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Orono Weekly Times, 6 Apr 1967, p. 1

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Celeb-rate Twentieth AnnivYersary Th-reular meeting of H-eath- -er- Rebekah Lodge No. 334 was hedTuesday, March 28th., with Sister jeaun Wood, Noble Grand iloffcers were present, Sis'- ni'Jea Leis.Vice Granzd, gave a eolof her activity as Con- veorf the Visitiag. Commiyittee. SitrAllent read a letter fromný theý o4ffce of the Diistrict Dep- ut-y President. Sister Betty Major, ~diigof the Ditrict Meeting t,> be held in Orono, Tuesday Ap- ru111h., at 3 p.mi. with supper being seved at 5.30 p.m., This being the 201hAnvr- aiy of the Institution Of IHeather Logmany notable gujests were rentand were presenlted to the Noble Grand and wvere warm- ly welcOmied. Toeintrodueed were: Sîster Anai Coakwell, First Vice Presi- T'Iue Clarke Township Sehbool ead on Mýonday, Api'. 3rd gi;n- et their budget for the ïarwhich notecs an increase in tatio 1 te taxpayers la the Towaýîýshîp, this yeaýr. Il is conitemn- pltdthat lie ,increase in. lie bdetwil resuit in a public nci l ml rate increase of a he total'bde was set at 'c'16-02.00 of whiieih amlountý $1I42. willbe- raiscd jfrom lihe ol tapayers la lie Township cf lareThe inierease in the bugtis 10 carry additions iii lesalary sciedule along wilh the first paymenl. on the Ke.nda! addiýtion of two roomns and a gen- eýraiý puzrpose room. Thlýe total cost of tic Kena d iti be pald over a two yeaýr period with the Board setting a su of $66,000,00 to be pail this year. The remnaindler of the -otLa b be paid la 1968. The cost ofJ the Kendal addition is est- hrniated ai $100,000.00 plus an ndi- diinlsum of $5000.00 fora saeextension for lie general The udget has no provision for ýayment on debentures for lihe ýcw Kirby schbol. These pay- unnsdo not become due unlil iebudget, was prcsented 10 lthe Township Council at their meeting on Tuesday. dent, Department of Ontario, As- Sociation of ý Auxiliarys Ladies' Patriach Militant. Sister Irene Lye, District Deputy President of Oshawa No- 7 West. Sister Betty Mjor, District Depuity President District No. 8 Oshawa East. Bro- ther Glen Wanaamaker,, Grand Conductor of the Grand Lodgce of Ontario. Brother Harry Wade, Dis- trict Depuly Grand Master of Dist- rict Noý. 42. Sister Gladys Morgan, PasI District Deputy Presidýent. Sister Mvorgaýn is the Mï,other of Hea-ther Loýdge as she wa5 ITst- rict Deputy Plresidlent ini 19417 andý jn-inaledî the first officers of this lodge. Birthday GreetIin-gsý were ex- tended t o SisterMa Allen. Businecss being concluded the ,meeting was closed according to the rilual. A very pleasant hour was spent when Sister Jeart Wood, act;1ngý as MC announced the floii nunibezs which wepre very much enjoyed. 11. The, Unmenljinbles - Lloyd Gifford, David For eter, Jimmy Paîesang "Happy 'Birthday." 2. Mvrs. Tru-di Swallow led in a rotising sing-song with Mrs. Glad- ys-Bow at the piano. 3.A Skcit "Cat Pic" was acted out by 4 Grade 5 Students - Keith Powel, All-en Pears, John Gilbart. David Gilbavnk. ,4. Blake Van den Heuvel gave a very mutch e!njoy'ed recitalion. 71. A miusical number by Cathy Middletoni, and ayne Couvier. 6. The Umnmentioaables sang a. gain. 7. Duel byM. Gay _Quinton and Mrs. Mrgarèt Haacock. 8& Brother Bob Chater - Recil- alion u*ONU tEEKLY TIMES ORO)NO WEEKLY TIMES, ýT HUESDAV, APRIL 6th, 196~7 VOLUME 29, NUMBER 13 Township Public SLhool -i Form Hockey nw i~ ~ ir I!11Mother's'ýGroup Mnils Band Sho'ws AdvaOing 1qAbility Tic, Orono Junior Band , con- ducled by Mr. A. Darci, present- cd theur third Band Concert ast Sunday, aflernoon in the auditor- iumi of tie Clarke SHiiool. A good attendance was present for lhe concert wiich was augcinedc by a sî.ning« group and. a piano soloist. Tic band, numbcriag thiirty- seven MUSicianS, piaýyed tea sel- ections for lie con-cert. Tic type af musie was superior ta that of previous concerts and did sl.uow advancemneal ia tie piaying abil- ity of lie local musicians. Tenise- ness did, iowever, show in some of lic numbers reducing thc cap- abilities and full potential af tic band. This: will be overcome tirougi furîher, publice xp)osure and experience. Numbers suci as Andantino and Bine Nocturne waltz werc exceplionally well played by the band. Ail members had an ,excel- lent depti of sonnd aad tbac whici is prcsenled by a wchl-bal- anced compliment of instruments iacludiag Irumpets, French iorns, altos, bass, baritones, trombones, saxophones, clarinets nid finIe. Augmealing lie program was an Orono vocal trio of Jimn»y Partner, Lloyd Gifford with' gui- MIothers of Orono on Wedýnes- day veadn4st, formed a Hock- cy Mothers Association at a meet- ing held at the Orcono Arena. Up- on discussion of suchýll.