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Orono Weekly Times, 4 May 1967, p. 1

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W EE KI YT IM ES Addition Safid Necessa'ry For ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THFURSDAY, MAY 4th, 1967 VOLUME 30, NUMBER 17 Port Hope High Sch ool An enjoyabie îmeeting of tle orc,îo ir orticultiirai Society was ileld in the Upper C. E. Auditorj- um. Opening wth '0 Canlada' tes the', inte9, caverai annouince- rendli were miade ly the Presi-F F dent, iM. . Challice. Ilie said thatFo rFi 'a nunber oi Flowering Cr-ab trees liad been planted and that there Fýirh' rplîIa bave weae- two leit aver. It was movedvsdfrîl etni tliat 1 ne oai these be donateil to FiîSIftem' Cnet sa thre Jr. Gardenersi for their garden île Or'é on haer ai'p a: the corner oai Main and Miii the Ocootstl aïrbeo Stireets where one lad winterkiil- TOr ontesRinkontursd ed. Juiy 6th. Mm. Faibrothier asked for Firý -' priz7e money ha soneone from îthe Society ta as- i SoMJU0xvt second qist on tIre Centemiial Commnitîce ir',-oad third $2 anid Mr. A. Jakemien was appoint-wjhg enrdi ed ta Ibis position. AnyoniewhaMroP M. Lunn' as so, ,,an assist in planting the Centen- cbe niai Flawer bcd at Curvpiy will -4e weicomie. Floweme, and othe4lr ___________ nraaterials for this projeet have ý,eiordered.P l n C Several invitations have been eýxtenIded ta the Society for the Thre chilIy ,id.was 'omimer. Mrs. li1olmes ai Leskaýrd,. on Tuesday, April 251l wlia lias over 80 varieties aif ii-hart's Sehool by the les and l as recelved many awards the festive occasion w] fo)r î1cm,inie the Society, as pile plariled twa Cente, nwhiole or mnemnbers individuallY, on the iront iawns ai tac visit hier garden the latter The trees were Flow partI of June. Mirs. Fairbrother trees, "Almey" and sugestd'a2,,ndJng the Centen- purchased with funds nIýal supper at Leskard 'and view- thre pupilsi. Each child igîl iie,, as a picasant even- tue apoli1ýrunity ta pha îng'souti.g. ui i ea ound the in.A pe of loya copies of Ire 1967 liortieultural,' eautr ws illV 4~ri~c vi- wereavalalie a, Ir irhay,"Te- a meetig. Tese ave, tis yns, s. "OCand. bok iicuding information on Picpl r.Grecl île frî of thre iirsit Society in ersafxpssde ýOno, poemIS, garden lints, flwv- ocarin indhoe eraraninhils and ain original beauificat0on projeit -cvrdonc by Donnia Chailice de- lie. pitn Ire Centenn ie heme and Mas. ThIosý. Faiî-h'ot the acily lowr îe 'ose. mn a tIe Clarke To thei coi ay obtain cae rom ad saehiiyt Mr Callc. lesedon'tforet bout the piiee of yo ii njyil. Thre Spring adian and cxpr-essed i Shw sMa 25. Anyone may en- on seeing the trees p ie te 'es Kept Home Sur- whoa plants a ta-ce, pla roýund,;'ings' competition this4 year. future, someday youw No-ebssare welcom 1e ta par- wth yojur ovn cilidrer tic ipate. ta these trees with pri mninder aiofieCentenir Orgustspeaker, Mr, Woud- ?Chairman a loherCia etra, of ValieyStreaf taemlOr ono wa i truedand gveF a c re pianting projeets,i veryînîrcsing informationi on plans are complcted P iiai].They are a very aid îîow- ad9hwe l cm mntioned in th e ilimne of the Roman Epire and Soule people hink that îlhe 'Liies ai île field' ationied in the Bible mîght D ifng F Gadioli -ýnae hrids woich ans gF hldiave e a f omm aiehGliaral they alwXays camle true ta calaçr. -iyboridizing m ie ans mnany .yearýs ai ;iîsapp)ointing work. Oi aif Mil-75 lions of edig grown there ni-ýight bie caly tirrce or four bulbe whic woid e suitabie ta save. Auguring under the ln purchiasing bulbs, le sure natural gas braught thcy arc hiigh and wcIl' rouinded ai gallons of water, ia boleceti that thiey are younig aftcrnoQn.L Workmien f hul.Wide, f lat bulle might ble er's,,Cas Ca . whie dri sýeveral yeare aiid. lh is import ant Main Street at the I taG keep îinsecis off the planits in tersection, drilled intc ilrder ta lave healtly bulbe for Streeýt 8 hich wter ma tire next year. Inîlhe fail, when Ilocalud direccty belci ,le avustan tat' ie dwcul Une. Waîter srgd ra the sýtaike offl as closýe ta the bull ta flow down îlhe siree apossible la case oai any virusmaagrrep)orts ,on Dry outeideWu, take off île old bull, that water from the tien store in a cool celLar in open Tuesday was 75,000 g contaners.average. To Appear Oni New Busiunesses rabs H-fm hwOe nO Prize Iddlers e been de- iil Old Timne )nsared, byl hceld ai the ay evenijng, la leen set 1money lie- >0,00. Thase aIld contact mn as pas- Mr,. Dovuglas Lycet will