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Orono Weekly Times, 27 Apr 1967, p. 4

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OltONO WEEKLY TIMES, flIIURSDAY, APRIL 27th, 19466 "IN CHRIST"t Taken from a ,sermnon preachied rTere were' the cildrIien ta look by Rev. B. Lonig. after as well as her liusband. On Scripture Lesson St. John.3: 1-21 top of ail this, company was com- ing for 'the weekend. She had the A littie girl had been in the urge ta listen but then there weret habit of hearing a story from ber 50 many things ta do. A few days mother before -4ie went ta sleep. later the Lord tried ta eçpeak ta Onie niglt she said, "Tell me a her again, but she had sucli a', stary about Jesus andI put me in heavy liead that ail she fet like'!c it." She wanted a personal rela- doing was ta have a rest whil.e the1 tioisship with Christ. house wasj quiet. As the days went an -lier nierves got worse and The Bible says, "If anyone is in l1fe grew mnore frustratin*g until Christ, lie is a new creatian: thie she was deterined thiat s'he wouid aid has pasýsed away, behald the visit tlie doctar andI see if she new lias camre." could get some medîcine, that 1would heip ber ta I4e rclaxed. The The fittiLe irl 's mother migit 'Lord said ta lier, "Mrs. Haouse- have aniswered lier request by w-ife, you are troubied and anxous quating the seripture its'ef nt about many things, why do you putting lii.lier nam-e, "'God sýonot take time te learn of me and loved Mary that lie gave Jesus, my way, for rny way is easy antI Ilhat Mary believing in lm might my burden is light andI you,,will -4ae eerrl lfe.ForGodsen lfind peace, for' your soul." But haesue ntnlhe. erld ot tosent Mrs. Hausewife's head was aching desu inMayo tt alt a oni so liard she felt sq nerved up that demuMar, bu tht May mgli he did nat liear' She would not be, saved througli Jesus."1 Or, the ihave liad time anyway. mother might have made refer- ence te the accaunt of the ehIltI- ren being brought te, Jesus that lie might toucli them; of Iiow the In1 another way we night con- discipl1es rebuked them antI when sier the story of Christ and His Jesus saw it he was indligniant churcli. The church is the body cf ami' said ta them, "Let the ohld- Christ antI lfe is the iead. We, as ren came 'te me, do no t hinder professing Christians composef. the them, for of such belongi the. rest of the body. If we are diivided Icingdom or God." The mahe body ls not functioning asg itj might have explained that the should. The liead is being ignored. baptism of children is related ta, this story and could have said, "One day, Mary,,youir father andI 1 took you tao church ta be bap- We mighit also think about the tized when- you were a s,ýai baby. community and considler it a9 i The minister took yau iniits arms Christ. The disciples were a corn- and sprinkie watei on your head. munrity andI in that community Your father and I felt we were were. men wlie were vasrlly differ- bringing, or giving you ta, Je.sus ent in per£sônaIity and re-actio)n. wlien that happened." MNlùew, ýthe tax-galherer, was j what we wouldl eau a quising. Hie If we try te teil a stary of Je-sus aant-put the home into àt we miglit use the accounit of Jestus' visit ta the ho~me of Mrtha and far-y where Martba waes cnenda- bout many things but Mary waci listenhing ta Jesus, and bowJsu pýointed out to Martha thai. ber mhany eoncernst ýwere cuttiig lber off frorn the tbing she niee-ded. We might tell it i liîthis maner- One day Jesus tried ta speak tw Mrg. Housewlfe, but like 0other diays she was busy with be-r work. iati sùld nimselfix n e meands l f the foreign power for financial gain. Aisoafamong tie dîisciples wasi the very' reverse, in the persanl of Simon the zeakot, The zealots were People who were prepared ta face any kind nIf death for their coun- try. They did not shrinic tûet~e their loved pnes die ini he strug- gie for reed<>m. 'Theiy refused ta give ta any earthly mn the narce and title of Idng. They were pre- pared ta go te the lenigth of sec- rt murder and stealthy assassin- atidn ta seek to rid their ce'untry We will scon leave this place 1 of foreign ville. The Plain fact 's and go to aur homes. Will we be that if Sinr the Zealot had met.. 1 n p h ii Ch)rit? There is aas4for of two thecorpau ofJess, iewuuld people who lived ina fisheias have stuck a dagger là hlm. cottage ini a smail village by the sea. Here is the tremendous truth One evening, on his arrivai that men who hate each other cean 'home, the wife sýaid ta hier buüs- le-arn te love each other when band: "Thie new miniister came Lihey botUa love Jesusg Ch rist. "I here tociay ami he asked a strange aniyone is in Christ, lie is a new question."