Record Trhree Generations In Gun Interest 'The above picture shows three generations having interest in gunsý. (L - R) the late Mr. A. 3. Knox writh photo taken in 1910, lus son Charles Knox with bis daughter, Mrs. K. Keast, Jr. The Department of Lands Forests bas acquired in the1 tbree years a total of 24-1 aze of land in Somnerviile Tc>w-nsbip for use as wildife sanctuaxy, Vie- toria MPP Glen Hodgson s tidtbàs andj Week. Trace' History Of, Orono Fish &Hunt. According to the informiation my wife has collected during9 the ~past two years (to be used in a bhistory Of orono) it wouid appe-ar that thiere, were three separate clulb.s operating prior to 1900, the, ORONO F181 CLUB, theORN HIUNT CLUB and the ORONOý GUN CLUB. The-Fis'h Club averaged about 15 mnembers annually. Thtey leas- ed lardni, from several farmers a> long the creek west of Orono, ealled the Orono Fisýh Club pre-i serve, and saw thiat fry or troutý eggs twere deposited lanfthe streams. Trespassers were Vno t welcomed and we find in the Club minutes a motion to prosecute -ertain parties for trespasgsiug, ad fishing. The club came to an ý end in 1931 Mwben mlem-bershlip) dïropped ta Seven, Groups of fromn five ta i mer wlio enjoyed annual dleer huntsý and rabbit hunts in the aIwiversi Swamnps, were always mentioned, ae the Orono Hlunt Club, although0 we do not believe they w-ere or- ganized aý such. Cal Myles shot ai twenty_.fivc pouind lynx on theý former Chatterton farm lun,'Feb- xuary,196 The Gun Club praetised trapi Shootiug at the Fair gIrounds, and the kendal Guni Club back in 11 visited witlu the Orono grouP. A active member was the late Mqr. Andrew Knox who was also a member of the Toronto Revolveýr Club. In 1916 hie went to Toronto Club. in 1916 he went to Toronto to shoot a pistio match with the then, Pistai Chamipion of Canada, A. Rutherford. Mr. Kncx, More than once, bad the highest aVer- age score ia the Intercity Revol- ver Clubs, Toronto-Montreal. Rie was also an authority on gunsfI ail kinds and had a collection of tif les, shotguns, pistalis, some rnodern and serviceable, othens fromn early seùtter days. Ris grand daugliter, Jane Knox Keast, is an active mnember Of the Pr4senIt Fish and Hunt Club. It is also interestillg ta note, here that an Orono bora boy, Win. A. Hockin, a memiber of the TOC- onô evolver Club, eompeted With' Mr. Kox. la 1913 Mr. HlOckin was hon.ored by Orono citizens with a reception on Fair Day. HIe ha~d captured the King's Prize a.t Biîsley, England, defeating the best shots ia the Emnpire. Each year a teamn of.20 mnembers, is sent' to take part ln the National Rifle Associations Emnpire Meet ati Bis- iey. Sincc 1913 MIr. Hlockia was riamember of the Bisley team eight imep, imiil ipgnumerous PrizfSý and trophies, including the Prince Of Wales Prize hI 1927. On ,£pril 19, 19413, the presea.t FIS11 AND HUNT CLUB was or-: ganized withi great enthusiasmn be- ingI shown thiroughIiout the meet- ing. This enftliLsiasin cüontinuý-edî throughout the 1940', wth the club organizing rabbitl huns, f ish' trips and social evenings. lu 19417 th-- club sponsored a bird houseî competition wïlh forty entriqeS. Membership at tIis tirni had reached a peak with about eight-Y menubers. The lub fiaally peter- (Continued page 6) Sunshine Fresh Fruit & VegetabIe-s CRISP ISTALRS For 1 LAsRGE 2 Ainjou PEARS 4'fô6v'9C Tender Newv - Large Tleads CABBAGE 2 for 43c ]Rasebuýld RADISHES 2 for 19c CUT FLOWERS and POTTED PLANTS availabie at most miarkets. Stokely's Hfoney Pod FANCY PEAS 54! f or 99< BES BU! -Mix or Match - Special 'K' 61% -oz. - Corn Flakes 12-oz. Rie Krisnies lO-oz. ELO&'S 3 pg~991 BESTýr mU -y- Save 14e! 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