ç. The, Shuln REPORT FROM QUEEN'S PARK Alex Carruthers, M.P.P., Durham It is ordained in the external ,ronstitution of tbings that society eannot'exist unlesls a controlling power UPOn the wilI' and the appe- tite is placed som.ewhere, and, ~the less of it there ig within- the more there must be of it without. So wrote. Edmund Burke, the em- Inent English writer andl histor- -ian, many years ago. On Monday, of - asýt week the Prime Minister made a statement to the House, with respect to the dismiss4ýal of Doctor Shulman from the post of Chief Coroner for Met- ropolitan Toronto. Certain allegations, Mr. Robarts stated, made by Doclior Shulmnan, had reflected on the Government, the Attorney General and senior Members of the Attorney Gener- al's staff. These allegations, the prime Ilinister asserted cannot be treat- ýed ligjtly as they are accusations thait can, raine doubts in the Mindsl of the public as to the condtuct of senior' civil servants, and as to the motives of the Gov- -ernanent in conducting the affairs 'of thepeople of Ontario, and are, in themgelve, very destructive ýaf moral among the civil servants. It.was his intention, he said, to proeeed immediately, under the Public Inquiries Act, to conduet a full, complete, impartial inquiiry lato Doctor Shulman's accusations On Fridtay, the Prime Minister announceç the -appointmaeft of lhief Ju stice Parker to head theï Jnquiry, asesuringý the Legisiature that, it Would be proceeded with as quickly as possible. Following the statement of the ýPrime Minister on Monday, Mr.' Nixon, leader of the opposition, 4';Uestioued the Attorne;y General zis to whether, under the Coron- ersAct, a coroner's chief res'pon- -ibility is to -the public or to the Attorney General. ýMr. Wishart, in replying, stated that the coroner hias a common law duty to the public, but that zdutY, a9,circumscribed in the Act, îs related to the supervisory and advisory capacity of the super- vising coroner of Ontario (Dr. H. B. Cotnam).' At this Point Mr. Brydený (N. D.P., Woodbine), interjected that the provincial SuPervising coroner ,has no statutory authority ovei the chief coroner at ail. Mr. Nixon further asked why, in view of the fact that Dr. Shul- man was dismis4sed on April 6th, no announcement was made of the çismis9al in the legisiature on April 7th. Mr. Wishart replied that it was considered only proper to nptify, the, officiai concerned. fîrgt, and it was impossible to d o this until the afternoon of April 7th. Further questioning ýelicited the information that Doctor Shulman had a-ll'eged Mr. Wishart that in- formati0n on cases had bcýen sup- pressed. These allegations,, Mr. Wishart said, had been carefully investigated but were found to be cotrary to fact. Considerable questioning fol,. lowecl with respect to an agree- ment, suggested byý DoctoLe Shul. man, and claimed by hlm to, have been made with the Attorney Gen- eral. Under the alleged agreement, Doctor Shulman promised not to ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, TIWRtSDAY, APRIL z7th, 1966 There was never any intenion ATJILETIC SPONSORING non Casequalitiee, it was learned, li snf on bis Departmnent's part te re-I na aespecialities, but general Practi- move files. Mr. Wishart stated . THREE BASEBALL E S ment with any officiai of the de- tioners, who are not specialistg, that a number oaf files, following The Orono Amateur Athietie Asd' partment. are considered to ho more, object-! Doctor Shulman's disniesal, lad ociation is sponsoring tiiree ban-> ive in conducting inquests sînce been removed by hlm. bi em o osl rn n The duties of the supervisin g they receive expert advice gen-haltlnfobysi road coroner of, Ontario, lie added, as erally from witnesses. Doctor Ser- The al important questin district thisý sumnier. The thre. wel as those of the supervising eny's recommendation was based "why was the coroner dismiseed'" teams have 'been entered in lea- cýoroner for any metropolitan area on his knowicdge of blood aicohol wsasee eea us~ gue9 with, other teams and will are set down la, the Coroner's Act. tests and effects. the Attorney General. ayegarshde. The Orono Tykes are expccted Doctor Shulman has previousiy "On what authorii;\y, and on The supervisory, coroner for to play in a league with three recommended, it is rcported, that whose instructions did Mr. Jack Metropolitan Toronto, Mr. Wish- ther teams being Welcome, Ken- Doctor Sereny be appointed as His attempt te seize Do ctor art declared, lad repudiated the dai and Newcastle. The Orono coroner for Metropolitan Tofron- Shulman's file of April 9th, authority of the supervising cor- home gamnes are to ho played on, to. In thi5 connection the member 1967?' oner for Ontario , and hie had, Monday eveningst Messrs. Chas.' for Downsview, Mr. Singer, ques- ýwithout' justification, impugned Armstrong, Dean West and Ron tionred the, Attorney General as to hsqeto the lotertofheAony n-Ws wlb caigtetam why .the' appointment was not T sqesinwa.n asked by Mr. ert fteAtre e-Ws iih ocigtetai Siner an i aswe te Aton-eral's Department in a manner The. Orono, Bantams beinig made to fi11 a vacancy in North Si ner and i nserthAttor- which was eompleteîy inconsist- 1 oached by Ken Nixon and Car&~ Toronto.'yGeealafi-d ht r nt withtýreýosblt n h'rnPral ilpa hi IHis attended tIc office of foc- riith the responsbity an the e om erault on ill ay heir tor Shulman on the above dateéuisitoulathrtyo heo he gaeson TuekdaThevenings The recommendation, Mr. WishIfor the puxpose of ensýring that ficee of chef coroner. a h rn ak h rn art said,, was given every consid- the employees would be aware of 1 . team is in a league with 'Keene, eration, as is the ordinary proced- h hngadtf sr ta o1With the matter now in the Welfome and Kendai. ure, with advice on the matter be- utchaepubdie toieswurd e hat n handrs of onle of the nation's ont- The Orono Juveniles wil pl"~ ing obtained froni persons famil- frhrpbi ilswudh e standing chief justices, and with their home ganies at the park on lar wi th the individual and the moved, because Doctor Shulman broad termis of reference. te1tueWeclnesday eveningp. Mr. Peter cuties oaf the office. lhad been removing eria fomfacts should ho revealed in the- Maartense wîll' coach the local Doctor Sereny had admirable the office. days ahead. Iboys la this division. t- Lntroductory Feature 1 GOLDEN HOUR Our new 39C lin- *52 Varieties * Cello Bags IIEALTH BEAUTY BaRGAINS PRICED 63Sc! Giant Tube CREST TOOTHPASTE 590 iREG. 1.29! 1, Large Tube HEAD & SHOULDERS $1.12 REG. 99e! 3-«., Spray ,SEý-CRET DEODORANT 79e REG(. île! 12 te Pkg. MODESS- Famlly N9PkinS 2 pkgs. 89C Featuýre -Save 1lUt. - SUNSFUN or 17411 ".73FRONTENAC BEST BUY!- Save 160 With Pork Cash your 7c Coupon 19 oz. tins BEST BUVI SveV3! ACAL Pkgs. of 200s FEATURE! - Save 17e! 19-oz. Tins E. Dm S MITîH'SAPPL PIE FFl[ER 3 for Si1 FEATURE! - 19-oz Tis LYNNIlVALLEY cREAM HSTYLE COR 6 fr Si FEATURE! - Save 16c! 10 % -oz. Pkgs. NABISCO SHREDDED W/HEAT 4 fo r $1 FEATURE! - 7e Off Pack! 16-oz. 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