida. gus seke.Someý of Major McCorquadale's Mr. Dan Hall and Mr. Ronnie Major McCorquladale from thf manngu points which. bear par- Ws both won $50.00 in the first. Salvation Army buoise of Concordi ticLillar attentdion are aý follows: Chamber of Commerce draw hield lisplayed a great depth of sincer- -T~ sa c~sotg fast Monday evening. ity and kowledge of rehabilita- le,,J nauesotg f tion techniqiues. The.( staff of Con~ diagnostic centres or facilitieqs More tickets are available, just d th diretioncon nected to the Penal Courts 'otc ebro h hm cord House un e e t'ýor- correction centres. ber for samebro h hm of Major, MeCorquaii.dale is provid-i befosa . ing a badly needed service in help TheV-c have been several cas- Senior members, of the Orono ing to keep social delinquents out eýs îof oung men being admitted Figure Skating club are perforni- of penitentaries. I by thie courts to the Concord ing their artistry this week-end Theman. ricipl i reaýilia--Huse who <after being armi af the. officiai opening of the ai'- The ainpricipl i reabiitawere found to be sufferina f-ori titicial. ice plant at Millbrook. lion appears to, be the mental iîîness, even to the'extent sociation of these young aduits o rai ea.o o-eoiainlbss with someone or sômething cap- f'rai ea.o o-eaiainlbss able of showing appreci;ative re,-8c of yotfhs, admîtted to We would be doing Major Me- spose Tisisth .minfunct.on oncod bse have less than Corcjuadale a personal injustice sos.Tsi the ocr ameabin tan Graden edutcation. as a speaker if we did not men- of _t_(_ Co ____r _ _a__ _ea_%_t_ 68%o of youths lcaving Concord ilion bis brilliant display of' wit. i1T~.. frn-1 - in i~-~ -ois a riespa'r h an lee- third ln the unison chorus. cletv. t1.1re with such devotion and depth Congratulations to the teachers The Concor-d' ouse is a Salva- a'sd yet manai hs uli3o and students of each school. t1on Army charge but it functions i apt-ý)ivating humour. -~ I g I0-4QTS OPENING TODAY! A Red'& White Fomse in Chelmsford, Ont. Reg. $1.19 - 10e Off Pade - -Heavy Duty 32-oz. SUCCESS Liquid Wax 99c Reg. $1.83 Value! 30e Off Pack King SizePkg AJAX DeterIgent $D1.39*. FEATURE! - Save llc! CARNATION TaIliTins, Evap!rorated MîIk 6 for $ BESTBU!eg 99e!-5e Off Pack Parehment ROSE MARGARINE 3-1b. pkg. 83c, BETBUY! - Save 10e! Tw in Pack - 24-GR. MIR Liquid DETERGENT 75c Reg. 19(,! .- WESTON JAN4 or 12 to Pkg. LEMON FILLED BUNS, 45c Sunshî me Feçh Fruit'& Vegetable's ONIONS 3 bunches 25e~ Fail Favour - Vine 14lpened - ýNo.1 TOMMTES, 2 lbs. 49e FRESH RHUBAPBý> lb. B3% mclntosh APPLES 3-lb. bag 43e WHERE FRIENDLY PEOPLE, SAVE YOU MORE. CORNISH'S RED AND WHITE, ORONO, ONTARIO FIEE! 5.(. i CHOCOLAýTE SYRUP abtached to Ileshey' ntt Choolae -1-lb,.tUn 59C BEST BU!-Rýég. $1.89-30c Off Paek MAWELHOU1SE 10-o.. Jar, IN,$STANýT COFFEE ý$1.39 FEATURE! - Save se!- Swee-t lixed or Rielish J6o.~ar Rose Brand PICKLES 29c Tomao Vgetble2 packs L~PONSOUPS 4 for $1 N'iEWý! From Standard Brands 4 FLAVOURS SHAK E - A - PUDDIN Save 10e! 4 SERVING G 4' ACKr39 o, IT'S LAMB- WEEK AT RED& WHITE. Choîce Young - New Zealanid Iniported L EG 'O', LAMBi, b. Tendelfr - Juicy - Wý'ell-Trimmed --- Thick Cul St. PtiksDay Loin Lamb Chops lb. 69C SWIFT PREMUM Three ineOne-luOOne- rzoassI - Fry - Stew - Tasty CRE Lamb in, aiBasket lb. 29c BE Well Streaked - Mild Cured (Cryovac) Rîndless Bacon lb. 79,r, U- B--iUY.OF.TKE-WEEIÇ Sea W-tave Bi-and Fancy RED SOCKEYE SALMON 1/2's tin49/ BETBV!-Save 24c!-in Toniata Saucee 14-oz. Tins rci Z BEN s 5 for 89C PES T ;BUY!-save 9c! LANý,CIA SPAGHETTI or 2-1b. Pkgs. MACA- ýRONri J1 2 for 85c BESTHUI! - Sa've 8c! 60 to Pikg. SA,,LADA TEA BAGS 79c BEST BUIT! - Save 4c! - Assorted 3-os. Pkgs. JELL.-O POWDERS 3 for 31c HBAL TH BEAUTY AJUDS! .c.39e - Child's - Reg. TuftI FrKiODENT TOOTI4 BRUSHES each 29c' ig.69e! - Mint Fresh iEPSODENT TOOTH PASTE giaut tube 59Ec Tooth Paste - Reg. 69c TRIPEFluoride Anti-Càvity giant tube 59c BIRDS EVFE FOZEN-FOOD lýKATURES! BInDS EYE 6-oz. Tins AWAKE Orange Drink 4 for 59c BIRDS Bý YE 12-oz. Pkgs. SWEET GREEN PEAS 4 for 69c - --------------- m mo M, -7m IMM."! -M ý-,l

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