ORO,"ý,nO WEIZLY TIAIES, TIR~AARL2t,16 Orono' Building Contractor Brick Block - Concrete Stone Wr Caepentry - CietWork <Floors -TUE 983-5441 ORONO UNITED CHIURCH Orono Pastoral Rev, B. E. Long SUNDAY, APRIIL 23rd, 1967 Orono- Sunday School at 10:00 Morning Service at 11:15 Kirby- Morning Service at 9:45 Sunday School at 11:00 Lekard- Sunday School at 9:45 F'REE.- EverySAUDA AT ORONO FUEL AND LUMBER For A Beautiful LAWN CH% AIR Aluminum with Vinyl Atm Rests, value $8.00~ You receive a Free chance to win when you make a Saturday Purchase Open Saturdays 8,00 - 5:00 * ~* GIONO COUPLES CLUB 1L O GI The Couples Club April Square Dance was a stomiping success. rj ,and M;s. I-alstead Coatham Fc.r squares stepped to the tune .-ave moved inb their home on, of jim and Doreen Lowery while Main Street whieh they recently Mac Ransberry (a couples, club ou eha 'ýd from ý,i3e estate of the member) called the shots. The late Mrs. Wm. Seymour., ite;!,po was ehanged frequently 1 Mr Rot. ancck ad M. R ýith round dan«ng, providing an Mr.Rob. Hncok ad M. R cpoxntaity for sur more enthusi- Reinstra are patients in the Bow- " manvlle enioial ospial. astie square.dancers to rest their MVr. and Mrs. Carl Billin'gs vis-i ited on Monday with Mr. and Mrs. ,yBrvanit Norwood and attend- Il A de', gat:on from th-e Newton viL e U ra,ýgL journeyed toý Tara on Sunday ta interview the Rev. Mr. Todd. T'ioqe rnaking the trip were Mr. Clint Farrow, Mr . Ewart Robinson., Mr. Len Falls and Mr. W. Boughen. T~'- P iited the 'ù. rTodd to speak in Newtonville churehi on W-? esay evening, April the twAenty-sixth. This will give the ..iree congregations an opportun- ity t o meet hlmi. Ten ladies froni Kendal attend- ced the Cententiial banquet ai Maple Grove on Alpril l9th when 11-e Weçt Durham Institutes met 1Sympathy is extendied to Mrs. James :Rutherford on the 9udden passing of hier father M~r. R. H. Hollingswortfi. and to our Kenda] Teacher M'irs. Keith Canpbeli on the death o f her brother ojn April l3th. Thee ae 50 ares n he r-vice will be postponed tili the fol- ono Telephone oxeange. ahloigSudy mionth tbevy must tlike their tel-' Mrs. Lancaster reported read- ephone bill. to the Pont Office, buy ing same of the proofs of Mrs. a postal note for f ifte-en cents and, Burley's history ýof Clarke 'Towtn- a five cent, stam-ip. Thiis meani; twctlship. Mrs. Burley has spent tre- dollars and forty cents a year for mendous4, amounts of time and cf- e ýach one, or this4 means one hund- fort on this history and we look red and seventy dollars a rnoknth forwardI withi anticipation to the or $2,040. a year donjated tol the completion of her book. Pest Office. i- - -- - -J lThe nusance ýof having to mialke1 a trip to town to pay the tel!epho)ne1 bill each month is of it. the wors t part Centennial Report IWith the approach of p)leasant- weather-nmore people are thin.king of celebrating Canada's Birthdýay. A lonig list of Centennial e-verts was unflolded at last ngt Clarke 1Centeninial Commnittee wîeeting Al connittre members wer(-,present asAima Cutteli and Tedi Samnuel reported! on the Park Boaýrd's plan for a Beef Barbecue in the Park. at Oronoý on July 5,, Wooden, Cen- tennial Steak Plates will be pre- sented ta each person who has a meal at thie Barbecue and plans are being made for entertai-nent din-g the fmeal. This event forms part of a week. of Centennial cel- lebrations ,in Oronowhichicludýesl an Amateur Show, ntique Fire Engine Parade, Shocppers Mail and a rifle, pistol and hotguncoma- petI'tion atthe Oon ish andý Hunt Club raný:,. These and oher evnsbeïig planned shldnake the week of July 4 -- July 8, a