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Orono Weekly Times, 27 Apr 1967, p. 1

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Local, Tax Costs Up By Txson týhe average new homne laj tireý Towrship r;f Clarkeo and tire Vi3llage - of Orono ill inorease ins year by $48-00 over that of 16.A lhomie assesu3ed at $3000,,00, WLi demand the addîtional $48,00 în- taxation. Commercial proper- tinýs assessred at $5000.00 wiil have a tax increase slightly over $90.00. Tire largesh poprtonof tire increae is cntribtec t increas- cd miii rates by tir Le Township of Carke and Itic Police Village of Orono. Tirese Iwo taxing bodie5 are taking at least fifty percent o)f the increase. Residentiai anti farni proporties in tire Township cf Carke have an increasec of' 16.06 milIs or $16.06 on every $1000 cf assessmonht. Commecrcial propert4y in the Townsiip iceae by an ameunt of $88 per thousand, dollars of assersmenat. The residentiaI rate for Town- slip. purposes within thre Towln- ORONO0 WEEKLY TIMES, THURSUAY, APRIL ZItir, 1966 HiliSehool Teachers Get Wae Boost Teaciers and prncpas mplOY- edby the Durham County Igl1i ciolBoard wiil receive .su)>- stanitial rais5es this year. InJ1966 iiu of $5,300 for CAtegory 1 has risen to $6,200; for t e gory 2, $5,600G to -$6,500; Cat- eoy3, $6,300 to $7,100 and Cat- e.oy4, $6,700 ta $7,500. Maiusfor the fouir categor- eshave, alse risen. Category 1> $8,,800 VLo $10,00; Category 29 $9,20f) te$10,500- Category 3, $10,400 te> u1160 nd Category 4, *11,009 iniiimum- for Prineipals has ris- an froni $12,000 to $13,500 andi MCe maxîimum from $16,700 Vo 3.8204). For vice-principals, the2 minhmum_ sa11ary iras rison fren 'I,30 o $13,300 andti te imaxi- mýumr from $13,950 te $151450, The scirool Board iad 158 teacir- orýs last year and aiicipates that i llhave 170 tins year, an in- Now Attack'ing The foliowing pre-sa; release Ès loraredbyDr Charlotte M. irneMeical Offices cof Healtir: Momiýýes vaccine is now includfed na the siotwhchgiesprotection aýgainïst ip3itheria, wirooping couig -trus andploylts This ewantfigen. called "Qinrt" iras beenmadeavailable by theý On- acDepartmen1 cf Healtrto of- 4ical rolti aencesonly, and aililie vaiailetirougl tielî- _c i ythe Nortliumheriandc- ,cumio1a1Ltir Unit. It lias not jet been llcenised for distribution ~opirtiing pirysicians. Tlicmeases vccine in Quint is akilloti vaccine, and i5 to ire giv- en oniy V infants wlio have net iad an immunization. There 'will ýearenrcg dose usiýg a live att1enuated moeasles vaccine. This metcliod cf imninzation gives a mnaximium amount cf protection aïnd a mninimu-,m amouint cf reac- tion. Th;sne produet is.te ire in- ,,tiILudedii the ongoing immuiza- tien programmnie cf the He-IaltIr Un- it. Further informiation may be obtained by contacting a m>eîrberý cýf tihe Healtir Unit Staff. ToA Sponso1 r Conteut Tlire Orono Ciamber of Comi- niierce hav e tentatively apprcved the pýrmotion cf an Oid Time Fid- - diers' conteestote ie held during the Oroeno Centonniai week. At a meeting cf the directors on Mort- day evening the program was dis- cusseil with Mr. J. Coyle cf Bcw- miauville. it, is tlie intention te liald tire fiCddier's contest and peraps a Western Show iniconn)ction witi thre coentest. i. P. M. Lunr ead s the com-, mittee for tJrisý event. Tt is now ex- pectedý( tirat i. would ho held, on Friday, July 7tli. On. April 20 a General Meeting of tire (U.C.W. was held lu tire, jr )j ow raudfitorii. Prosidlent Mrs. 0,' Chatter'tOn weicmedmemersand guest&, Mr.1on ,Mr and Mrs. R. Mon- ton and asked us te 'J 'ohïil sing- iiig "Near tire Cross". Mrs. A. iDruimmiond was at tire pian-o. Tire mneeting wa5l thon turinedé ovor te MrCs. R. Chiater cf Leskard wiro witii r on nit 8 ladies presented a wonderfuilperiodci f dev6tion with music )-as isthm.Mrs. Chator introdiuced Miss Shelley Battams cf Leskard, oine f tire solo clas-4 for irer age in tire Kiwanis Festival in Peterboroughr. Shelley sang> 'Buttercups.1 and Dais- les' and tire centennial 'Canada'. Mrs. Cirater remarked tirat hier pr ogan henbased on Music wa5prp"e on Monday when thre ram was coming, down and led