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Orono Weekly Times, 27 Apr 1967, p. 5

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S~ 'a-~ -- - ~ ~ 1 14.~ ~ - ORONO WEEKLY 1M ,TIU1tSDAY, ARIiL 27th, 1966 Orono Bulding, Contractor Brick,-Bffock - Coniete Stüne Work Carpentry Cahinet WoYrk Flooks -Tue 983-5441 ORONO UNITED CHUR.CH Orono Pastoral charge Re.B. E'. Lonig SUNDAY, APRIL~ 23rd, 1967 Sunday School at 10:00 Moraing Service at 11:15 Kirby- Morning Service at 9:45 Sunday Sfeool at 11:00 Leskard- Sunday Schonol at 9:45 Local News' Dr. and Mns. C. Mlaartense ,ami îamily of Knao are visiting Mrç C RP I~,1 Tv rIrelnd tier rummer school in Oshawa and theRe iv 25Y r bcard Wll pay $20 per student to- Ocié 5 Y u wdsthe cost of the sulmmerý cc-Arses- Last yean, approxiniately .30 Durham countly etudent attend-l1..O. F. Jewel 1VREE.. LIkKY DRAW ]Evéry SATUIIDAY AT ORONO FUEL AND LUMBER For A Beautiful LAWN CHAIR Aluininumwith Vmnyl Arin Rests, value $8.00 YouL receive a Free chance to win wheu you make a Saturday Purchase Open Saturdays 8,00 - 5:00 UNCONDITIONAL GRANTS Oitario imunicipalities will re-1 cewe a $1,50 increaes in per capîta grnsinder legisiation introdue- cd( Io thle Ontarlo begisilature by theý lc),. J. W. Spooner, Minister ocf Munýiipal Affairs and Member for, Cochrane Southl. The grants are designed to'help rnunicipalities meet additional costs. The total amount approved for unconditional granto Ibis year is ,$40,000,000. Thie Leg,islation ill raise the grant to$7 per head of popula- tion for a mnetropolitan area or city with 750,0 00 population or more and for areas with a popu- lation of lessi4 than 75,000 to $5-50 per capita if in a cortnty and $4.50 p)er capita in a territoria district. A town or vill age baviing 10,0,00 or more population will lie paid $525 per capita if in a county and $4.25 per capita in a territorial district. A town, or village with less than 2,000 people will be paid $450 per capita in a county and $350 per capita in a territor- ia district. Townips with a population of 20,000 or more 'will receive $5.25 per capita if in a county and $4.25 per capita in a territorial district. Bo 1ard To Puy 1 For' a toWflship witn iess 'tun C us 2,000 populatioýn,, paymient will be' Costs ff o rs $4,50 per capita in a county and , e3.50 if in a territorial district. Durhami District lli1gh Sehool i Board will suibsidize Grade 12 stu- - dents who hiave f ailed or are weak lin not more than two school sub- R. Hollingsworth jects. The stuclents mai attend Robland H, HollingsWOrth died Tutesday, April lBth at 2:00 p.m.i suddenly at his homle on Park and wasý condulicted by Rev. Basil i Street, Oronci, on Saturday, pi og nemn rn Cemetery.I I5th, 197'6 !i his 77th year. Palibearers were Messrs. James He wa bornin WrsoSimpt- on, Sid 1lallowell, Clarence He wr bou inWarsp, Nt- urley, Fred Andewsý,'Alfred Fer- flingham, England and was the rnadW .Ri son1 of the late Jamnes and Sarah n n m ed [Toili ngsworth. Hie was very active la pots ad ardening ad was an activýe member of the English Churcli. Plni\, oyu Ind1913and ied ine the g - SPRING PAINTING and ada in11 n ie ,tj Ttnodistrict for one year then REP AIR S (Beautify for kmoved to the Crooked Creek dist- jit, fromn there they settled on a, Centennial 'Year) farmi in the Cowanville area where Mr. Huollingsworth took a great3 interest in church and i Cali GORD SIMPSON school activities- Sixý years ago he tutned bis Phone 983-58Ù8, Orono bis wif e retired to their home i' Orono. Hie is survived by bis wife, An- nie Amnelia, four daughters, Phyl- jlis (Mrs. Hermran Dunlop of Scar- borough); Viola (Mrs. Walter Carms) Schomberg; Ada (Mrsý James Rutherford) Kiriby; Violet (Mlrs. George Dunlop) rono; and IFIAPPY one soni, ArMond of Cowanville. Mr. llolliiugsiworth was prede- Canada's most popular eeaed y ne on oh an thee pers, soft rubher outsole and lI celaed b oneson Johnand hite grey, green and red. Sizes to1 daughters,, Gladys, Lillian and PRICE PER Dorothy (Mrs. Robert Morton). lie Is also survived by twelve grandehildren, six great grand-PR II chldren, two brothers aad two sisters. Four brothere predeceas-Gewe suede leather u ed him. ameutai tie. A must for spo; The funeral service was, from Gold, toast, brown and green. the Barlow Funeral Home on PRICE PER oc=oc=oc==>')-- o zû Bowmanville ROYAL 623-5589 THURSDAY - FRIDAY - SATURDAY - PRIL2, 28, 29,o - THE LIQoUIDATORý OIN COLOR------- Rod Taylo, Trevor Howard, 3111 St. John 0 n SUN.