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Orono Weekly Times, 20 Apr 1967, p. 2

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, APlUL 2Otlx, 1967 deýnsity wlsere- provided for in an; ReportFo officiai pla'n. 4Hî Barley Club (b) Almtd amount of filling- in in exis-ting', deveiopment partie- The fîrst meeting of the Dur- Q e n' ak ularly inr hamlietg and smali settie- hain 4-H BarleY Club was held ments and where, the municipality Friday, April l14th in conjunctioli AlexCarrther, ...,urhami assumes, respons-4ibiity for devel- with the South Durham 4-H Cr SU.IIB~ CONTROL opmnent. Club at Ceresdale Fertilizer Plant (c) Where development basat -Newcastle. The meeting was T!hec fuel behind ail reasofling been approved by the planning opened by the pre5îident, Eliza- is> information. Ilaving informa- board. bethKellogg and the minutes of tion is the basic rcality by which~ The policy, it is claimed, is the organization meeting were we can predict events and control flexible and recognizes that cer- read. developments. tain special cercumstances may a- Our host, Jim Riçckard, outined rhie that wiil warrant a modifica- A anexample, the application some basic barley and corn plant- of sib-li\isin cntrl t a uni-atin i th aplictio ofthe of~~~~~ Ou-fiso otrlt muni- cy teaplcaoio ng practices and then turned the cipality demands a disclosure o oiy meeting over ta Mr. Daîrymple reaons for such7 action in order to Citizens. however, have the right who gave a lecture on soil testing, justify any loss of freedom that to know the implications of suceh its importance, and how the re- may result thie-c from. legisliation, particularly those con- quirements are arrived at. templating investing in land ini A 1tudIY Of municipalities ru where such legisiati on has been la enacted may assist in forming ai ree-pousibie opinion on the sub- ib ject.1 Two such municipalities are la Souü,i Pickering and Bramalea, ti both of whieh have been in the news reeentiy. South Pickering, originaily an unplanneci, commun- ity is reported as labouring -un, der an aimostintolerabie tax bur- den, while Bramalea, a planned community with a 60-40 ratio of residentiai - industrial assessnient has a relativeiy 10w tax ievy. Planning experts point to the character of our society, as one of the underiying reasons for sub- division control. In 1901, they tel us, Ontario's economy was pre- doninantiy, agriculture with 71% of thie population engaged in f arm- ing. To-day, less than 12% of the population are armers. The re-' mnainder are either urbani or rural' non farmn. Thlu, change in the character of the poýu1ation has resulted in the spread of rural non-f arm or urbaàn resddential development in rural, municipalities. The asse2ssment. on. this type of developmient, we areJ advised, does not provide suffici- ent tax revenue to pay for the &s1ervices demanded uniess t-he de- velopmient takes place in areas of densîty, close to established ser- vices. By allowing scý,,attere.d resident- il, non-farim developmnent, auth- oiisinformi us, the following situations develop. A study of oui own local mnunicipality should tell u-,: whether the informnation is true or not and if true, whether such developinent isgood or bad. (1) The loss in tax revenue re- sulting fromn urban sprawl in rur- al areas bas to be paid for by farmers and other rural taxpayers (2) rban developuient, spread- ing along highways and main ronds,' reduces the ýefficiency of the-4e arteries, and results in the establisýhment of reduced speed zones and creates traffic hazards. (3) The haphazard develop- nMent of ixed residential and o>ther uses frorn towns, mari the landscapc, devaluate adjacent properties,, and Iack adequate standarisý of services. - (4) Isolated urban houses, or clusters of hous-,es, located with- out order,, a coniderable distance frim urban centres where stand- ards of water, c.ewage and other services would bie available. (5) A municipality becoming a domiciliary aiea for an adjacent industrial community with the former unable to benefit from the Zindustrial a4sessment of the latter but often burdened with increased welfare eosts. (6) Demand on the part of ur- ban type dwellers for higher standards of facilities and seorvic- es includinig: electric power, year- round roads, good educatioinal fac- ilities, a satisfactory dlonestic wat- er supply free froin pollution, ef- fective disposai of, dorestie wastes incluiding garbage, reliable and in- dividual telephone service, prompt delivery service for mail, milk etc. good recreaqtionail facilities, coin- munity religious and cultural f ne- ilitiies, shopping and related ser- vices. The coet of these, it is argued, are affected bydistance and in a sprawling deveiopment, the in- creased cost is refiected in higlier taxes. Àdvocatesý, of sub-di Vsion con-] trol point ont that, although a minimlum of ten acres is reciuired under the plan, tc eare the"fol-' lowing exceptions. (a) Estat_ e de1eopinent at low iraI area-9. and those who have Foliowing a lunch of do-nuts and for sale. The, policy is; one and soft drinks, Sharon Larmer I iat places a significant respons-, thanked Mr. Rickard for the lunchý bility on municipal council5 and and for the use of the building! ,e decis-ion to ennet such legîs- and, the meeting was, adjourned, tiofl cails for careful considera- Neil Alun, Jon. Press Reporter.- -ir KSý BEST BUY! - Save Ile! - SMOOTR 18-0.z Jar KRAFT PEANUT BUTTER41 BEST BUY! - Save Ile! - CLEAR, VITAMINIZED 48-0z, Tins ALLEN'S APPLE JUICE 3 for $l BEST BUY! - Save 14e! - DRt. BALLARD'S 5MOz. 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