memorable one. Mrs. Fairbrother notýed that the Centeunial trce planting- cere- mony at Lockhart's school will be held on Monday, April 23rd. And, keep your eyes peeled for the Centennial flowe.r bed ma front of Curvply's north plant. The plant- er boxes are completed and the plants ordered and ail we need, is some cooperation from the weath- er man. A community CIiur.eh service is1 ROYALBowmanville THURSDAY- FRIDAY- SATURDAV - APRIL 20, 21, 22 TFH E BLU E MAX O COLIOR fi GeorgePeppard, James Mason, Ursulaâ AndressG Recranen-edasAdult entertainment. One Complete Show Recommeded asat 7:30 P.M. ail week I I] SUN. - MON.- TUES. WED. - APRIL 23,. 24, 25, 26 HARPERg COLOR - ADULT Lauren Bacall, Paul Newmani, Julie Harris Shelley Witers, Janet Leigh, Robet Wagner ,ight's meIto include Gradesý 4, 5 and 6 in the Centennial Pont- er conipetition for schools in Clarke Týowîiship. Information on dates and natufre of Centeýnnial events which the posters coulé ad- vertise nlay be obtained by eau. 'ing Mrs. Fairbrother or DonU Staples. Don t forget your Centenniali Garden! iPlan noïw for your SSPRING PAI'NTING and REPAIRS (euiyfor g Centennial Year O Caîl GORD ýSIMPSON I Phone 983-5808, Orono sea Jshins am,,i crutshed toes. The sp ot danceý was won, by Nor- ma and, Alec Mvoffat. The Cen- tennial Elimination dance was wor, by Nor-ma Long and, Aif Jakeman, The buffet dinner was delic:ious and substantial as usual. Our thianks toý everyone, for making this 'another successful cvening. 'Iâm- ANTED fo0r CENTENNIAL TALENT SHOW' Be Part of Our Swinging Session DO YOU SING? DO YOIJ DANCE? DO YOLI PLAY AN INSTRIUMENT? ARE YOU A COMEDIAN? IF SO,WENEED YOU! AUDITIONS TO START IN AP1RIL ILELPNG TO e2LEBRATE CENTENNIAL VEAR IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN PLEASE CONTACT S. MATHER, Phione 983-5442 Spensored by Oronio Amateur Athlet ic Association TUE GREAT PINE UTDGE TOURIST COUNCIL ANNUAL MEETING WEDNESDAY, APRIL 26th, 1967 ICOBOURG Golf und Curling Club Speaker: Mayor J. Heenan, Cobourg I DinnerDancing M 630 pm9:15 $3.00 per person Tickets and Information: 342-5667 TABLECLOTHS A new stock of tablecloths in pure Uinen and rayon with cotton. Attractive prints and woven border desigas. White with gold, green, beige, pink and aque predom- inating. Sizes 50 las. x 50 ins. and 52 ls x 70 mns. Priced from .- $2.25 to $3.50 PLASTIC TABLECLOTHS Flannel-back vinyl Tablecloth s with scalloped edges.. Embossed damask effect ini plain shades as well as other attractive designs. Beige, aqua, yellow, and green predominating. Size 54 ins. x 54 ins. and 54 ins. x 72 mns. Priced from - $2.45 to $4-95 LADIES" NIGHTGOWNS See our new gowns i n materials wh ich are cool for summer - need little or no ironing. Differeat styles, one with duster to match., Pink, blue, yellow and green. Sizes, smafl, mcd and large. Priced front- $2.95 to $4.95 PLACE MATS Good quality Place Mats of woven cot- tonf, finished with fringed ends. About 12 hus x 19 .lus. Predominating shades of pink, turquoise and rust. Priced each-----------49e LADIES' COTTON SLIPS Ladies' Slips of fine quality cotton wliich requires littie ironlng. Shadow panel. Em. broidery trim on bodice and hemiine. White only. Sizes 32 to 40. Priced each---------- $395 ed the Hricultural meeting- in lilat town in, the evening. Mr. Gordon Winter is a patient; in the Oshawa General Hlospital. Mr. Robt. Coatham of 'Red Deer, Alberta vi9ited his parents, Mr.' and Mrs. Halstead Coatham and other relatives in the vicinity. planned for June 18 in the Park at Orono with music by the Or- ono Junior Band and other local groups. In case of ram hn sr ARMSTRONG'S