ORONO -iEKLYTIMESTfftRSDAY', APRIL 27th, 1966 REPORT FROM1 OTTAWA <Coitînued f rom lPag-e 6) shoufld hlax e done mucli more. We siiIhv nain f rka- ea c usý for the new sessdon which should start ilhortlY. Canadian society, indeed' the whol woldis djeveloping and chianginig a t an unprcedenved rate. LeislatLive chaniges and ad- jus4menits which mnust 'be made ii o-e niimerous and comn)lpx as our socity developi.Hpeul j 1imetwill soon ;ee a !great- 2r degree of co-operationi betweeni V1' par-ties!v in order to expedite the piblic's; business. This. mayý 1happen w-ith the advent of new businésý, In thee circumista»ic*s, iedrhpin the Progreýssive Con- it will be necesary for the govein-. servative Party. mnent to accept the responsibility If it does not, ail parties will of llacating reasonable time for ha;Àve to accept the censure of the' debate -on each specifie item of puiblie for faiiling to conduct its legisiation. BEEKISI IGA CHOICE GREirWAE "INOURPROUCEDEPARTMENT" Ca-lifornia G7arden Fres Produce of U.S.A. 7 Jl Produce of Mexico, Canada No1 Grade Imported Ibl9c Large Sue doz3 c Size 45s' 29c' vine Ripe ,Tomtoes Rursing ithJuice frodueeec,' U.S.. Can. No. 1 Grade Produce of S.A. Imported Barlina CAMPION - P--;, chîicn or ler rl ÏM;Di BLL RDà, DOGp FuýOOD 2OZ. CONTAINER Bab D~lsSwet M SPed or RA d BerR efTHE CHILDRE PUE T A JETDSPRY SCHOCOS AMBOR OS HIVE'SMPUE JAS DISINFECTANT PIRE SOL CLEANSER Tins I4 or. 2 24lrb. l 157 oz-.45 2 ins RY 3 Jarc 14 oz. Conrtarner 6 3C Sire-59 ITS S0 EASY! This weelc you simply get Doubole thse amount of' your cash register fape-conspiete dollars oniy w,*1 be doubled. This qives you adjitionaf tapes ta use for items from tiIGA Gift CafalQgue - or for Eaton Marmchandise Criia-s For easy counting at the checkouts onlyi, complete dollars wll be douhled, fo- example; if yoiJr cashi register tape fatals $ 18.64 you wi 1 receive an ad&,ional $ 18.00 in Bonus Tapes FREE/ Double Tape Days is just anoliser reason why we say EADIA we really care'" Hum alabsire IoA Casý,.h Regiter apes& Bous Tpos Heres a simrple outline oFte IGA TapeaPlan -- Save your regular IGA Cash Register Tapes end Bon usTa pes in a sa ng; folder supped by tise store ,Whe y ou havýe *a $1 500 in tpsyou have a fui folder. AI! 'nms istd i tie]IA Gift CTalge can Be pvrchased byfodrvleryo may re- deem 1 folder for a $2M00 EtonMrhads Certificate. These certi*ficatescan Be used jus+ liLce ca, h aa any Eatons store or from Ea1 sCtlge oi o haventf alrçady got tise happy hit .1 Fresh Ontarlo Pork Sale! SLEAN FRESH Lia. Frîsi Pork -Butt Roasth.ý4E% Lian 'Wall Trimmd Pork Bult'Chops .E CHICKEN CUIS BEEF LIVER BOLOGNA CA CI STA su Cul SE Q PFSH LEGS and BREASTS ECONOMICAL EVENLY SUCED TASTY MILO BY THE PikCE lb. l55c l57c 35c DBAURY - S varetes +o choise from' or fl IRlT COTONBÂLS PKG. 29c iriy Pastc BndaesReg. g98C 69C & JBAB PODERLarge 63C & J BAY OILSnali 69 AL-T EX BABY PANTStore 88 TIPS Picg. 79c PRICES EFFECTIVE AMRL 26.'27. 28 AND 29 WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES ROYAL GOL~ 4 HAUT, BAL. GN[Y Qs'17 , 32 OZ. JAR ~1 s s