ORONO WEEKLY TIMÉS, THURSDAY, 'APRIL GUi, 1967 New Hunting Regulations Passed For Ontario On March 1, 1967, new Ontario,'petence, issued by a hunter safety ity in the safe handling of fire. hunting licence mnust make appliî1 FARM UNION NEWS Hunting regulationg were passed.j training instructor, after success- arms, to any issuer of hunting H.~ catio for renewal through an On Mardi iSth a new Local was NÔw. you may obtain your first fully completing a course of id~ cences. There is4 a $3.00 fee for Ontario Department of Lands & set up in Hope Township. The hunting licence, o reniew your ex struction in hunter safety, to any thus examination. Fore9ts Office. meeting was held at the house of pired license by one (f the follow- .sudo utn iecs Any persaon who îs 15 yeprs Of Attached is the H-unting Licý Jim Robinson where 20 attended. ingme1ios~issedof uningliencs; age may purchase, a hunting Iiý ence Examination Centre Sched. New members were signed Up i.Poduce your old hunting -i- 3. By producing a certificate is& cence provided written consent of ule for the Lindsay District, 1967. 'Officers were elected as fol- ceince, renewal portion completed, sued by a Departmnt f Lands & parents Or guardian. is produced lw.Peiet r an î toe.any issuer ef hunting licences: Forests examiner, after successý- alopg1 with either a carýd Of COm~M ay1,Ooo-,:0pm W rsdnM.Cu;Vc fully passinig an examination on1petence or a certifkcate fonan [.O..F. Hall President -Mr. Munroe; Ser.-Treas., Mr. Walker. DirectoTs, Mesare.& 2. Prior te the 31lst of Decem. knowledge of huniter safety, game examiner. Speber 11, Orono -,7:00 p.m. Robinson, Morton, Korai, qRctll- bér, 1967 pr'odueýýe,,,ca t1 c onslaws, game identification and abil- 1 Any person who has lost bis 1IO.eolF, Hall, ven. a Ifyouhad--a serious 't, e A crîminal orcivil action, or specialized legal counsel might co st more than you ca n afford, Yet justice may depend on both.* 1 lnability to pay a lawycr is one of the last remaining obstacles to justice within the layw. This is no longer a prcblem in Ontario., On March 29, 1967, a new legal assistance act hbecamne effective in Ontario. It guarantees that peo resident of this province shall be denied his legal rights because of the lack of money., You choose your own lawyer., You make application to him or your area director. Then a decision is made as to what portion of the legal costs, if any, you can pay. The difference is made up frorn the legal assistance fund provided by the Governmcnt of Ontario. The plan is administered by The Law Society of Upper Canada. Neither the court nor thýe public knows you, have received legal assistaù,ce. It is a private affair between you and your f awyer. This is the most advanced solution in the world to the problem of legal assistance. And its purpose is to' render justice to every mal under the law. The Law Socîety of Upper Canada. Q C)IONTAUR N9 Te néiew Ontario Legal Assistance Plani-effeâctive Marchi 29,1967 LOCAL AREA DIRECTOR; Ilugh E. Flemming, Q.C. 14 Frank Street, Bowmanville PL roh- lem, YQ