-,n organiza- lion il, was tic opinion of~ the gopto formn the association, to givée assistance to hockey withifi the Villlge". The grïoup ei-cted the following siate of officers: Mrs. L. Taylr, President. Mrs. Co 'ox, vice-president Mrs. J. ,c4 sec-treasurer. Di'rectors - Mrs. Beverley West Mrs. Shirley Black, iVrs. Joanne 3lt , M&s. iuoeGroene-veld, Mns. Rhea Van Seggelen and Mrs. Florence Allen. tar and Da-vid Foi-rester. DouglIas Perrin also delighted the audience wçijth ls pianlo solos. Mr. W, A. Allia, chairman for tie aflernoon, stated thal il wns lie intention to again hiold a suin- mer class this July and August for anyone wishing to join lhe, band. Contact for registration. can, be made b MAr. Allia, Mr. Carman Cornisb, Mr. Roy For- rester or Mr. A. Darni, lead- er of the Junior Banid. Arrange-, mefiîs have already been mnade wili Mr- Darch 10 conduct',the classes. The Orono Junior Band is, te play at Assembly at the Clarke High Sehool on Wed-nesday, Ap- rul 121h aI 9: 00 o'clock. The band wl rsn a hall hour program aIIMis lime. An invita- lion has also been received by lie band bo play a concert at lhe Cobourg Band Sheli sometime this summer. VilageGeneral 1967 Miiil Rate To Inc-rea-se >.-ie Orono Police Trustees 'Injgeted Ibis year for, an in- ineselatic Police Village Mill rate af 4.7542. Tic 'Village bud- geIt for rond work wns decrensed Ibis year over 1966 while,,lie gen- .~a budget 'wns Increased ta aa _oit whereby lie Trustees are aile bo maie Iheir firsl payment ,-m ic $108,000 road program if il is undertaken tus year. The -prograrn bas yel b receive the approval of lie Ontario Municipal Board howevcr the Trusîcýes have madeý provision 'b make tie firsl paym4-,enl on lie project la 1967. Tic Trustees have requested leTownship of Clarke tb colleel -à.m of $12,600. on lie Police ilaerate ila 1967. This willre- qui>re a miii rate of 16.8271 corn- prend 10 1.193 ila-1966. Tic rate 'for rad woýrk this yar'will.b J,65 milîs compared ta 4.1349 he~fljwa auit have been included in lie genieral bud- gel: Municipal Building opera- l ion -- -------------- $1100. Fire Deparîmet ----- 300. Street' Lighting ------2400. Sidewalks -------------- 750. Trustees and Clerical-- 780. Garbage ------------ 3500. Tree Piantiag ------------ 500. Fee LOD A --------------- 65. Deficit 1966 1055. Miscellaneous ------ ----- 600. Legal and advertising --- 400. Engineering, Consultiag -- 1200. -Budget Surplus - --- ---- 850.- Total ------------------ $13,500. Ia lie rond deparîment tic Trustee-s have budgelcd for a to- tal sum of $6500.00. 0f tis a- mount $1900. îs ta bc spent on a catch bas'n and biack-top eurbs for Cobbledick street, a catch bas- in on Churcli Street and a culvert on MWl Street, A total cf $4600. is ta be speat on mhiatennnce la- cludiag dusl laying, winter con- trol,, patchiag, guard rails, sigas etc. Total revenue other than from taxation is expected ta amoual bo $6220.00 including a sum of $1020. received under a new agreement wilb lie Township for real of the Orono fire hall building. Revenue from lie Police Village miii rate and general. revenue is cxpected to amouait t $19,72000.-This a- mount does nol include, any water charges from frontage or connec- lions. Ia speaking with Mr. Woodyard il was pointed ouI Ihal under the budget a suma belween $7,000 and $8,000. would be available bo pay lie firsl payment on tic) proposed $108,ÙO0. road projeet. H1e aiso' slated t it il was : expected that lie rate wt3uýld drop by ejne mil due te an increase la the pro- vincial per capita rate this year. 9. Sister Gladys Brown sang a medly of Sophie Tucker songs. 10. The Unmentionables closed Ibis part of the programme by singing "Good Night Ladies." After this very much appredi- ated talent a delicious supper was served. The 201h Birlhday Cake was cut' by Sister Gladys Morgan and Sister Hattie Wil&cn who was the firslt Noble Grand of Heather Lodge. 