I GENERAL MEETING, FOR SALÉ 0~~sO l I e u y ~F A N FOR RENTeen A General M eeti1g Of U CW. Baby ,s Christening Drèss , bat . GR A N trance. m. in. the ma.in auditorium of Contact Mrs. Terry, Alli, be. ALES ATE Apply Mr. Forbes, corner o 111c-.jlt8wl T Ô Princess and, Main St. a-p chreo pormad have, Mrs. b eneESTA 00R. Mrton ,,toe speak on tesb 0 LIMITED G0 FOR RENT jeet, "On Churcli Mu&ic". A film HOUSE FOR SALE o Deluxe 3 bedroomn Apartment, -'The Man and His Music,,,-wll N N E 21 KING ST. WS Newcastle. Wile and broadloom alsobc shown. It i.s a profile on Orono Main Street Four bed- Biowmanville 623-3393 Ofioorý, electric lieat. Available Healy Willafl, the Dean. of Can- ro,2soybue aae 10 SEE Toronto 923-9174 ( June 15. S pacious gro unds and adian Organists, who mr hndw.Fl rc 1,0.7 GPort Hope Office- Parking. others has influenced Canadian mortgage. 9walton St. - 85-4548G Milton Tamblyn, Orono. Phone Music. Unit 7 will be having a Orono 983-5709. - FE LYC V.i o,9V83-5016. tf-c bake sale the same evening. 0_________________ b-15-c STOCKER SALE FRED- LYCNTFEEFRISLS__________ G Eclusive Agent for FOoRN OFFICýE 98-MAIN ST.93-14ORONOO GSK 0Trî rfor RENT egtmljAt the Durham County Sales o0 rie frrnCigtmls<OMING EVENT Arena, Orono on Saturday, April Phne93-02 e, 852G CHONSCIG from Expo. Propane , Frig and'1 22nd. Selling year-olds,. two-year S3Bedroom Bungalows Stove. Electricity ;and water. The Oronio Horticultural Society olds, grass cows, calves andjer Friedfrm $5,7bUUsix. $10000 weekly. 'etn llbhed on Thrsday vice buils. Sale to commence at i A C EDon lots 5x20o Phonle 728-8253. b-16-C 1 evening April 27th at 8 p.m. ini the 1:00 p.m. sharp. Orono Area RepresentatIve IUPPER C. E.,ÈAUDITORIUM. Jack Reid, Auctioneer ROOM & BOARD Mr.WoudstAn wlll speak on,____________ Oroo' Liened OYFOSERRoom and boatrd for two, to GladiolUs. ,ctioneer and Valuatoi Kendal - Phone 983-5801G share. single beds. Everyone welcome. b-16-c WANTED TO BUY G Gg slcio fFam, Phoche 983-5927. ap A largeze inelecti-idnuof Faro-n0 -One used orchard sprayer im 3ecalze n arpanroHoes inLots, Rta Fro-SAbabyTEEN DANCE good shape to either fit power perienittUuara FOSSlEfesalela To be held April 22n& in the take-off from a Massey-Fergusôn real good condition, beige metalOrnTonHl,8pmte1.rtohvowpwesppy Cnutme for______bdy._20.00_1. Musie by "The Echoees". Phone 983-5081.a- Consit fr temS ___________ ~ body $200$1.00- an atsOne bassinet with bath, nylon. Acllnission: $1,50 couple;$10 Nd dates3-91 sheto Pon g3-9e.. PWANTED Chatterton _________________Sponsore-d by the Oro-no Hlockey Otsrw n uniy PHON OROO 98-591 Orvlle bcme983-927.a-pMothers. b 15p C.R K n, 93-500. a- Electrical Contractiflg NOTICE _C._____.__Knox,__ _98_____5002.