lirer te use materý.Iai relating te tire. sound cf ramn as irer Vieme, 'Thouglits on a Rainy Day'. Sire reai cf irow we ail, have ramn in our iiveq and asked wirat we do ti-en? Tire poetess Edna Jacques suggegts we 'Look forý things', suggesting ail tire many pleasarit res4ults cf a rainy day to make one hrappy an d grateful. Mrs. -Cirater read of how the sound of rain can be likenod to music and Mrs. A. Loucks read cf irow in a great and beautiful park in Japan there in is directed mbt a large urn and thon cascades into a pool, creating a beautifuil sound cf music on a rainy day. N-ore TletNeeded Fo,,r Amateur Show Tire Talent Show slated to ho stageci duri ng trowe f tire' Centenni i si-vit(ios lu Orono, i5 stili openfo aatu talent. Tire event is being csponisoret by tire uion andtidirecteibyM. trln Mther. At tinïste six groups have enjteneti tire compet ition for 'wiicir auditions are no.w bin ield. Mor tlent s is nedeti and Mr. Mlathr od r e lt-)tereceive a calfo ayn avn aent te netii Mr. atier epots hatthree or four groupsu cf a profersonai naur !i is erenertain dui.rin.,g tire amteur shcw ight. A cal now to Mr. Mathier mnay put, yeu la lino for tire top moniey couietire f irst part of July. sli.p, excludi.irg Orono, incrceased frem 24.6199 nills lin 1966 to 34.- 47297 milîs in 1967. 0f thre 34.4727 mjilis 26.2323 is oar-mnarked for rcd.Other increases affecting Township propo,-)rty are .537 for County purposI,-s, 1.3464 mills for the High Schooi and 4.3139 milis for 'Public Scirool purposes. The Townrship resid&entiaI mili rate 'nraeinvoives a 1.3724 miii in1cnease for general pur. poses alüingwti a 8.4804 miii in- VOLUME 20i NUMBER 16 Ye AIl Cone te tire Sir John A. Tea Siroppeo on Saturtiay, May l3Vb at 2:30, wien. a MotIrer'e Day Centonniiat Tea anti Bake Sale will be hl i the Main Hall cf Oreno Unîted Cirurch. Please brîin". your nrotirers, gratimVirr~andieveryone WIro isestejein, ini tire social fun rof au old-fasiioaedf Tea. How about dleckirg yourselves eut la tiose Cenonnatcostumes, and hIelp make Vils a galaocain Tis evenit iS being sPonsored by tire C.G.I.T. anti Units 4 andi 5 cf tire U.C.W%. a-c Mrs. C. Grannt tel tigustire stoiry of( cocurage in tire£face of a very great lis <ge Sbe had tire- pleasrire one day inet se long ago, to pay a visit o a newly wiiowed andcnppe frient,, who it ýturned onit, had miore cheerifl courage nd etrnaont3iran Most cf uis cani even undenstand, and so Mrs. Grant feit sire brougit awa y more inspiration Vhin anyene could ev;er have left., This lady irati net lot tire ram lin rlife de- stroy her. Mrs. Cirater remarked tint char- acter h,1 often formed rest ln thre strybiliows of thre world and at tire close cf lier mnost inspiring devotional, introduced Mrs. R. Morton, speaker cf tire evenîng. Mrs. Morton was acmpanied by lier irusbanti wio at tire cloe cf lier remarks sliowed tire film cf EHealy Willan 'Tire Man cf Music.' Mrs. Mortou 'aid music indeti fias tire power te change moods and is a great evangelical force in reigion and really enirances tire ffect cf worship. Sie olti us liow ithe very early days tic chu ,,-cl iirred'quar- tes anti ingers but they sang more for Viir own glory andi dýidn't incude tire people. Early in tire 20th century tiey began te train choirs with tire purpose of leading tlire congregation labo won- ship tirrougir music andi today it is a priviiege if cne is biessod wmitir a gooti voice to offer it to lead tire pecple te Goti la worship tirrougir song. Chioirs leara they are leaders 'in forship with tire minister Vo draw tire congregation te God. Mrs. Morton expl ained how mu- sic can strengtiren a ireant, sootire or stimuinte and sire drew our at- tention te a verso on tire biack- board 'Music la a wonderful liai with God'. Mrs. Chatterton, tianked . Mrs. Chatler and Mr, and Mrsï. Morton for a meet interesting meeting andtten conducted thie' necessary business. A hale wilire packed in tire Chuircli udito:rim on May 8. If you haveaniy good useti clothing (ne pursmes, htsor qhoes) please bcave them wîýýtlr us. Unit 7 ieid) a bake sale wiile thre l4dies c f Vie executive served lunch. creaý,e for public works. A portion ef this latter inicrease is due- to ai carry-over deficit cf $6,787. from thre Municipal Work Assistance road program of 1965 and $8,725. from a deficit on, public workg in 1966. The Township for Township purposes wili coilect a total cf 4142,778.61 from its laxpayers with thre major -portion coming from fe-41dential and f arm assess- Ments. POLICE VILLAGE INCiIEASE- A similar increase exists in'the Police Village of Orono as in the oonhi f Clarkie. However, the increase within the Village re-_ suit, in a large part to a 75% in- crease levied by the Orono Police Trustees. 