ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, MARCU l16th, 1967 _________ W. RANýK gLIMITED INURNC'g21 KING ST. WS SEE o Toronta 923-9174 GPort Hope Office- FRED LYCET 98Walton S.-885-45348 o FREýE APPRAISALS OFFICE - M1AIN ST, OR1ONO GExlsvAgnfo ïPhone 983-5032 les. 983-514Z J. OCHONSKI o CONSTRUÇTION g 3-Bedroorn Bungalows M D 0 Priced- frorn $15,375.00 JACK Î"I01 en lots 75x200 Orono's Licensed Auc tion eer and Valuatuî Specialize in Farmé and Furniture Sales Consuit me for ternis and dates PHONE OOO983-5914 PUMPING 0OUT SEPTIC TANK~S WHITE WASHING STABLES Bert Tounpklns' Phone 786-2552 Try your aà Inthis G o G uo g g G o g g g g n Orono Aiea Representative gROY FOSTER Kendal - Phone 983-5801g gA large selection of Farms,G 0 Homes, Lots, Retreat Pro. Orville ChattertonI Electrical Contracting jElectric Ileating I and Service I PHoNE, 983.5546 or 983-5940 Ororiii. Ontario Orono Electric, PHONE 983-5108 CONTRACTORS FOR FARM and IIOIJSE WIRING Free Estimates APPLANCE SALES Prompt and Guaranteed R epairs, Eiquipment and Appliances Sucli as Metors - Water HeaterS to ail kinds of Electrical T.V, Radios - Stoves Irons JACK A. FERREN Haritons ORONO BOOKKEEPING SERVICE Incicre Tax Returus Prepared Teliephwon no F4amyily M moriais Our quallity ald service leaves ot'itohedeid Atsk h esonlhi bubtfo kis, a nihoufiedo elativeI The RLJTTER GRANITL cCOMPANTY POT OPE Moesand ?Cytc l McACULLOH BOAjITS Fi 'ns' packag First NI gSadie Phon ~jczocz~ocZD< Box 133 uraiiceG servîce re Policies lity Bondý ,lakbillty Lif e cet gage Loans Hamilton, FOR SALE SMALL ENGINE REPARS 1959 Meteor Montcalm, , auto- Repjairs to ail lawnmowers, matie and radio.,III very good ( chain saws, tillers, etc. Also tune- t condition, almost new tires and t.p and blaides sharpened. Plan now for your ------- - exhaust system. uFree pickup and deiivery. Gord, Simpon, Orono. Phoiýne 623-7348. d 12-c - SRN AITN n ________ I REPAIRS (Beautify for FOR liENT REGISTRATION NOTICE Cnena er iOrono Pupic School,, Tuesday, ~Cnena er Apartmentt for rent. Apply cor-. pi t,16.Rgsrto o ae o Minan Pines Sa. Septemnber 1967 All pupils who j Cati GORD, SIMPSON will be six years of 'age before j WANTED ecemiber 3l-st, 1967. Any o1d Schooi texts, siates, ink Timies: -9 - 10 a.m., ail those withPhe98-0,Ooo weils, reports, papers, eariy cos-j last nlamies beginning A to Hl. turnes, or anYthing pertaining, to 110 - 11:00, 1 to P and il - 12 Q - Z an early ciassrooen. Contact Mrs. he ntroDptm tofE- Carol Bailey, Orono, Mrs. Mar- cTieOnarir e pat alaentresu garet Campbell, Kendai, Mrs, ato rqu. esthtai aeenris NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND Jeanne Stapies, Orono, be verifiedý by a birth certificate. _____________________We wouid therefore request that OTHERS NOTICE j ail interested parents hring a I H SAE0 ILA NOTICE ~~birth certif ciate and immuniza- I H SAEO ILA Have takeii over Fuller Brush tion records to school at the a-i ARTHIUR ALLEN from Mrs. M. Sacîders-. Contact bove tiines. b-e! iCreditors. of William Arthur Mrs. June Kramier at 98,3-,5807.11' 11 Allen, late of Orono, in the Uni- NEED EXTRA MO NEY? ted