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Orono Weekly Times, 27 Apr 1967, p. 2

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ORUNO WEEKLY TIMES, TRURSDAY, APRfil, 27th, 1966 ORONO WEEKLY TIMES (Authorized as Second Ciass mail, Poet Office Department, Ottawa) Pubiished every Tiursday at the; office of publicatiS Main Street, Phone 109, urono, Ontarïo Established in 1938 by R. A. Forrester Roy C. Forrester - Editor anid Manager Taixes On VWa y Up Increases in taxation is like the coming of spring, it appears every year. To a point this is understandabie and and we would imagine that -this condition will continue, in one form or another. Locally we are faced tiis year alone with a 17'percent increase which is sizeable when congider- ed it is for only a year. The major portion of the increase is9 not, this year, associated with education but rather to the municipal area Township and Police Trustes The 10.2 Township miii rate increase represents a 44% increase over 1966. A portion of this increase is due ta deficîtsî; $15,512.0 from 1965 and 1966 along with more manies needed to repair Township roads afte'r the Spring breakup. There has also been minor .add*ed costi such as for the Library aftd for Reereation. The major cost of Town- ship affairs rests with roads, a department which has in the past been starved of funds -if wc are to judge fr<jm the -amount of road construction, and paving. Clarke hasý only a small section of pavîig it being in Kend 'al. The, fruits of goai road construction, which, does cost money, became apparent this Spring when sections of riadsrccors'ructed li 1965 andi 1966 through the Municipal Assistance Program belti up during the Spring breakup. These sections should now be paved but it, appearsi that'money is not avaflable and the work is set aside for yet another year. It is quite possible that li the past the Township has been starveti for funtisto carry out a sounti road program, The Police Village milI rate increase of 75% resuits ta a miii rate charge of 3 mîlis for water to carry a capital deficit from 1966 and, to cover, estimate charges in 1967. The rest of the increase, 5.4 milîs, isý to assemble funds for the proposeti road programi of paving, curbing and, stom sewers.11 The proposed, road program costing the local citizens $38,000 does represent, over the proposged five-ea period, a cost of over 9 mill.s per year or over $9.00 for ever-y $1,000 worth of assessment. This programn of work bas yet to be approveti by the Municipal Board who in a recent letter have asked how the costs ,are to he levied with asking for other information. It could, be considered, that theTrus-: tees have jumpeti the gun in collecting these funds at the presenttrne. During the yeal, the Police Village bas been relieveti of a 1.3 mili rate for Library purposes5 and under a new agreement coiiect arounti 1.5 millis on rent for the fire hall. The jump ln taxation this year, a considerable one, appears to resuit from uùderleviesý in the past by the Town- ship andin antieipating expenditure on a proposed program by- the Truste es. Rtlis quite likely that the Village rate would not have increaseti had the Trustees mot anticipated the road expenditur,ý What Others Say There's a move afoot in the Soviet Union to put the Russian woman on a pedes4al. And, by se doing, to improve the image the West has of her as a factory band, a ditch digger or a railroadier, A weely paper, the Literary Gazette, bs advising women ta pay moire attention to their loops and charm. What k ineiddit is said, is a cuit of women'5 charm. 0f course the Western idea of Soviet women ig no doub distorted. Not ahl of them are 150-lb muscular, faetory workers. Many doa devote themnselves to being completely feminine as possible andi many,_ from pictures we have seen have obviously succeeded,. StilI,, the Literary Gazette i5 mot satisfied and féecs they could do better. Even thoseit the academic andt tchnical profesisions. The Soviet Government k. apparenitiy right behind the drive ta put women on a pedestal. It has recently in- creased its purchasesý from the West of high-quality apparel from important fashion centres. Soviet buyers have ju5t bought 80,000 pairs of fashionabie womens shoes in Brit-, ain. Two mûre ordeTrs for fashion shoesý have' aiso gone to the British Shoe Corporation. One is worth $500,000 and involves purchas~e of 100,000 shoe and-the second is for twice that amit lI commnent, The Guelpht Mercury says, if capitalistie decadrence ig as much a misery as the Communiss have always said it is, these signs of decadence ought to com- fort thie' Werst.Misery loves company, they say. êPhilVwle RADIO R»EPAIR TOWER INSTALLATION Services Needed IProviding e5sentiai services to the Oshawa-Durham