11 Reading of brooks from the Clarke Public Library increased considerably during the month of Mardi , When 1488 books were taken ouI on loanj. This was an increase of three hundred over tie 1966 figure for March. The Il- brarian reported that a number of Township residenîs were now laking advantage of the library and ils reading, material. Mrs. E. Schmid who' is galier- ing history on lie Village of ,Oronio aiong wilh pictures, met with lie Board dïscussing, the problems connected with prepar- ing the material in anticipation of publishing a book. Other Ihan financing the pub- Ilshing of a book Mrs. Schnlid said tint she needed more assist ance in writin-g the malerial. At the present time four or five per- sons are writing certain sections but more help is needed. In this the Library Board are 10 lend lhefr support in seeking assist- ance.. Anyone, who would help is asked to contact either Mrs. Schmid or the librarian, Mrs. B. Mercer. Mrs. Schmid pointed out thal tie matcrial was in fact foirm for most of lhe sections and: necd- ed only to be written in a form suftable for' a book. il was aiso. poialed out that more- materianl is nlways needed and that if nnyone had suc i in- formation on the history oti Orono The honoured guests were cafl, ed upon for a few remarks. Therc werc a aumber of lucky numbe,>r prizes presented and ahl togethier a very, enjoyable, evening was spent. During the Good aad Welf are of ' he Meeting ail 20 yea.r merà- bers. wee presenled with a jew-- el for the Sisters and a pen for the Brothers, Tests At Mïilbrook' On Salurday aflernoon a nain- ber -fe skaters from lie Orone Figure Skating Club took part la. figure skating lests held a!lie Mllbrook Mrena. Tests were heMFfi for bath: 'figures and ýdance stA4Ie The following were successful in tie tests: Duteh iWaltz - Cheryl COrnasi and Suai,?na Wesl. Swing Dance - Bonnie Bro FiestaTag - Barbara CGusta'r Wiilow Wnllz -,Linda Barraba,?, Craig Tcnnat. Fourtfeen Step -Bcverly Ten- Keats Foxý Trot- Liada Barra- bal Firsl Figures- Linda'Barrabal B everly Tennanl and Craig Tea- nanal. or pictures of fIntercst, liaIthe contact Mrs. E. Schmid. Tic' Uonrd sbowed inleresïl la lie project and il w.ýa,ýSttled h this interest should be shown lav any publicaion oýn hislrory Ï I lie Municipalily. Orono -Midgets'Advanced To Tournament Finals On Saturday of last week the Oronio Midget Hockey lub play- ed to the final game in, a Midget hockey $touraament held la Miii- brook. The Orono club played tire games 4n the' tournament finally being defeated by 'the Lakefield enlry in the champion- ship game. Ia the opening game Orono came from beiind la the third period b defeat Millbrook 3-2. Orono did flot score until tie 3rd period when lhey netted their total of three goals. The Orono goals were scored by Eric Duval with assist, t Billy Robinson, Steven 1West, unassisted and Doug Taylor assisted- by Steven West. lalhe- second game of tic lournameat for Orono the local clubdcfeated Newcastle by a sub- stantial margin of 8-1. Newcastle opened lie scoring with their lone goal. Peter Wcstheuser lied the scorefor Orono witi assist to Steven West la the first period. Ia lie second period Doug Tay- lor scored wilh assist 10 -David Forrester, Johanie Robinson as- sisted by D. Taylor and Stevea West and Bihl Robinson assisîcd by Gary Black. Steven West scored an unassisl- ed goal. Ia lie Ihird period Orono scor- ed on Ihrce furîher occasions with, Eric Duvail nelting lie puck witi assist ta Steven West. John Rob- inson lien scored on lwo, occas- ions 10 compiete tic Orono scor- ing for the game. Orono..Ihen faced Lakefield la the championship game and were defeated by the Lakefield club 3-1. The loac Orono goal was scored by Erie Duvail wilh assist to Barry Hazelden. 10 Apply For 1Hydro Manager Last Thursday evening the Or- 0110 Hydro Comniissioners opened ten applications! for the position of manager of the Orono Hydro sy- stem. No decision was madeon the applications. Also at this meeting the aud- ited report for the year 1966 was received. The net surplus for the year amounted to a little over $2000.100 after depreciation. In commenting- on the report Mr'. Dent, manager, of the Hydra, stated that working capital was nil. The stetement, hie said, show- ed a depletion of working funds in the amount of $11,200.00. He saic ihe had last year forecast the need of debentures to secune working capital and that il now appeared that this forecast was quite correct. Money, hie said, iq just not avallable for capital work. The Commission decided to give this matter further consider- ation. The chairman of Hydro was given autho rity to'have prepared the necessary by-law to govern industrial and commercial hydro installations in regards ta depos- its for service. Itwas- also poînted out, that regulat ions should also be included ini the by-law ta praý. tedt the Hydro against costS whicls would arise with the development of residential sub-divisionis. M-r. Nicholson was tohave Mr. K, Lyý cett prepare the draft by-lawï. 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