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Orono Weekly Times, 16 Mar 1967, p. 5

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-z- -~ ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, T11UISDAY, MARCH l16th, 1967 New books to the Libra--v for the month of February, 1967 are agia. 994. Australia. Japanese during Wrorld War IL. Diack, L., Labrador Nurse. Far those members who have read B.923. Medical Bioigraphy. Sir Edmund Hillary's hQok 'Sehool Juvenile Non-Fiction Hoause in the Sky' will, 1 arn sure Poombls, C, Deep-sea Worid. enjoy 'Tibetan Foot'i)1d', by Mur- -551.4 Oceanography. nhv. Local 4ewi MIr. Pcrcy Morgan returned home last weck aftcr an operation i BowmainVille Memoriç,1 Wn'init- UNIT 3 U.C.W. The Easter Meeting' of Group 3 was held on Tues(lay, March 7 at the home of Mrs. W. E. Airm- strong'. RO AL owmanville, 0g 0 THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY - MARCH 16, 17. 18 f g S PINOUTg Elvs COLOR> f EvsPresley, Shelley Fabares g SUN., MONi., TUES, WED. -- MARCH 19, 20, 21 22 g SPY WITH My FACE g 0COOR Robert Vaughn, David MeCaluin, Santa Berger TO TRAP A SPY "TO1 TRAFý A SY"-(Celer) Adult Entertainnmeut o g EASTER HATS ý1 Stunning gtraws, flowery styles and fabries in sof t pastels ana vibrant shades as well as black, navy and white. Easy te wear styles include brhus, bretons and drapes. Hfurry in now for the best selection, Priced from................ .$5.95 to $ 1195 BLOUSES New Blouses for your Spring wardirobe, Choose -from prints and plains a 'bPly styles te complement your Easter suit or tailored stlsfer casual wear. Several shelis included. Sizes, 10 ta 20. Priced front ..................... $2.98 to $7.50 AR MSTRONG'S' 1! ____ , =>Oc=oc=oc==>Q Aduit Fiction Juveie Fiction I would like to mention that _'ai. Mrs. V. Robinson opened the Eberhart, Mignon, . 1 V.p Bocien, H., Mystery of Castel have been trying to read some of meeting with an Eastcr message. Mude. Sspns.Croome. the books on th.e shelves that Master MurrayMcLaren, son of An car Iy Christian when meeting Loring, Emilie, Across the Years Kei.nedy, M., 'Susan's Cottage. have not moved sinçe the Library -.adMs A. carnwsnohr oudsy"CitisR- o . -oo ouwo ae n oeedad av0oud:w veytiansferred on ,Tuesday to the en,- and. the. rcturn greeting Romance. O 1tario Hfspital foraCriepled wouldabe,1"Christ is risen indelie <Giles, Janice H., Sa vanna. Pion- i03 ed rcading the Book "Hannah pleasant bo)oks which are,. really ýtroHsia'fr Cple wudb,"hitisrsnided Jaic Fr'wcr by Janice Hôit Giles, you quite gooe, ý "Gooldmorning Miss Children, Rumsey Road, Toronto,- Laster is the mosit meaningful, time Gils, ance .,Voyage to Sauta i ese that we have two more Dove" by Patton. This is a very T ,~ lie will unOffie gouilrding onyar ecse of ttra l. h e pro01m- Fe. Pioncer. ~sb h ame luhrc»~ p~~ easant book about a ThnePctOfeBuligo softralfe.H m10WS O'Hara,, John, The Rat on the e, nifg the saine pioneer famrily, vcry dedicatéd sehool teacher, and the corner of Centre and Church .sung. Bcd. Colection of short stories. this should givc the muembers of wili delight young and old alike. Street is pregressing rapidly and hpeselvn ad tle Balchin, Nigel, Ia the Absence, iie Libir&iy, who enjoy Pioncer Also 1 have read tbe book "RI-om- will no doubt be oc 'cupied witluinofChae syooleve and twlean of Mrs. Petersen. Suspense. . books, many more hours of enjoy- img" by E. Thane and for those of the ncxt two months. ~ tesuybo ecvr en Marlowe, R., A Candie for the. able reading. you who like novels on world war rsClfCoprrenguicore byAs.Ri- Dead. Suspensýe, . ;NnF fe~ 2 rather thon the true stories, I holidaying in Florida. son, who talked on Mans hour and Wiilis, C.,ThceIvory Cae.nYFActoot thinkti sa ekta cuda! Mi-. and Irs. 'DonadStpesArs. Drummond who interpreted isieryCgohedCag. I.Ah!ghlys b njoyed s abyookny acudr. aaml- sp n the w ed the chapter on God's hour, Mrs., Higli Schoel Rcmia m eonh ne re cKatdSteriesoghey a- aiS pn h ekn Adult on-Ficion !rcüiriiiend "reat torîesof the1 so b'enwith bMi-.y EvanmaoddDmren d e Mdtthewhe 277 bb- MurhyDeria Tieta Fot-Gi-cat Lake-s" by Boyer, this book 1 do nat think I wiil be able te faniily ini Coilingwood. ginning with ve%ç 57 te tie ini hold. 95L.5. should be of gi-eat interest te ail get through ail the books thatý Mr. andAIrs. Norman McNaily with chapter cieven sud MÊs. Rob>- Boyr, wihtGrat toiesofCaniadians and it is an excellent have inet moved, but 1 wouid beof Coiborne vstdrltvsi inson rcad Matthewv 28: 1410 te fie Boer DigtGeaý toie o hook for ail teena gers as weil as very pleased if >at anly tirete Oenyuingite elaiesi in with chapter twcive. Study per- th Get aks 90..aduIts. "Sptiight, on Singapore"' members Of the Librairy decide 'to Renovations of the fermer Or- iod was closed with prayer. Roberts-Russell, Spotlight On is a very truc and accurate ac- take a beok out that bias not ono Public Library site on the Severai Easterhynins werc then Sipgapore. 