- MON. TUES. - WED. - APRIL 30, MAY 1, 2, 3 hff A unyThngHppeneod On The 0 aoy To The Forumi O <Color - Aduit Enietaîrtineent) 13Zero Motel, Phil Silvers, Buster Keaton .mation cf boards interested in us- would pnobably have TV's instail- ing a te-levision system of teach- ed next year. lu.oir iIoppERS, Slipper-Shone! Genuine suede Up. heel. Shades of toast, brown- bine It 5 to 10. PAIR - e5 DOGGIES uppers with fringed cowl and oru- ortswear! Otttside sole and heel. Sizes 6 to 10. PAIR - -$5.00 ARM[STRONGS relatives la Orono. The IOOfi eld their regular Satur.daynib dinner guests At 01le preslent time, students meeting Wedresday, April l9th. xwth Mr. and Mrs. Alex Watson attendjinig summner sehool are not The special aevent for the evening were Mr. and Mrs. Archie Watsion re_ exaýmined before next school1 was the presentation of the 25 Betty Annarad Larry of Water- year beginaing in September, nec-1 year jeweilsÀ by Mr, Harry Wade, down, Mr. and Mrs. George Cole, essitating that they rapeat the D.-D.-G.-M.,to liobert Chater and *Port Hlope, Mr. Bll MeNatil, Miss course in which they failed for an- Clarence Martin of .Léskard and Audrey Billings, 0Oeiawa; Mr. and other year, or ain me cases, they to Jack Syer of Bowxnanville. An- Mrs., Gordon -,Fower, Mr. and Mrs. may lie put ahead to Grade 13 other twenty-five year 'membeýr, Carl Billings, Mr. Carl Kimmett, level in the course even -after tbey'Elmer Fowler, Bowmanville', was *Miss Lynn Bailey, Mrs4. Neil Fort- have failed. unable to. be present as lie is a rer andc Mrs. Harry Baiiey, Orono., patient in the Memî)nial Hospital, r Mr. and Mrs. Roy Little, Diane Bord - officiais are trying to Ihcwever Mr Wade preseated the and Lynn, Kendqal Mr. and Mns. regotiate a system whereby the jewell to Mr Fowler la the hospit- Ronald Dinnier and baby of Port student may be re-examined be- ai Hope were Sunday dinner guests fore the new sehool year com -____________ *with Mr. and] rs. Wayne Bàifeyý. merieesî se that people are not put Mr5. Keni Gamnsby spent the qhead 'on trial' or forward to re- ing in their schools. weekead ia Oshawa and atteaded neat the course after they have Onie official of -the board said Simcoe Street United Chunch Cen- leanned it sufficîently well., that thiere is a good possiblity of jten niai celebrations. itbe board aequiring receivers for hwith Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Bailey. Eight reprerentatives of the the purpose, but that the budget e Mn: and Mrs. John Forrester High Seliool Board attended an thÉ, year would not permit the y pent the weekeid in Montreal Educational TV Seminar beld at expenditure. lie.suggested that if -and' attended the hockey gama be- Campbellford. The seminar was after class study, the members of tveen Monti eai and Toronto- ;ponsored by the Ontario depart- the board are convinced of Its mentot elucaion on te taor- rrecvenes, almg cuuinn I WANTEDý for. CENTENNIAL TALENT SHOW Be Part'of Our, Swînging Session DO YOU SING,? DO YOIJ DANCE? DO YOU PLAY AN INSTRUMENT? ARE YOU A COMEDIAN? ..IF 50, WE NEED YOU! AUDITIONS TO START IN1 APRIL HELPING TO GVeMBRAlTE CEN'TENNIAL VEAR IF YOU ARE IINTERESTED IN PLEASE CONTACT S. MATIIER, Phone 983-5442 Sponsored by orono Amateur, Athletic Association LADIES' SIJMMER SLIMS A good selection of ladies' Slîms iu materials for Stan- mer, Koratron iucluded. Western eut style as well as hip- huggers with wide beit. A variety of colours. Sizes 10 to 20. PRICED FROM $4.95 TO $9.95 GIRL'S JEANS RideZ style Jeans of good quallty sanfonized denim. Light bine and beige. Size 8 to 14 yrs. PRICE PER PAlE - $4.50 LADIES' ORLON CARDIGANS Ladies bulky Orlon Cardigans lun plafin or fancy kuit., Shades ideal for Summier. Pink, white and orange. Sizes 36 to 40 PRICED FROM $à.98 ta $14,00 5

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