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Orono Weekly Times, 27 Apr 1967, p. 6

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-- -~-~ ORONO WIlEK1Y TIMES, UBMIVA-Y, APRIL Z7hJ166 more will be present Report From Ottawa ersette wepeet fromi the Orono Art Group, Oronoi 1FiguLre Skating Club, Park Board, Russell C. lloney, 11.P.., Durham frustrate the nmaiority, or the gav-'lHockey Meothers, Athietic Assci- The roingedArmd Focesernient, frein taking dlecissions. ation anti Junior Baund. Unification ýdebate has be-en fer- Af the present finie the Bar-B- snimnated by goverrument action Th rsn eson, of Parlia- Q is on for July M tbe h followed takeni with the su,-pport of threin- ment started on January l8th, by the Amateur Contes4t on July cprtoppoeitioni parties. A menth ago 1966, andI is now the longest ii6th. The Chamber of Commerce in myv Ottawa Report, 1 suggestfcd Canadian history. We have passed are te sponser an Olcj Tyme, Fid- thaIt thîis would be necessary. Aftcr a great deal of lcgislafiou. We dler's Contest and pes5ibly Wef- eksand menthq of debate ila cmrn Show for July Mt. A propos- the Hlouse of Commons and in (Continued on Page 8) 'al for a Shopping Mail along with thre Defence Commttee theCn Concert is a posesibility for july servative OpposPtion nieunted a,--- an Orono Art Show and Baudl filibuster zimcd at preventing any I Bih. The Orono Fish and Hunt Kendg laNews plan a marksman empetition for July 9th antI it is aIse possible' 'The cloeure was irnplemented 1 , edlhoeo h at after. 13 days of debate in the Mr. esKedalehmý efteslate Houc e on the clause by clauseMrWeTeleh be sld sýLudy of the legisiation. There are F'he new owner is Mr. Allen Foster 65. clauses in the Bill and alter of Kendal. Zhe 13 days of debate not one clause had' been approved. This' The Kendal school children are is probably the hest evidence oue plznning to dance around the May can produce that there was neyer 1 Polecý on May, day, May lst. Let us any intention on the part of. the hope il warms up a bit. Conservative opposition to permit ,the legisiation te corne to a vote. The farmers have started to plough. In the vote to close outthe de-i bate the Conservatives stood a-l Mr. Bert Thompsen and his l. with 62 votes. The combined daughter, Mrs. L. Deyoe of Cali- voýLes of the Liberai, N.D.P., Cred- ,ornia were guests of Mlr. and' itkites and Social Credit parties Mrs. Ken Soper and Mr. and Mrs. 'totalledi 124 in faveur of terminat- G. Cathcart on Sunday. On Tues- ing the deébate and briuging the day merning they left by bus for vnatter to a decision. Me.osomin, Sask., where he wil reuýide with lis eldest daughter. The point at issue was clear. Can a minority frustrate the will Since butter can be produced g f a miority by an ede" par- ,for 30 1 ects, a pound in New Zeal- ade of repititious speeches? In and,' why not stop producing but-i suýipporting the goverument the ter, in Ontario, the city man says. ! leaders. of the miuority parties Weil, who would buy the new silos! -made iA plain that they thnught and the expens4ve stable dlean- ample time had been allowed for er? 0h would pay the taxes on the debate and that it was time the laud if there were no,0 dairy 'te either approve or reject the cows? Better still let us al go te legislatiou. northern New Zealand or Austra- lia and we wont need te buy a N.D.P. Leader Douglas said, new furnace fer the next winter "Parliament has a duty and a re- or a fur coat. Ahl we'll need is ai -5-ponsibility te take a decision on bathing suit and beach tegs. -,his matter."1 Remember Centennial Sunday at Kendal May 7 at 2:30 p.m. Credlitiste Leader ,Caoutette said, "It seems tei me that under our democrafic sys4tem we shouid at least have the privilege of taking uo a stand by votiug iu the H4ouse.IP G th rn The Consrvativcs are frce 'te voe agaimi-t the Bill. But as it is, For entnni Li~ ,are prcventing the House fromJ veting 'on this matter by, going Last