> jereation; the Cid baspase away, behiold, the new has corne. "What did lie asic?" Expo 67 is bourad ta put heavy pressure on accommodations in Montreal. Neyer- theless, LOGEXPO, the officiai Expo 67 accommodation bureau,; assures every visitor a place to stay. At peak periods. you may flot be able ta "et certain kindis of accommodation- downtown hotel rooms, for example. But even at these times,-there will be suffi- cient alternative accommodation for everyone. Over 79,000 rooms are available in ail. Private Homes. Over 30,000 hospitable M1ontrealers are welcoming v;sitors into their homes. RATES: from $8 ta$14 a dayfor twa peo- pie, $10 ta $18 for three, or $12 Ia $22 for four. Efficïency Apartments, wvith kitchen faci- lities and mdâd service. RATES: $18 Ia $25 a day for twa persans, plus $3,a day for each additional persan. 11 Hotels. There are still same vac-ancies: in down- icown hatels during some periods, also in resort hiote1s within easy reach of Expo 67. RATES: tram $12 to $30 a day. Tourist Homes. The position is simiiLarta that of hotels and motels, with some vacanicies in ail periods. RATES: $10 ta $18 (double occupancy), "Does Jesus Christ live here"" "'And what did yot sy? "I didn't know, what ta ýs«y." "'Did you tell hlm that we arýe respectable pol? "But he dlid neot asic ktbat.n "Didn't you tell him we go toe ,church occasionally?" "But he didn't asi that. » ",Couldn't you telli himi we read the Bible occasionally?py "But býe didn't asi that. Rie asdced if Jesus Christ lived hère."' Every room has been inspected and ap- proved by an agency of the Gonvernment of Quebec, and a controlled rate estab- ished. Ail you have ta do ta make a reservation is mail the coupon below tao LOGEXPO. You will receive a repLy in 7-10 days.! followed by confiîrmatio n direct from the management of the hotel, etc., or the homeowner. Or phone (614) 397-839'7 for immnediate information and reservations. Motels,> Avail able in many periads, particularly early in the seasan, and after Septemrber 4th. RATES: $12 to $30 (double .accupancy). Motels (Trailer type) With kitchen facilities and maid service. RATES: fromi $25 a day for Iwo persans, $30 a day for four, or $49 a day for eight. Children under 12, frEee Trailer Sites, within easy driving distance of Expo 67, with 3-way haok-up. RATES: $3.50 Ia $5 a day. Camp Sites. 20,000 sites, in 120 separate locat ions, in the area arountd Montreal. -RATES:- $2.60 ta $3.50 a day. Ail these accommodations are governmnent- inspected, approved, and price-controied. flN.B. Plense fil out the coupon compI/,eleyarid mail iltoda y, --- -- -- -- -- - - ITo LOGEXPO, Expo 67, Montreel, .Q-.arcaada hn-54)3789 IPease teserve accommodations as follows; Arrival Oate---Depatuire Dtate--- Ombe,ýr f nlght.. .,Price ngo.... Number of adults over i 2)..Nmber cf chitdren (undet 12) ..Meaqèof trenspotatio., jTyp6 ofacconrnodatione requiroed: (preference one, fiwo or thre&e) HOTEL - TOURIST HOME - MOT EL V-] MOTEL (TredRer type) j TRAILER SITEE CAMP SITEPRVT OE j[]TEN efceoy x 'Aarn. OrTRAL ' CANADA 6e;ý I _______________________________________ he universal and Interrnationai Exhirbticf('A1967 I ~ Montveal, Caniada/APRIL 28-OCTOER 27, 1967 ----- --- - -- - ---- -- - - - - -- -- -- -- -- -- - C.I.L R FET-LIZ EVERGREEN 6-9-6 5 lbs. .. 75 50 1bs ......$3.98 Also available with Weed Killer, Grub Killer and Crab Grass Kiler C.I.Lo 5-10-1 Garden Specia ~ C.I.L. Golf Gree'n Special MILORGANITE VIGCRIC - PEAT MOSS - SHE EP MANURE 25 lbs- $2.5û 501hb $2.75 501hb $4.98 .1 BONE MEAL LAWN SEED - FERTILIZER SPREADERS SAVE 25%o CLEARANCE SALE 0F LAWN BOY ROTARY MlOWERS 19" Reg. $9500ý for 21l" Reg. $116.50 for .$71.25 .$87.38 21" Heavy Du'ty, Reg. $152.00 for .... $114.00 21" Self Propelled, Reg- $156.50 for .. $117-38 ROLPH HARDWARE A statement about yOur accommodations in Montreal for Expo67 . . ..... ... 1 ORONO, ONTARIO Phone 983-5207

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