ORONO WVEEKLY TIMEFS, TIIURSDAY, APRIL 20th, 19)67 LCLCENTENNIAL GRANTS 1,E AýPPRZOVED AT TORONTO Alex, Carrutiiers, .P.P., Dr- 1~mannoiincecd this week that ap)- plications fro'- Centelnnial Grantls fr'm Ithe Unlited Counities of Norhu~crlndand Durhami and Cie Towni of Bowmanville are ap- proved"C" by the Province and have been forwarded for apDroval to0 the Centennial Commission in Ot- T'-e Conunties' Project is 'a com- l) ehieive hk4ory printing at a riet estimated cost of $12,500.00. rmoirnc i topark facilities and the provision of recreational a-,te.i Municipal Park, comi- - ietIbee owmanville projects. The net cost is estimated at $21,- i- he Governrnent of Caniada, the Province of Ontario and thec municipality of Bowman- e a n ao an equal basis OIIONO SHOLWITIIOUT IIEAT Students and staff at the Orono Public School are looking for warm weather as the temperature of their classrooins depend solely on the elements of the weather. A breakdown of the heating sys- tem bas put the system but of op.- eration, For the students the weather-ý man co-operated on Tuesday af-, ternooni resulting in an early dis- missal from classes. 14 Lady Patricia 2f ALChoiceL Tins JCAI SP Y of o Firm. 6 oz. 69c Caniada No. 1 Grade C RNCRAMSTLEchcice 3 Tins 4e MARGARINEKffa aSWL 9 PEI POMMIES V.JWÏJS RIC ,i42 79cl2 9Ig UNCE ENS RCELog GA DONUTS 2 ofP»4c. 101 b 3c' JELLY POWDERS NABOB 4 f., 29c T3 PFavors MNRHPARFAIT o iq43c 1 ozz TEAM FLAKES BYN s 8,47c COOKIES Voorfman's îozc.fll 4 arities %J Pkgs. 99Cj JIFFY pop, POPPING CORN .31C POTFATO CHIPS Humpty Dumpfy Il 69C Suxe J59 Golden 1Ripe Caniada No. 1 Grade Produce of U.S.A. FLORIDA CELERY Sweet & Juic JAFFAORNE Florida Old South,' Frozen ÊUnaLldr suIILPP ALL BONUS ITEMS AMD, FOOD PRICES EFFECTIVE, APRII. UKANRbt J UUIU 19, 20,21 and 22. WE RESERVE THE RIGHTTO LIMIT QUANTITIES. each 25c doz 49c 3 tins 9 5c SAVE DN OUR OWN BRANDS IGA% C ÂOFFEES ROYAL Sunny C GUEST D Mcm M ib. 1a Ib