ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, TRURSDAY, MARCH 16th,ý 1967' I God's keeping, then it is God's him that the wliele world lias feit thi paswod t hapiess" He 'rovdece, werklng in us. If we the impact of that detour. Paul' Undestua dg iso poinine t wnted helthstrngthandfuncan see al of 1file iii terms of our shows us the way to unde-rstand lk tebos-hsEphesus, btrltosi oGd hncoei and to handie disappointment., Se& Serptue essn Acs 1 615 abe sados s te nd ashe had to settle for Troas, the doors will net mean defeat in it in the iglit of God*s vwill and in~ SciTake roeaseon rached6:64 b e ari ie Asrthe e s~ngrse- S nd best. He had te go ,through life but that there will be an op- the lilt of bein.g inGod1s will. Takn fom srmo pracedby earngliewroe e hs cn eth r n Rev., Basil Long. gation, "You wiil have the right nterdoad thr'<uh it foud ening somewhere else. yourself, then look for the open to ayte e ew 'Yu fte tldgreat happiness. Paul took lis disappointments doors, and in God finding a ehan- Few people go tliroughli 1e vus to be calm and confident in the Paganini, perhaps the most e,-.creatively. His heart was set on nef tlirough you, you wlll fe-el the wihouit -d-isappointe4* Paul, hour of death. Are you calu and traordinary genius of the vieliný Epliesus but lie could not have it. blessing of God. God turnsdefeat fiiled withi enthusiasm, a pioneer confident now? You tld us tliat was net popular. Somew people did 1lHe put everything he lied te give into victory; lie turns darkness in tlie Christian faith, wanted to we ought to believvé in Cod, Have not come te listen te lis 'great linto the new mini.stry which open- into liglit. ie lias dome it in the~ go as a missionary into Asia. The YOu that faith?' 1 wifl give YOu muitc, but came to ýcriticize hlm. led .ýthrougb. Troas and God se used past and H1e WiIl do it again. doorway was shut te Ephesus, a the answer. What 1 want te say~ Somene wrote averse based on richliand populous city. Then Paul to you and it may be the meOst an incident which happéned on found the Spirit of Jesus Christ, effective sermon that 1 have ever flis opening night in London had closed the door'to Bithynia, preaclied, is that God lias giveii where, with one string, Paganinil a prosperous province ini Asia me a victor3r so wonderful and a made mic!.so m-arvelàus. that IOJ A Minor, se lue went to Troas, a ci1ty peace so sure and deep, that 1 those who came te critic ize re- of historical importance. Ephesus do net know what it is uniess it 15 mained tu pay tribute.W. was thle place lis lieart desired i ile peace that passeth Ail under- -v"bul aand lie was turned to Troas which standin 1g. I want you Vo know that lHe shamibled awkward. on the, seened second hest The db<r lie'God lias given me a liapplaess s0 stage, the whileA BR K wutdVas closedi, and onjeie wonderful that' I find myseif AcrssVe atig uiec lied not thougfit of was opened. praislng God over >and e>ver agamn swept a sinile;Asantet etkdsripforbas- for this iýtrange experience whiidh j11Asl agod M i *err . Whèn was thf for ae sim Llketixs, Paul veryElkely would semeds1iclia frustration of al Wth awkva.rd touchý when fwrst y aili od whein g heeked? wste a-t î be saying, "But Lord, ivhy? That my liopes. Death lost every trace the bow ohatemcek? is wliat I wanted and this is what of terror. Indeed I could think ofape tlgTeadi fyi'e rvn areu~e krsi-dut I get. What is the meaniing of no better description of what leigbrks endeteenhv hebie9te e this strange turn of events?" This lapndt eta ept tit nettee .pedal te let yen knew.your brakes need tervicing. experlence hlu one fri or an Ite words of the Apostie, 'He haVI Another stroke, off fMles anotlier other eornes te ail of uis. sarn4- destreyed death.'- I -cannot tell string, 11So why take chances? STOP ise for a where along the road of life we yeu tlie effect fit liad upon my ail have Vo deal with disappoixit- soul wlien I realized that the Gos- With laugliter now, the1 waiting FREE CHECK ment thartd pans înerrpVea pl i trc ad tiatIt ork. Agaleris rng;Neglecting this important safety system cen be costly pupme va lain eruee eense of confidence and peace A third string breaks its- quiv- addneos ail know- shut doors, closed roads, flooded my wliole being and now ering strands; __1 1* uninviting detours. We al l now 1 for the flrst tine in my life Myussget h lyra B~. Y- wlit V s o astEpess ndseul seems te be for Vfied with And hEsse grietthe plye ia have to settie, for Troas. Someone la peace whidl i s noV disturbed lie stands; epioe98510rooOn lias said that few persons have by a single doubt." For hs mine Tstandsiie 983-5130 Orono, Ont.. a chance Vo live on the basis et ister the