940.54 World War 2. outnt of the conditions suffered 1meved, would give me their ôpin- west side of the Main Street of sung alter which the business peir- MInnes, G., The Road to Gund- by prisoners of war held by the lion of such a book. This way it Orono is now well underway and iod was conducted by AIrs. 1Shler- would greatIy assist us, in the sel- twill shortly be completed. The old wifl. _____________________________ -------___ ecting of boeks we buy, and tfront, bas been remioved from the Our group is responsible fer therefore it wîll mean that we building and will be replaced with puthing flowe rs in the church for - . will eventualiy have a! Library a .red brick front~. Annds Beauty the month of April. that wili suit the majority of mem- Salon is cxpected to locate in the' U.C.W. members are invited, te' bers, and books wiii be moving newly renovated store by the lst attend Newcastlé U.C.W. on Wed- and not just sitting on. the shelves. Of May. r:esday, April« lSth at,2:-30 o'cioek ______________________to hear AIrs. Gilchrist.. Aiso itwas If at any time a member of the announccd that we wcre, invitéd Somne of Our Libraryi has read a particuiai-ly o ai~~ one u htto hear Rev. Ramjétt at 2:30 on god book and after carcful Mr. Bnigpitdotta Good Fiday a etovleU nited: thought, thinks that it would be i North America we prod(e Church. abook that wouid bie wclcoined 25.00, carlories per acre per'day1IPiansý were, made for the Ce-op, very best friends on~ the Library shelvcs, do by ail whilleini Japan they produCe, banquet tobe held on April l5t., giving, if possible, the Auithor,1 Japan achieves this end by short- one visitoýr present. ar a istTitie ;and Publishers, laise the ening the food chain by using The ladies whe were in charge- price ife know iThis will be mostly -cere-als, However>, te hi ont Ar.WhtMs placed on our i-lst of boksfr speaker pointed eut that pùefople iu Morgý,an, rlrs, Logan and Mis. De Babies rate toýps i*h ns! Promptl.y, we conpound their future buyitig, but p1ease bear ini North Amnerica wei-e better fed Jong,,e served fr doctors prescriptions. Faithfuliy we cater te, thefr health mind that surh a book mu"st be than those in Japan even though -e eylvl uc and comnfort nee-ds. read by the majority and ne)t just Japan bas a more efficient âg- Mothers, please take note. one or two i riculture. In North America cul- UNITED CHURCH, E. M-Mercer, Librarian tivated acres pei- empita aino(unvt te 3.6 acres whijle in ,Ja-pan the (froa Pastoral fg re :ests at 0.17 soi-es, The speaker referred t0 receu± Charge j S it onsr~pieh advanes in irnedicine which lias STUTT'S Pharmonacy f epossible alarning inreasesi iitr I~~~ Cotn!e fo ae1 researchi bas se far euabled miai Rev. B, E. Lengý RNON.PHONE 083.500f eesfmpoe the productive te barely stay ahead of the sipee- SUIN DAY, IWARCH' l9th, 196 7 J__________________________________________ capacity of his soil sud rgltst of stai-vation. This ciiticai bal- Ooo B- ~~baianed nature cari allow," lie suce between, two undouibted as- Snda ho t 00 said. Iu improving the agricultur- sets of rmoýdemn life, highlights thel Morning'Service at 11:1ý5 Sa carrying capacity of the eaxrth)- quandry of Oui times. Kirby- oman lias inproved the strain of bis MIr. Buntluig thent showcd a Morning Servicîe at 9.45 O cows, etc., cau actually be harvest- film i-elating te his. speech, al*ng Sunday Sehoel at 11:00 gP N IN C &jI'r~V ~ J S<')II>N 'd as' meat." "This is vital" he with a second filmn on foi-est fire Leskard- 0 1 0 ýsaid, i countries On the Verge fighting.I Sunday School at 9:45 g FOR g ArS> 1FLOWERS, CRAFTS g AND SPECIALTIES gFLAGS AND ACCESSORIES IL New Sp ringM Fashions - g Includiug Canadian, Ontario sud Centennlial lu arins ize. vailable Fridays sud Saturdyn .-An exclting array of snappy Spi-ing Dresses - newest styles, ave wt colour. One sud two-piece styles iucluding the new tent AN WD SH P Eg dresses. The are include cee linen, lcykuit, textrallzed g .DnPogPiced front........... ...... $9.50 to $32.50 OMAIN STREET, ORONO fi gc:>ý-mc>c=o=> co=>co=co=c:oc:>co5

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