Counties of Narthumberlanrd NOTICEi Start selling Avon Products lu and Durham, Ontario, who dic&" Would peopile refrain from tak- your own community. Open terri- on or about, the l7th day of Sep - îug horses Ïnto thje infield at the1 tories now availeble in Port Hope tember, 1963, are -hereby notifie,-, Orono Fair Groundis. Deep holes Cavan, Manvers and Darlington pursuant to the Trustees Act tô left by the horsze, are daniaging, Townships. Don't delay. Cail or send to the undersigned proof of and costîy to repair. write to Mrs. J. 1H11l, 140 Nonquon. tijeir deaim on or before the 3rd Diecos f h DrhmCeIl Roa d, Oshawa, Ont., 7t25-969(,6, for day .of April, 1967, after which, Diecor o te-Duha Cn- aesn ai interview. No expjer- date the assets of th~e Estate will traly a person trlAgriculturai Socit aclence required. We train, you. be distributed having regard only -7 0d-11-c to the dlaims of which the under- NOTICE ___ ______ signed wiil then have notice. Rawvleigh ProduetDeer IuseiInrStdfeAdn- Phone983-570 tf isrator, by his solicitors, Rosen- feid', Schwartz & Brown, IlAd- aide Street West. Toronto 1 n ~ tarie. E AUTCQ Ic Fîm^.- Z ' 9U a. 9%0d % « . --- rýCARMAN: PLUMBING AND HEAMIG Phone 983-5207 Orono BoDrnes & Byam I PLUMB1NG and HEATING - Sales and Service 124 HIOUR BUTRNER SERVICE B-A FINANCING j -LwInteretRae - P h o tn s : Iýt T iie263-2650 mtpi ton 263-2288 Buildi'ng a flouse? or reinodeïlllng yçurprsn ele, tihen cotat Floyd Niwho1soù Phone 668-35521 318 Durndas St- E . Whitby, Ont. M.anufacturera of Cemetery -Memnorials Dealers lu Domes4t & Foreign~ Graites and Marbîca,, - Inscriptiong Cnt sud Cemetery Repair Work LYCETT G bîin-iîg8, Heatirngg PART-TIME RADIO TV REPAIES -HI-FI - Stereo -Reý,ord Players - Mtonnas - Towerà - -PA Systemn for rent AUl parts and labour guarant.ed' HABIIY WIESMA PHJONE 983-5512OON Orono, Phone 9350 PAINTING and CARPENTERWOK REMODELING I Interior and Exterior even if:ý -you've ben too bjusy t OPR saving moniey. -you neyer halve to bo)rrow Yon Can't Afford to Pass Up Membersi n the CREDIT' UNION Treas,!.-Man-,. Angus Loucks r1,Orono CARD 0F, THANKS We wisli to extend our heartfelt thanks and appreciation for the floral offerings received from reý- acts of sympathy and begutiffl atives and friends- during our ibe-~ cent bereavement. Special thanks to Rev. R. C. White, Dr. Gil and- staff of Oshawa Genieral HospitaL The Wînn Family. a-pe CARD 0F THANK,4 T would like to thank ail my friends and neighbeuirs for carda and flowers durixig my stay in -memlorial Hospital, Bowiuanville. Special thanks to 1...F, Lodge of Orono and Dr. MceKenzie for his specý,Ial enre. a-p Mr. Perey Morgan,, Somerville Drive. JACK REALTOR 99 King St., E. BOWMWAN VILLE 1When Buyiing o>r Selling eaul WILF HAWKE YOUR ORONO AREA REPRESENTATIVE 983-5274 Members of Oshawa and Dis- jtriet Real1 Estate Board FRED RDEST AND SONS PITING à& DECORATING PI'CONTRACTORS ilso General Repaira 25 Vears Experience Spe cializing in apr Hanging Vinyls and Faieïiis etc: Telephone 72r3, ethny Apply: PRolph iHa.-rdware O rono 98S3-5207' Three Generations iii the "Iluirivv#41 moi ý -J-J m m E