door to Ephesus, closed Hesadh~gnu neet their first ehoice. Ibut the door to Troas opened aad One string lad Paganini ieft;_____________________________ t he found a joy and fulness of lite i______________________________ Iwhich surpassed al l is earlier 1 Tbat one strings daring notes _____________________________ This may lre truc la affairs of lip. uprise the neart wnere a yotung persen fails desperately ila hvê w itli jA man ii middle age saîd,"I, someone end Àt does net woerkeýut. was a poeorby, aise a cripple.1 Paul's lie reveels ,;methîîjg watlied strong, healtliy, weli- lere that couid speak o et situ- lethed, well-fed boys at play. 1 ation like that. Thinik et a gielIlooked witli angry resentment at Who is ia love wth a dashinig, ex~- these b(oys,, ful of healtli and en- citlng, pepular Young man bui h th Usiasma, enicying - thenuselves."e does net love lier and iàre yonug muan, standing beside nme someone else.Eeaufl hl e 1le wante4 o be like them Marries a' man i wth less spfàekUe and aid, "Listen, 1 rekon. tlât and excitement. Littie by littIi a God gave them monley, educatiou niew -door opens until shle fll and strong bocdies te heip ti-tr, be that she has mirarried a man whose of some account iu VIe werldý. Did leveable, qual!tiýýs far sutrpaçS iV ever strike you thet your gaine those ef lier former love. A deth leg %vis given te you for thé samne &ànd a rielinese, continues to rw reasoïn?" AV first lie resented the in their marriage reaten _I ~ words of the yeung wmx, thien lxe il some day she cen thank God. I Pr> i Slj ýqtS5d 0i >5 ai urâ'ýn for the door whiclh iiad clesed . ualiy this ideýa ihlen ia inl miakihig it possible for the (ythe everythi»,g. Whiatever camel4 to hlm! ta pen., She wanted EphesUs but lie looked upen-m as God's gîIt, glv- she settled for Troas. en for a puy-pose, At ntiddle age le was able o saýy, I wish I couId Manypeople are thwaated 1i fndtlacin a hôgv i their plans and hopes linlfe.A inister was caled Voa LgrÏeat ASKS FOR ALTERATIONS Churdli and al l is frIendsre AT ORO1NO SCITOOL joiced. Their hopes were Justlfied (Continued from page 1) and lie increased la povwer raonth Iwintebde o h er1 by moath, becoming eue of Can. drwa te u dgTetsfretary stated ada's foremost preachers. Ephesý rw p h sceaysae Us, for hlm, was la sigît, then that an 85% grant, is now aveul- suddenly, unexpecVedlly tragedy able for capital improvement Voi came. The doctor old hlm that existing sdliooi buildings. there was net the sllghtest hýp Other reports subinitted Voa the, of a cure for îis aimn.fest Board made varîous requests fer' tled for Trasanai isdeasmaps, spirit duplicator and notlng dissoived-into black and imp,,et- poor conditioss ot snow remeval and caretaking.11 Ageinst Vhe storm as if il, seug1t VIe skies; A silen-ce falîs, the people bew; And tliey wlio firet have hissed are weepig now; And wheun VIe lest note, remb- ing, died iaway, Seriue sheuted "Brae ravo, " and seYme laç,I learied tVo pray. The door was closed toeýphesusý but iV opeiled et Tmea,, and Pag- antini proýved hiinL-If a gx'Iater master efthtle violin Viien le ceuld have wiVh four strngs. WIhen Paul was denied Epbesus, the door was opening lu Troas1 ailetlirou[g that door Christian- ity was passing from Asl ülto Europe across the we tern world, back laVe the East and feut latqt te New Countries. For westerni civlizLation ,lV waS the nmest im- portant detour ilu its liistery. Is- appoinVmients are bounid te ccme into our lives but tliere is neo dis- appointment se great that it ougît to close every door la lite. WIat lesson can 'we takie from Saint Paul as lie taced Ils disappolnt, ment? Hie accepted flis disappelnt- ment realistîcally and provident- ially. IV is best for, us la lite te be hionest and accept hings in the same way,, and wiVl Vhe feeling that if we are la, God's wil and la - w 'i IWO-% h-for, EASTER, WARRIO UU CLEARANCE Details in next issue Mardi 22nd to April lst ORONO. FUEL ANDO LUMBER Telephone 983-9167 Orono, Ontario M MANAGER 13 Municipal Utîlity east of. Toronto. re- 0 quires Manager for the operation, of 0 Electric and Water Systems serving 400 G cnstomners wîth a Pow2r Load of 800kw f gManager will be expected to plan, super- [l vise and assist work on outside plant anid 0 be knowledgeable of Âccounting and 0f- O f ice procedure. gApplications should be in writ;ing gô stating 'age,, experienoe, education and f g anyother quahificatfonsý.. 1 gjgBox 100, Orono Weekçly Times. ORONO FIGURE SKATING CLUB PRESENTS 2l'st ANNMUAL CA RNIVAL To be held ln ORONO ARENA 2FRIDAT AND SA TURDAY MARCH '24 and 25 at 8:0p.m. f eaturing Robert Emnerson Junior Mens Canadien Chamione ADMISSION. Adults $1.00 Clfdrea under 12 yrs. 50c