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Orono Weekly Times, 6 Apr 1967, p. 8

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___ _________ ____ *_ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, APRII 'Te Hope of the Resurrection' 1- tianl cormunity and the zeal that' I rnotivated ift. That is. the hope that is in Christ and that is the New Hope. Tak-en frorna' sermion preachIed ',stone get rolled away? What bnp- by Rev. Basil Long. per:ed to H-i& body? How can ai Let uis thsnlk of oui- relationshipI Leson Lus 2: 112 ead man be made alive again?Ito Christ and HÀiý resurrection.l Srpture esn-Lk 4 -2AIl of these things can be a great. There is a hiope in the resurrec- The new hope of the resurrec- l'ar-ier to our faith and, our be- tion for1 us riglit here ard now, tin can best be understood when hf and many there be who miss it. considýeed against the background Let us be mature in our think- The hope la Christ is that of the oki hope of Israel and of jing. Let us lay aside teetig we can be, fransforrned from peo- fie d!isciplIes of Jesus. and look for the truth that was 'ple Who walk ln darkness to peo- an ie.ta e a' Who walk ln light; people who 1srrel's hope had been that one There taet we caing tnderpfant- are fearful f0 people Who haveai day, "one would corne in the erear tothngutt: oit great trust, faith and courage; rine of the Lord through whoseedot pec>ph, Who are frustrated in life ledhpleraeI wouild k-now a-, 1. It is ab)soluitely clear that b F eople Who are victorious. gajin the pomp, powevr and1 pre.s- Ithose who were there had an ex-I ti-ge of being thie ruling kingdom. 'perience that assuired them of al BeYoncl tis9, the Resurrection When' Jesus came and new aspir- continuingo . relationship) with! holds ot a hope'of a life beyond ations, were aroused, the old hope Christ. this life- Many live this, life in Was ýrevived in the hearte f 2 sarsl of te pr such a way that they do not want manxý But their hopes died as if .At esi fter expei- nthebuthyaeheppe beare ppret ha hs oming ence they had a new sease of Who have neyer known the Res- was one of peace rather than inuer power. They went out f0 urrection power of Christ or the. war. face life, and live through, accept joy or strergth it brings. In the Thoàn there was the hope ofw H , s d*scipleq that He would set up p a Kin ýdor and they would be in ti " position of power. 'When they c were called to be His disciples c they rejoiced that they could be di ia th'e presence of this righty Man of God who spoke as no th- s er man spoke. The longer fheylr( kncw Hlm the more they loved t Him. They hoped that some ofu thern would be His right and left I hand men but their hopes began a to dwindle hecause H1e told them t die. When they saw Himi coming triumph-ýlant into Jerusa!em, withi tie crowd shouting "Hosann.a" their hopes were raîsed again, but if was soon defeafed whea 11e was arrested and offered no resistance. He was9 given a mock trial and condemned. A Man, proclaimed innocent by the two great rulers of that day was led away fo the hili, nailed to, the Cross, put to death and placed ln a fomnb. Now their hope was that fhey çould do one last thing for their beloved Teacher and Comn- panion, so they went to âmbalm Bis body. This hope soon died because .His body ws not there and 1they dtid not kno-;w what ladff happene'd f0 it. One byüone their hopeswcvre dissipated. Then came the new hope thaf Jesus was not dead, H1e was alivel Jesus chose pence instend of wnr; lie allowed Himself to be aarested; He allowed peoble f0 moeck Hlm, to despise Him. We are one witli those people iu some ways. So often,,, we mock ait the things we do not iindlerstand; so often people poke fun at fhe de- voutly religions person beca uset they do not uinderstand the new~ power, strength and joy that can cerne into one's life because of the Risen Christ. In ignorance fhey mnocked Jesuis saying, "If y;ou are the Son of God, come downi fron ýthe cross," ittle realizing the lack, of wisdom 'in their words. If He xvas truly the Son of God D1e could] not corne down fromn the Cros-s. 11e had to remain lthiere, even fhough 11e lad the 1po-wer to be released from d ýeath, because Hie cam-e to show the great love of God and the extent to which God would go to redeem His cre- aftion1. So being the Son of God, Be could not corne down from the cross bt lad to kniow the agony of being 'separated frorn God in thiat moment that H1e cried out, -hMy God, rny Goci, why hast Thon forsaken mie!"' Now the promise la Hum is fulfilled - He is alive! Little byv little this dawned in the lives of the people who Ioved Hlm rinost and they began f0 un- dersf1and some of the things that 11Te haid tried to tell them. These people were not, strong, highly edlucated, nor sure of their next stepl. They were discouraged, dis- appointed. and frustrated. Tbeir realizition that 11e was alive turn- ed their weakness to strength,, the; i darkýness labo light and they s0 wtsEdF-r Christ that liter-1 allyth~vt dthe world upsidel We eauconsderthe resur-c-! flou as popleiwhohavA toyed wiith rlgo.We ceau hink of. Enster ar-alvl tirne andi the Christian rion a11"Is a good ý(1in-ý fluence on society. But we missij the great gift of God if we dni not keep on seeking until we find the Living Saviour, because whien w i d1o, then His Power is ours. 