appear, On Cha'nnel I9's Hi-Time Shlow on1 Saturdayv, May 13lt when hie will sinig bis. atest hit song "Bild A Scaffold Way Up Hligli." Th~e song hast receentiy been played over many of the radio stationsY an! iF receiving many good reviews by the dise jorkeys. The Hi-Timie sAhow appears at 3:00 P.11. The record was recently record- ed by Mr. liyçett featuiring- hi.s ownï song "Build A Scaffold Way Up Hilh" along with "Old Zero". The, s'orligs are on the Columbla label whieh in itselfisl a consiçi- erable bcoost. Mxt. Lycett feels tbhàt the next two weeks will deter- mine whethier or not the song, is to be wvith the top luts. This week Dongclias been touringu in west- ern Ontaric> to pronpte the record Yentennial Trees toutclaeied ;h at Lock- warmtl ai ihen the pu- Lnnial treeg the sehool. vering Crab "Royalty", sraiscd by dwas giveýn lce a hand- Le roots'and actual plant alty ta aýur m,woýod anýd light aifthe ta begin a iu a short ther, chair- )wnship Cen- was present, he pupils a- Sbeing ýCan- lier pleasure ianted. "lie !nts for the wnl pass by, n and point ide as a re-' niiai effort." who isi aiso rke Sehools repoirts thàt for May 8th students of Grds7 and 8 gather at tIre Or- ono(e) rsr stantio-n to plant the Cenitennïal Woia, Mr. Wan ielson will lie in chiargec. Brley Bu;sirUes are providinig irc-trnsportatin taand frors thc ditn eol.Trees will ai- suo ba planted on the sýhoul prop- erties ýat NeW.tonvilie, -Browns, Kendai, Lockharits alid Orono. TheAprl wtin aitheClarke Tuwnhi~ ~Tecbes m t rowns .,chol ith thehostesse-q Miss Scott, MIrs,. Bouglien and Miss Wels. Mrs. K. Low\ery, president, op- ened the meetng with the Lord's Prayer. The secretary, Mrs. J. 1lioy, read thc minutes of thre last meeting. Mr . Moffat reported on the suc- ce's aif the salary committee. r.C-' Holmes, Inspector ai Publi",c Schools, spoke ta the teacli- crs briefiy. Mr. Moffaý«t explained the organ- ization ai the cTabioid Sports, Day ta be held at Kendal June 15. The idea being for the greates*t parti- cipaion an.d feiiowship. Teams of fifleen contestants from Grades 4 to 8 wili, compote. The remain- der ai thre meeing was devoted. to s4electing team captains and contestants for eacl team fmm dif ierent sehools. ~GosBrnsot 000 Gais. 0Of Wxier testreet for tthousiands late Tuesday for Consum- rilling under Park St. in- to thre Main ain which. is ow thýe gas m the break et. Mr. Dent SWednesday Bsystem, on gllo n above ed between a hydrant on Churcli street north, a cross the valley, ta a hydrant an Church Street South operated for a period ai timie. However this uine did break with many in the soutli section ai the Village being wthout water for a short period ai timre. At the time ai the break the Gas Company was making a con- nection ta their gas main for the Orono Times building. 'ono A nuimber of changes have takc en place, in the bIusiness section of Oronio uingth fir--t part of this mnh Mr. Mat Snýeýiders now o, pea-ý Ilis barber business along with the pool roomi and conlfectionery store recently purchiased from MAr. Dane Foundc. 1M1r. and Mes. Foi î c have movedi to their home inBowmnanville. Ann'siý Beauty Salon has moved to is new location oni the west side of Main Street between Corn- ish's lied and White and the Or- ona Timies. The store lias been comnpletely re-roivated adding an) im)provement to thie businIes3s(se- tion of tie Vifllge. Dr. Peter 1. Mlaartense ope-ned bsdental practice atý the Orono Mledical Centre on M.oniday. Dr. Maartcnse recenitly gsaduated fromn the Sehool of Dentistry anid lisin bis ýoffice ftie mosti modexn equijtipent to unde.rtake bis prac- tice, NewcastleïM a n WinsNHL4 Draw Mr. Pigeon of Newcastle was the lucky winner of the Orono Arlificial Ice Fund N.H.L. Draw which vas decided- by Toaonto's victory on Tue'sday eveinig. at a dollar apicece .whýi should net the Tce F und $450,00 aiter paying expenses- and the. fifty per' cent Ù) the winn?'-. LISTED May 1 Clean upl Month May 1- May Day - Kendal Sehool May 7- Kendal ChuIrcli 2:30 p.m. Flag dedication Service. May 8-9 - Clarke Sehools (Grades- 7 and 8) Tree Planiting at the Centennial Woodlot, Orono For- estry.1 May 13 - Orono Junior Gardeners' Hike and Natures Treasure hunt Everyone weicomne, bring lunch. 