____ Cali your Rawleigh, Dealer. Electirie Ieatig Phone: 983-5570 t- and ServiDeT 1 200 bales of good Hay for sale. PHNEUMPINGor98-540........Orme Falls, Phone Orono 983-5880. SIEPTIC TANKS Oj PHONEt83 ari6or 983-940 a WITE WASING STABES# ronC ntrjotk - -- -1 ---- -- -- -f E V 5 4 r o w p la n r . , D ic k B r e n n a n , Sert Tonnpkifls ___________4V eOEi/éOR7PANIN Phone 983-51 -1- Phoe 86252Orono Electric PHONE 983-5108'I OM POLM ___________________ CONTRACTORS FOR U,9 Pmovithe Onte Dose ______________- FARM ad 110115E teatinent for pnon&Aal ________WIRING aleatSTTT6-pAMAY Ut Free Estinlates _________________ APPLIANCE SALES licensed 'Plumbing & iCAD0FTiAK Tr or dl ti rop ndGaanedReaE Mechanical Contractor CQMPLETE AUTO SEVCE l aEquipllent and Appliances --.T I ilc.Su os- ae eaters wosels 1Keazl ie and th nurs Drstff o II to ail kInds of Electrical ad ca fteî uric and fhoor #rsthe excellent fl~ .V. RadOs Stves I~~"~______________________ care I received duringnMy stay fl PART-IME ADIO hosptai. *1V Also everyone who, sent crs Cit A loesadtioewI _______ 9 ~PLUMBING AND HEATING ~* tIL - ~ l iPhone 983-5207 Oroflo -HI-FI - Stereo Patricia Partiez, ~ -Record Players a-c I -A ntennfas -Tower's JACK A. ERE ia iui - Insura'nce G Bane &Byam - PA Systen for etDE OetONrO 14rp1red,.j Al pars a>dlabor allteed 1UOLLINGSWORTH-udny a G ojservicead HATNGhis home m Orono on Saturday, InoeTxoSales and Service HARRY WIERSIA îApriL 15, 1967 Roland 1Hi11 Holl- orono, àomf il saw 4HU U NERSEVICE , pHîONE 93-51 OON igorth, beloved husband 'of TeehI 1-10BAAnale,(, Eldred'; dear father of Telehofe Ooil 98.547 U .A NANINGPhillis (Mr,ý. Herman Dunlop) of cAuto, Il -Low Interest RatsÈ A Fîre Pones:Cairns) ýof Sehomberg; -Ada (Mrs. j Pakage Policies G 26 oi60 *11J1 Rut.herford), Violet (Ms., nu j 3 ~~~Hampton b228 !IAd imSf George Dunlop) and Armand, al ýi IR S3 IFdelty Bond, Ar--m o i of Orono. Rested at the Barlow Liability _________________Funeral Home for service Tues- ~amIy~ Lifeinterment Orono Cemetery., O r q aiy ;d sevc evsFirst Mortgage Loans G_______________ nothilng to- be desired PINTNEATn us, a neighbour, friend or relative Ô ~Building 6a House? CARPENTER WORKllnu o The RIJTTER GR~ANITI 1EMDLLN Wedneîda;, March 29, 1967, at COPN sadie Hamlilto&- or -reniodelling Your present Westward Ho, North Deon, Eng- COMAN outencnac nerior andi Exterior land, Irene Lws beloyed wife of 'Ontarlo Street Gn, oncotc Kenneth H-eron, dear mother of PORT HOPEO - Junle (Mrs. Donald Chapman>, Al- "Lrgs Dspa l SuheuPhene 93511 l______ an, Keith and Brian, formerly of Flnoyd rNicholson)I Orono. Funeral service April 1s OROO WlIp Jie at Westward Ho. Cremation- a-p jRN even if: WATONS Mrie Bx 33 Phone 668-3552 _____________I __________Box___1___ sigu up. adCycle" Stafford Brotherso'e tlneeed BiigANwHm? Oronio Phonle983-5343 Limilted 13 v i mon(ýl iey.oreln9 McCULLOCH BOATS 318 Dundas St. E. Whltby, Ont.Ô LYC 11 movehaetbrrwemdfig & MOTORS manufacturera cffG Von Cn't Mfo thet OtIN AS ýCmtr eoil Plumnbing & HeatingOroDititJEBC R Rtepairs to ail lmakles (ol Laàwn e lu OooDs G EBCE EUd2g M'les Cl Domestie & Forelig Granites PHONE 983-5407o CREDIT UNION and Marbies -IIcriptionil Cnt 0 GC nal ýkgsLu* 8i5L ýrý OTA LOýW POINTS aud cemeter7 Repair Work G Oeo OtroITra.MIl uu ouCS 9353 ru A N D M A H I N E R _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- - - - - - - - - --o e- - - - --Or o n j wil, I i J