'Yau cari say, "But 1 cannot honestly, Ùýelleve. li angels. How did the' L 6th, 97__________________ Mane cannot live without hope. Rond WIm dening To Take away his hope and lie dies. Mlany of us live lives, that, are realydethlong before we are C s y r $10000 pliacedf in the grave, but the prom- , stH d. ise and hiope nf the crsurrection Sae is thiat we cani be raisedf to life Staes IIUUWge rigëht here ani now. lI we have not corne to this understandin'g Mr. E. Dent stated at the Orono of the Resurrection power of Hyciro meeting last Thursday, Christ and have not ýexperienced thant it woulld take most Of the it ln our 1f e, then we have the estimateil surplus of 1967 to pay ill begin to sec our place in the back the present loan. greatest experience, of our hf e 1eas one u hti h yef to corne. When it cornes we Hýas one u hti h great plan and purposýe Of God, street widening program was un- whih tansenis oi- itte pansdertaken that the cost to hydro here. It is whiat makeýs sense and wouid beat le ast $10,0100.00.1 reason out 0f rany of the things i amnst naroHdofi that we do not understand as we 1hPyro duri ntasto yearo fo go th-ugli the-e-ftw phy -ca the local hydro a sum of $32,000. yenrs now. Ift we are able to re- ceive the power in our lives of the Resurrected Christ, then we i can go out f0 live our years full- or experience the worstal 1t 1theresurrection 0f Jesuis Chriýst -we auScii world had, to thýrow at them. The see held out before us an inslight people. who saw tlmem hepterp1nadpu-tEaster reindc us ofi the Res- that men and women were, sýo pose of God far greater than weî urrection which r eveais that God changed that they could not dis- can undersfand la these few years jis extending hope-'to man. If ouglif courage them by putfing them fta of aîisociafion here on earth. so to be somethingç that lifts us into death la horrible ways., we see la Christ a hope of life. a. new joy, into the abundance of I This, as far as I amt concerned, beyond life.'I.t assures us that w.e life, iota an experience where we speaks of the central truth of flhe are nýot just incidentais: in thishaeatuprscivogon resurrection. We need not be physical life and, God's plan trans- veaf-eeretvog n turned aside by things we do not rends our experienýce here; we are understand or cannot -explain. 'part of the great plan of God,; H1jto experience truth after fruth, Elere is something for- us to sýec a a purpose for us. This is when to know, the life of Redemption, and to experience. Aparf from, man becomes man indýeed when t0 know the Life that sets us these~ facts one cannot account he discovers this and the pui-pose free. for the creation of the first Chris- of God leý being experienced in hisi 'Potal revenue for the Orono sys- em was $52,00.00. Plan now for your SPRING PAINTING andt I REPAIRS (Beautify for Cenitennial. Year) I Cali GORD' SIMPSON Phone '983-5808, Orono NE VER BEFORE A SALE LIKE THIS-SPECIALLY EQUIPPED, SPECIALLY PRICED CHEVROLETS! nere's a new kind o( car sale ..a betterklnd ... the Chevrolet kindl * During the Bonanza Sale, your Chevrolet dealer is offering ÉpgeciaI1y equi ppedspecçially priced Chevrolets at tremendous savings. >Every handsorne Impala V8 Sport Coupe or Bel Air V& 4-Door Sedan * or Biscayne V8 4-Door Sedan cornes to you with five popular î accessories and options. Best of ail, you're getting the car you want, a, equipped the way you want, in any color you want, at a special price you can afford. Hurryt Check the extra 10w prices on these three popular, specially equipped Uhevrolets with your dealer. HESTORY ON THE SPECIALLY EQIPPE, SE AL PIE Every sale car cornes with five handsomne enjoymenft. You'll notice that every option wlhitewall tires, fu dressy wheel covers, and accessory in the package is there to make Shade-Lite tinted windshield, pushbutton the car you choose more luxurious, more radio and a rear speaker for your travelling flnished. A big dollar plus at trade-in time. foi CEN mois ENJoTEENT, ?ECIFY THISE: Order power steering and power brakes and your ' rk1ýî-Chevrolet dealer includes them at special Bonanza Sale package savings. If you've neye r had powe r steer- ing and power brakes, here's your chance. BOINUS -'NUS -0N SM While the sale is on, you can order Chevrolet's big 327- cu. in. Turbo-Fire V8 engine together with Powerghide and yo an save yourself a bundle. The engine and Powerglide combination are apecially priced durirng AUTORIED EALR I B MANiL sle ROYZNICHLS.MOTOR .IMITE BOWMAndNVILLE get bigde5lsConICa 73-20 Be sure ýto see Bonanza n the CBC-TV network each Suday. Check your local listinig for channel arid time.

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