Thursday cveuiug repre- ovn with thi5 marathon of speech- I sentatives of varieuq local organ- * .zations inu Orono atfended a meeting to diseuse4 plans for the Social Credit spokesmnan, Hl. A. fiye-clay Centennial Celebration ta ýOlson concurre4 with the leaders be held in Orono. The meeting ex- of the other groups in saying that plored many possible undertak-t -a minorify of members did not, ings and arranged, a further meet- ,bave the right te blockade 'or 1 ing for May 4th when it is hoped THE NEED IS GREAT! Wed., May 3, Lions Centre Bowmanville 1:30 p.m. t o 4:30 p.m. -- 6:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. For transportation eall 623-9010 on May 3 GIVE THAT OTIIERS MAY, LIVE I Babies rate tops with'us! Promptly, we compound their jdoctors' prescriptions. Faithfully we cater to their health and comfort needis, ýther. snýe take note. STUTTS Pharmacy PHONE 983-50091 1 nra s u vn e,- cewmne nut in the Oreno Park. Auy group wishing te partici-j pate is, asked te contact Mr. S., Mather as 4oon as possible so that the full five days eau be plauneil eut. O N TARIO Up to $2,5OO000 in capital Grants availaNea to Ontario Farmers The Govmrment of Ontario has increased Uts Capit'al Grants program by $1 29,000,000 effective April 1, 1967, and continuing through 1979. Farmers can apply for the following Capital Grants: First You can get Up ta $1,000 based >on one third of the Icost of.: Erection or renovation of farmn buildings - paving barn yards - liquid manure storage tanks -grading, packing and storage buildings - greenhouses - silos - grain, storage and milk houses, or a combination of these. Second Fifty per cent of the cost of a drilled, bored or dug wvell, or for the deveiopment of a special source of wâter, Up te $500 under thé ARDA program. Hon. John Robar' Prime Minister Also Under ARDA these Capital Grants continue to be available. Fort y per cent of the cost of field enflargement Up to $500, F ifty pe r cent of the cost of digging a farm pend up to $500. For further information contact voits local Agricultural Representative. ONTARIO PROVINCE 0F OPPOATUNITY Hion. Wm. A. Stewart Minister of Agricu ,lture and Foodi For second. opinion on diagnosis and emergencey treatmcnt,- first-aid team at bcd- sie sccsnds patient's heart tracings te hospital experts in cardiology, through 'phone. If fakes partnership ta win for health. diagnosis, rapidiy made through noces- Hero an emorgency tolam at bedside and sity, by a team of cardiologisf s, seen at a foam of hcart specialisf s in a European riglit poring ovor duplicafe hoart trac- hospital are thie partr2rs. ing. In this case, flic bedside feam seeks a To make the point that it takes all second opinion on bath diagnosis and kinds of modical skiils fo savo lives, the emcrgency treafmont for its patient, sus- Worl d Health Organization lias solocted pect of serlous thrombosi s. An on-flic- "Partnors in Hoalth," as the 1967 World spot consultation is mnade possible Health Theme. flirougli a 2-lb. apparafus connectod to The aim throughout the year îs to bofli a portable electrocardiograph and make botter known to young people a telephone.: career opportunîties in~ health, and to The device, the small, boxy object on caîl attention to the world's medical the table, transmfts the cardipgrarn to, nianpower shortage - not just of physi- receiver units in the hospital. This per- clans, but of ail members of the alliéd mita a double-checking.of the emergency health profoeson. Orono Park Boa-ird REQUIREs Tender or Tendersý FOR'THE FOLLOWING 1. POOL MAINTE NANCE - Chlorinating and Vacuum- , ng. 2. POOL ADMINISTRATION - Iliring andI Scheduling Lifeguards. 3. PARKING ATTENDANT - Sundays. 4.-BOOTU CONCESSIONAIRE - Operating Park Booth 5. POLICING PARK - Speeding, Rowdyism and Litter, Control. Tender or Tenders te be submitted te the Secretary, Miss Aima Cutteil Orono, by May 8th. ORONO, ONT.

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