ORONO WEEKLY TWMES, TUURSDAY, MARCH 23rd, 1967 ORONO WEEKLY TIMES ,ÂuthoirLzed as Second Class mail, Post Office Department, Ott&"a) Published every ibursday ait tât office cd- publicatie Main Street, Phone 109, urono, Ontario Fl>tablshed in 193 by R. A Forrester Roy C. Forrester - Edtor and Manager Getting Off The Ground It was beginning to appear that Centennial year was going ta pass in titis municipality almost without too much concerni or activity. The picture begins to change and same enthusiasm breaks; forth in one or two sectors. Further to this one suggeston that hasi been voiced should be given seriaus consideration. Drring the past week the Orono Park Board has ;core forth with a project that is now well in the planning stage. The event is ta be a beef Bar-BQ held in the park. We understand that the beef is being donated and that fixnancing for a professional chef for the occasion i5, also available. This is the beginning- and the interest in the project could certainly snowball. In addition the Orono Amateur Athletic Association tnocw plans an Amateur contest along with a parade of an-, tique fire engines and a dance. This ;event, we understand, is ta be held in the same week asi the Park Board's BarB-Q. It has been suggested, and we believe there is a lot of merit in the suggestion. that a week' activities be planned fram a Wednesday to a Sunday, ail in the samne week- In other word, "an old home week". This4 ýwll take somýIne ca-rdination but'such a plan would have more !im- pjact than events scattered throughout the year. Pei-sons wvishing to revisit Orano and area would be more inclined ta dû o svhen the community is a beehive of activity. Lo(cal cîizens often recail the Centennial celebratian held iizi Orano in thet 1930s when activities were in high gear fo>r three or four days. This proposai, is ta be advanced ta the Towniship Centennial Committee at their next meeting. The Centennial week could certainly include the Bar B-Q, the amateur concert, parade and dance, alonig with the planed art show, band concert, harness racing, a swim shew, opening of the new park area and,- nature trail and coftluided with an open air.church service at the park, which we alsoý understand is being planned. Ideas are un- limitedi providing the initiative ùq prese.nt. As we have saidibefore the impact.of the Centennial velebration would be much greater placedi withln one week this summer rathier than spread ouýt aver the year -Any comments . . . send us a letter. However'don't watfor the year is slipping by lime T%-% Be Concerned Taxes are bouind i inerease at ail levels of govern- mnent thraugh increased services and the inadividual cost of such services. This the taxpayer has ta accept. What he ,should i not except however is increased taxes due ta mnef- ficiency, The Federal Government of Canada was toldi in 1963 by the Glassco report that inefficiency did exist ini the *gov-_ emnients administration and that untold Savings could bie made amounting ta $100,000,000 cauldi be saved in paper- work alone. Very littie has been doneto implement the re- comiendations of titis repart, In fact a recent article depiets the camplete opposite. Since 1964 the civil Service ha.g increased in numbers by 71,445. Why is t that aur gaverniment has flot employed the G1ascoý' report when it bas been stated that total saving6 could amouint thro>ugh it imrplementation ta $500,000,000. Further ta thi.9 a report shows that thie Crown Assets departmnent h'as last $99,000,000 thoah the regale of S irPlus defenceeqpaet Thlese are only two departments, what about the many o1jtherýj where inefficiency must reigu digging into the poor taxpjayers pocket. Lt s time -aur goverruments and members lookedi ta efficiency as a meanis Of waoing the supporters rather than gettigmoney flow, like water. There is no doubt that the prolemexitsat most levele of goverument, The raelations by the Law soiciety of Upper Canada this week make t clear why Ontario needs a legal aid eys- tem. Whether iniadvertently or not, the Law Society dis- clsdthat it thinks $18.75 ýýn hour would be fitting re- mjuration fo 'r a lawyer, on duty as coaunsel for the indi- gent aýt a mnagistrate's cut up ta a maximium of $7l a day. For tile preparatian of' murder, manslaughter or *criminal negilgence, trials Ln' the' Supreme Court, the sug- geted rate is $26,25 an hour. A day at the trial will cost $187.501 andi $93.75 a day for the preliminai:y hearing. Legal idc is obviously a requiremient in contemporary saciety; very feew even among the comparatively affuietit middle class could afford very much advice at theqe rates in a pro- àonged haig Lndceed, thefrates suggest that legal aid doee not go far enough as; a pragram andcithlat soiety should begin thinking about insurance ta ýcaver leg-al fees just as t doe Gret your new CAR MAN' S Plumbing & Heating ORONO, ONTARIO Phon.e 983-5207 At ROLPU HARDWARE Authorized Consumer Gas Dealer SPECIALIST IN GAS WARM AIR & RIOT WATER IE ATING CALL NOW FOR FAST SERVICE Hardwood Pauelling (1200' Sheets to choose from) BLRCH ELM and, MAPLE 4x7 & 4x8 Pre-Finished BIRCHI and Mef OOANT Bi-Foi 7No. 1 Comple Hardw 200> Pairs floor Tule C1earai VTNYL-ASBESTOS, Ffrst Grade End of rtm Latex Pit No, 1, Regular Stock i Oro no Fi ORONO, ONTARIO 7c. ,-ýý ý :al $4. 40 Gallons to go uelU $4,895 a sheet Caia à%$ Tadul /~ k