ORONO WEEKLY THYfïS, TUSDAY, MARCH 30th, 19V7 ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, (uha-rized as Secondj Class mail, Pogt Office Depammsent, otflmwa) PubtLiàhed every Thursdiay at th£- office O publicatiur M4ain Street, Phone 3309, urono, Onrario E"ý.blished in 19I38 hy R. A. Forrester Bo'.y C. Forrester -- Edflor and Manager The Stage Is Set The stage was set onTuesday evening for the co-ordin- ordindjation of Centennial activities in Orono within a six Jday period. The Clnarke Township Centennial Conmittee, uiponr a request, set the period from JuIy 4th ta J-uiy 9th asý Centenniial wee-k for Orono_ AireadJy a njumber of activities have been planned for Ibis week, but more are needed to fi out a program for the- six daysý. It appears that July 6th, 7th and 8thare stl open date,,; and any organization whicli could have a, praýjeet or formn of entertainment promoted on these dates maýýY doý so or muay augment present promotions. Tt is the intention to make tbis w-eek one of many ac- tîiisand one to be re*mernbered for years to come. It wiIl tbkie a great deal of effort on the part of ihast organ- If yu orgaýnization or if you as an individual have ide-ss î or romoions you are, asked ta cotact either Miss iltteli Messr.ir ingMathier, .11. Partner or 'H. M. The, bail ils now rollim, . . . let everyonie give it a * furher ufr 1the wuek of July 1ti is not ton f ar away. The 'Waring Is Ouf Suibdivision -coxtrolj of aI)lIand in the townships of Cazrtw,ýrîgt and Mý_anvers lias been ordered by Min ister of * MnicpalAffairs, J. W. Spooner, Subdivision contrai pro- hibits thie sale of land in lots les than 10 acres in .size unless a registered plan ýof subdivision is, approved by th& ministor. Whilo mnany municipalities including Clarke have zsubdivisioin control by-laws pagsed by municipal cauncils, Ibi s thle first time the minister han sed bspower under the Planning Act to apply subdivision contrai by minister- :Ld order. The ,min1ster lis said soeveraI Urnes that unios mrunicipalîties legisiate for planning themselves the matter wudbe taken aver by the proviticial governinent. It is now speeulated in sanie quarters that comtpulsory plnigand sbdvso will be applied as far north as T'bis maove by the minister shouijld serve warning ta the mncplte that tliey either look after planning or i iliJ1 be done by the minister, In Clark e many of the me- cliani'cs for planniïng have been set up such as a bylaw for subiviioncontrai, their Planning Board and Comrittee ofAdsmet However there are loss ends, since Couneil bas ney--er dJevised a p)olicy for planning and aiso lias heid on the b-ooks the cuompletion of the Land Use By-law. Clarke lias beenl hesitant, in reaily stePpping into planning or to, aissociate ftneinsel ves on a regianal basis witli municipal- ,e to the West, iis toi be lirped that the binisters action in the cssof Crwiltand Man1vers wl stir lup action for mor copreieniveplanning iný- Clarke Townsbip. Home-Ownership Made Easy? One tb i he ntaria goverument proposai for "bouase ownership made easy" dees is e'nplasize the serions- nons of the hausing crisis. Classing the program.û as an advontuire beyond reality, this is the assessrnment of the pro- el-am by one Ontario, write. It is difficuit to fit the provincial leased-lot plan for ew-, bousing to bo built witihin a $15,000 maxirnum hardly fit-, mt the "made easy" category. The down paynient of $1,250 is higli and the life period of the mortgage is still 25 yar.Su despite the leasing of the land, the original cost and the manthiy carrying charges remain out of reach of the average mnan. The gaverament, in fact, blandl1y ac- knowledges that nly those farilies within a minimum an- nual income of $8,4441 çuglt ta consider these housing econ- 0my Packages. A lîttie HOME broiet explains the sad f arts (,f life tbis way: Over 25 years,, the moxnthly payment an the $15,000 housje ( a home rougbly equivalent ta one selling today foir $22,500 when the price of the lot is included) on a leased lot will be $190. This covers repaymrenit of prin,ý cipal and interest, miunic-ipal taxes and rest for the land. The pr-incipal and interest cornes ta $101, taxes are set at $40 and the ground rent at $49. Tbat's $2,280 a year for the next 25 years, providînig, of course, that taxes do not go up during that trne, sometàing upan which anyone would besitate ta, place a wager. Asý The Guelphb Mercury points out it would be dit- ficut ta set out a pat solution ta the liou.-ing, problem. Provision of aýddioal mortgage rnaeney at reasonabie rates would belp. Lower daown paYmient and a stretching amort- *tization period,ý beyand thie 25 years ta keep rnonthly pay- ments at a more reasanable lovel would lielp. But froni what is known of teeayhomne ownersbip plan ta date it is 1 ýdm B.- 1 ORONQ Authorized Consumer Gas Dealer j SPECIALIST IN GAS WARM' AIR.10RT WATER HEATING CALL NOWI FOR FAST SERVICE Hardwood Panellilng (120() Sheets ta choose from) BIRCR ELM and MvIAPLE 4x7 & 4x8 Pre-Firiislhed i a shoot rF"loor Tlle Clearance VI-NylASBESTOS First Grade' End of run Latex Paint No. 1, Regular Stock 7ceup gair 49 40 Gallons to go Orono Fuel & Lunîber, ORONO, ONTARIO PHONE 983-9167 BIRCY aJmiaoHGMi" Bi-Fold Doors Hlardware$ 20Pairs lu Stock Sale Of Tools We have taken on a new Une Of SKIf TOOLS Ail others in stock must go! at Cost or" Less yu1irtrt-71aN MAXL YCETT Plumbiig & Ifeating !Mill PHONE 9,8e-5407.