Coliege of [Applied Arts anti Technology is causing a small headache li the city'sý public works department Andi it coulti prove te be a ma- jor migrane for city council. The public works cofmmttee de- cidedt t bring the matter of pro- viding services te the college on Simcoe Street, just north of Osht- awa before te next meeting of the city council. Fred Crome, city conlmissioner cf works, reporteti that by the 3rd year of the college's operation, student enrolment will jum*p from an initial 250 te 600.' Ultimately said Mr. Crome, the school hopeg for an enroiment of 10,000 stu- dents anti'a teaching staff of 500. -Water and s-ewage facilities forI the first two years have alfready 'been provided, with approval of the Ontario Water Reso)urces Commission te service the terr- porary quarters c f the coflege. The sehool wiii use a. sewage la- goon ln the near vicinity., College officiais% areasking the city te provitie services fer the third year when the permanent buildings have been constructeti anti the echool bas an increaseti enroiment. The lagoon wili net be jserviceable at titis time. IThe college aise, reporeti that since other people in the are Bar B-Q Getting, Steam Ups The 'promotion niai Bar B-Q by Board is takingj of the Centen- the Orono, park momentuni with the members and also the resi- dents of the area. The*promoation is being heiti on Juiy Sth with an ever cxpanding pregram. Don't be surpriseti if you are greeteti by wondering western, musicians and singers ITickets will go on sale &hortly for this event at the Orono park. i Invitations will also be available ~ta senti eut. te your friexids invit- ling them te this western-tsyle ev- ening. Locacl Newvs Mr. and Mrs., Marvîn Lunn lef t on Saturday by plane for a holiday at the Barbados. The Orono Boy Scouts and, Cubs~ on Saturday of last week colleeteti close te two truck-ioads of wa9te paper in their paper drive. JACK R RICARD R E ALTO R 99 King St, E. BOWMAN VILLE Whe'n Buylng or Selling eall WVILF HAWKE VOUR ORONO ARJEA REPRESENTATIVE 983-5274 Members of Oshawa and Dis- trict Real Estate Board will be using the services the for a total of 5.000 students. ThLe, cos4t of the project shouldn't be would entail putting a sewer sys.- charged to the scitooL. tem down Simcoe, Street to the, 1Oshawa Creek and pumping the, Mr. Crome estimates the city water into a sy5tem that would. coulti provide service facilitiesireacit the college. NOT I CE A MEETING 0F THE.. Orono, Athletic Association will be held in Room 5 of the ORONO PUBLIC SCIIOOL WVuEDNESDAY, MaAY 3, 1967 at 8:00 p.m. Canaw ood Shoppe Phone 983-5539, ORONO, ONTARTO0 Arts - Flowers Crafts Specialties FLOWERING SHRUBS and SPECIAL ROSE BUSHES Will be available for Spring Plantîng. Order now Open afternoons ineludfing Saturdays, Sundays and Holldays Sce the selection of local Art in Paintings rWANTED . Customiers, noeerec - , ecessary. Experience the satisfaction of Browsing IN Buying from our wide variety. Here are just a few suggestions that xight help. RLedi-to-plant. Shrubs,. Mock Orange, Ilydrangea, Honey suekle, Spirea, Forsythia, Lilae, each ........... .99e 'Rose Bushes, 2 year old, Climhing American Beauty Mexicali, Peace, etc. ea. 99e Flowering Shrubs, red, white, pink, Peonies, ,Bleeding Hearts, each for ........... 89e Punch 'N Grow Starter Kits, Tomatoesý, etc. 49ic Perennial Roots, Phlox, Shasta Daisy' Lupine, llollyhock, Carnation, Lily, Lythium Pink 59c Aluminum Deck Chairs for lawn and yard $4-39 Aluminuni full-length Chaisette lawn chair 7.99 Large Garden Umbrella with extension $7.99 Chair Umbrelas, each............... $3.49 Bird Baths, large white plastic attractive $2.85 Garden Hose - 50 ft. white & grey vinyl Reg. $1.99 for...........$1.49 Holiay iene Jg b Thrmos, 1 gail cap- acity for hot or cold............... $3.33 7piece Beverage Set - server & six glass- es. Hot or cold, complete ............ $3.09 Gas filied Kick Bails 59e Softball bats $1.33 1-till soute paint left for you at ilf Price Portable ail steel Bat-B-Q Grill price only $1.159 Boy's Rat Fink Hats' ...... .......... $1.00 pSkirt Rack with cushion clips.......... $1.09 Four in Hand Ties, ready knot & regular $1-00 'Expo 67' T shirts $1,29 Centennial T shirts $1.00 Ladies f ancy -evening Cosnie Bags for 65c Bar-B,-Q sets, ail steel tongs, fork, turner Boxed coniplete................... $1-65 ýLadies' Shells 100% virgin acrylle, S M L $2.98 Frig-Pak for ý,hot or cold foods and liquids .69c O RONO)é (e5c to $1ISTOR Phone Orono 983-5401 Where Your Dollar Stretches A Little Morej IF YOU NEED A MASONRY JOB TO BE DONE CALL - BRICKLAYERS STONEMASONS Reinhard Schreiber - Willi Orono, 983-5626 WliSchmalil Orono, 983-5606 Specialistw in Fireplaces

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