10:30 arn. from O. Challice's. May 13 - C.G.I.T. Centennial Tea and Bake Sale (Orono United Churdli, 3:00 p.mý. May 13 - Kendal - Penny Sale in the Orange Hall, 8 p.m. May 17 - Newtonville United Churel Salad Supper, 5 p.m. May 25 - Orono United Churcli 7:00 p.m. Junior Gardenerst Spring Flower Show 3:00O p.m. - Orono Horticulturai Society, Meeting and. FloWer Show. May 28 - Orono United Churcli Sunday Sehool Anniversary ser- vices. JUNE June 4 Newtonville United Chureh 1lOOth Anniversary Ser- vice' June 4 - Shut-ins Day - give flow- ers. June 17 - Durham County Hog Producersi - Park Bar-B-Q. June 18 - Clarke Township Cen- tennial Thanksgiving Service, Orono Park, 2:30 p.m. 'i«-c Planning Comittee'1ýý of the County DsritHgli SeolBoard was asked reeentl l' rive consideration to the mt tWr cf laving anadtinbuit tw P Hope Iligli Sehool. Ti11e action camiei a m1eetinýg olteboard heldAt Millbirook', 111b Shoo folownga report of P ort Hlope Lligh School now lias a sýtudct pojnLation of more than 1,000 and a number of clasee< ar acomolaedin smiall port- abebuiIdings to the norti. ,ide of the m-ain structure. Wlwàn ailumber of new s,,u d - ensenter the -school next fail 4t is expected. that two more port- able cJassýroomns wjll bc needed. -Fhe Port Hope comnmitte(ý Said it was time that extra permonrewî claj,.ýrooms were proviffed., fin othe~r action the hoard ap- provýed a new saiary schedule for tcehers, prinscipals andi vice-prin- cipais. i genefral the rates et pay for thie four man categ(>rie6" of teacher6 were raised by $700G ov7er last year's schedule. The princ ipal of Port Hope, HiLOi Scholol, H. J". Mumby,re por{ed thàt the drivetr educationr program carried out this~ year on an experimenitaiF basis lied been a su1cceS. '1 lie hopýed it will be possible to expand the use of the course for next year and feit it would be well worth the effort to have diriv- er eduffitio i givep in ai schoôls uncler the jurisdiction of' ther board. Other principalg of BQwmanville Clarke, Courtice and Milhbrook seh-ools also agreed on the value of the course but 'jaid a major obstacle to its establishment in sechýool: is the difficulty in getting qualified instructors. Regular staff teachers have to. take a three week9l course toquai- ify and îmany -fnd t iificuit t devote nough Io thework In Port, Hope part of the, df-'1' ficulty' w-1,s overcome by having a staff 'mem-ýTber give the nee-d lectures anld having ,a driving teacher f-rom outside of the staff Mr. Mumby' ,aid. 24' students had takea driver eýducation and ail had mariaged to pass the final tests. The board accepted with regret the resignation of 10 teachers to be effective at the end of June. Mr. Stirling Mather reports thtt a meeting of ail those in1terestced in helping to promote, Centennial Week in Orono, will be 'held ta- niglit, Thursday, in the Council Chamber, Town9hip Hall at 8:00 P.m. Hie asks, that everyone intere- ed attend and eýspecially thosze representing organizations wha will piromote events during the week ot Juiy Jrd. IlnvltuationluSAVa!lauble The Orono Park Board are ta supply invitations for anyone, who invitation. to take, part in the of-town friend. The card is an would like. to, send, such to an out- Beef Bar-B-Q aioýng with other ac- tivities to be held durinýg Cen- tenniai Week la Orono. Get your card9 next week from any member of the Park Board and.,send them, to your friends se that they may visit.Orono during thet Centenniai activities. Aiter answering inurnerouq ques ion, arguiest was thaniked 1by, reada liimoru.)oemliand, with Mrs. E Brownat thepiano, led in th snin o wo sni ihfam- iiarlnes but 'gyardeningc' words> Foilowiing the singýing oailTe Queein, a social urnie wasiý enjoyed. The Newcastle Public Utilities was callcd i to make thýe repairs as Oroiio duýes not carry repair parts;. The b ;reýak happened short- l~biae5:00 p.m. and was re- T'ic Orono iFire Dep,3artment aid ue ai hose ta o ppythe eystem , soutth ai Station Street, withb erUTe hase lime conneet- The> Orono Art Croup are epon- poîsgab concert at île ;cipat le i ths feature ai the Cn soring a Centenniai Art Sho w, sajme time. tennial celebration. u be heid durinig thc Orono Cen.- tennia eeI leOoo ak The rt howisopen ta cvery- - ffal eek n te Orno ar G oic, chdrn included, who have Te Art G4r-uý asmade cn on Sunday afternooni, July 911. art ocdawng they wish 10 put 'tact wilh îhe Juniiior Bndtaa- TFic O)ronjo Junior Bandi- are also on1 display. It i5 the hope ai tle sist' with the aiternoon'saci- luj ca-operate with this; feetLure by local group thjat many wili parti- tics which the)Ire bd las agreed ta,^ej ------------------ l"-----W--Iqý

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