'n 1966 the Tru 'eee levy was 11.193 milis wýhicliî this year lias jumiipedl to 19.8186(ill The increaso of 8.62.56 imilîs resuits frein a 2.99 levy for wavter te cover a capital deficit from 1966 anti te(atist lwith repaymnent in 1967. Tl-,e Trustees have aiso 1ev- ic Io imak!-e a first payment on Tlie Orono Police Trustees met' oni Monday vc-ýnitig when Tr-ust- eese E. R. WVoodyard and D. M. ' Simpson wýer'e prosent. It vws de- cideti at[tIre meceting teý prcceed witli threerection cf thre signs det- igaigtire type of parking and ire pericd of parking time ons Main Strîect withmn tire business socticn. Mir, Simpson brought up tire suýib, oct aAking that, boti tire siga- ing iid paiting of linos bc under- taken as sooni aspoile Mr Wýoodyvar'd latoeconjtact M. . Rcss Townshîp Road Superiniteird- ý-nt te have -,hoe signs piacoed as s-oon as possible. Mîr. Simpon suggestod tirat as tie Chamber of Commerce was Jn- torested in th ir clieroe tirat thre memlbers, Whoe are in tire mnost, busneenrnwork along" wil tire Trustees in painting ,thre linos on tire itiet iM. Woodyard is to conitact th(, president cf tire Cham-, ber in tn matte r. Mr. Simipsoln st4atedO that wiren1tire work was Coemplfed the appearance of tins section cf the townwol certain- iimprove. A lotter from Mr. Etidyveýan ne- pourted on conditions la front cf their proposed road project of $108,000.00. T'ie Toywn&çhip rate, affecting thre Police Village of Orono saw littie change. In 1966 tire residen, tiai 'rate was 16.2546 iiis comn pared with 17.4827 mills, Jn 196 7. Tisi~ partly due te thre fact tn tire Trustees cut back 'on. tiroi generai road work program within tie Village. Thre total residential and farm mii rate in Ve Township iras t',u year- reaclied 111.2955 mille ($411.29 for every,$100000 assess- m"ent) whilc the same rate in Or- ono j5 114.1241 milisI The total omi~ilrate in thre Townsirip is 123.936 milîs ($12393 for every $1000. cf assess4ment) and 126,- 7646, milis in Orono. 'On top of these rates property owners in tire Village cf Orono have water frontage andi connection charges te pay. The Township cf Clarke iras picked up extra expenea tis year in connection to the Library and ia a Recreational grant. hiq propierty feowýing the install- ation of water. matter was referred to the, Water Committee. A letter fromr the Ontario Qun- icipal Boarýd sought furiher in-ý form-ationý regardling thé $108,000. rodprograminiii the Village of Ovoino. The Bojard requested thre authority from the Police Trustees te. proceed with -the work as weliU as a list of the names of t streets to lie within the progr-,amt and aiso asked how the cos4wa te ho levied against the pr-operties-, ?in the Villagce. The stimated cost ofoeatu the water sy,-tem ,in 1967 bras he set at $2500.00 by the Ontaria Water Ilesouirces Commission. The Trute os were also informed by letter that thre capital funds need-' ed in 1967 for the yearly payment, wouid amouint to $191277,94. The fire department for 196 cost' the municipality an amount of $4540.07. In 1967 the Oronot Police Tru-istees have set'a budget of $650000 for roadT work within the Village of Orono. NIGAA TORRNT ïVsiors point Vo tIre brink of Niaaras HrsehoeFalls 176 foot above tiroir va.ntage_ point. Frueobook-iet on Niagara Falls' sconic attractions are avail- aintram Dept. I cf -the Charniers of Commerce at Niagara Fails, U.S.A. andi Niagara Falls. Canada. SgsTo Be Instanýlled U.C.~W. General Meeting $48*,0

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