S- -4--- ~ - - OOOWEEXKLY TIMES, rHIURSDAY, 'MAY 4th, 1961~ - - *- - :-0*ri- - r- - ~ ~ - - Ceneral INSURANCE FRED LYCEfiT OFFICE - MAIN ST, ORONO Phone 983-5032 Res. 983-51421 JACK REID Orouo's Licensed Auctioneer and Valuatut Specialize in Farmand Furniture Sales Consuit me for terms and dates PHiONE ORONO 983-5914 Faily ~ ui our quality and service leaves nothing to be desired Ask the person who bought fýron ns, a neighbour, friend or relativ The RUIIER GR1ANV[j COMPAINY 73 Ontario Street PORT HOPE IlLargest Display Iu Southeru Ontario" O C H O U S E OR SALE DERS TAKEN FOR W R S APROBLEM? HOUS FORSAL GLOBE and MAIL (J&e Pamiovin, the On'e D Trt)1%TT ~j Orono Alain Street. Four bed- treatment for pinworms. Aal W f-V RAL K oinos, bathroomo, 2 story bouse, Are you interested in readin'g able at STUTT'S PIIARMACY- Ggarage. $150 10. down. Full price the Globe and Mail. Phone 0O1rono f-16 p AL E T$0500. 7% mortgage. 983-5845. t-p _____________ BLAL ES AT E Orono 983-5709. b-__i o NOTICE LIMIE) l ________________ Dr. A. F. MclKenzie,'will fltb oDEW WORMS FOR SAL in his office fromn May 6 to May G 21 KING. ST. WEST IIOUSE FOR SALE Dew Wo-rrms for sale. Contact 13, both dates inclusive. Bowmanville 623-3393 il ,8,eroom home on large treed hleyHoy poe9353.b-1&-c U Toronto 923-9174 GLor, iMain St., Orono. Only $2000. SelyHoy hn 8-50 OPort HpeOffice- -down. Pivae sle.a-c - ~ Hope8 [J1.Â_a_ NOTICE"F 98 Walton St.- 885-4548 Phon*e 9ki3 55iz Orono. a-c 1.tosmsin fl n DEW WORMS FOR SALE, Grourps or organizatin ihn SFREE APPRAISALS h _____________- il to asist with the Centennial Cel- 0 Orono's finest No. 1 Grade Dew ebrations lui orooduringte Exclusive Agent frUFSL for week of July 3-9 are asked to Worms~a1e.have a representative present at C.OSCION year, Carrnage, used foron Apl Raye West Jr., Phone a mneeting bein-g held in the 'Towfl- COSRCINGai good condition. Price $30. 98355.Cuc t ouh rn.s-i onclCabr nTus n 3-Bedroom Bungalowv G Phone 983-,5948, Orono, Ont. 8355.CuhStSotGn.1 àiCaelCzii-bronTrs ~ Prcedfrom$153'7.O0 -c _______________________day, May 4thi at 8:00 p.m. Youir G rce o lots 375 -00 IJ j helli is needed to make this a ronlota Rp5xentti0 -CLARKE PUBLIC LIBRARV succestsfl undiertak-ing. a-c U FORSALEApplications will be received by R OY FOSTER 0 the und.ersigued until 5:00 p.m. COMING EVENT G ed' hn 935 0 1G Wedding gown, floor length, Fr-idav, May 121h, for the position1 The Senior Citizens will mneet Kendl - hone983-801 full skirt, lace over taffetaý long lof Libranrian, Clarke Public Lib- in the I.O.O.F.. Hall Thursday, G large selection of Farms, G sle , ves, size 12-14. Like iiew. h rary. Remuneration $600.00 per May 4th, tonight, 7:30 p.m. The oHomes, Lo%?s Retreat Pro- à Apply Mrs. P. Dellaas, Cornish amiuma. Orono United. Church Choir will [J perties in this area G Apartmnent4, Main St., Orono. a-p For further information contact entertain with progam aud lunch- ~ R. C. Forrester, Chairman. Duties EVýenyone welcome.a- ----to commence, immnediately.________________ ROOMFOR ENTMrs. Bruce Merce, Room for rent r f eie.Seeretary, TEEN DANCE' Roomforren, bardif esied.Box 161, Orono. To be held May 6th lu the Orono- OrVille Chatterton I Phone Newcastle 987-4527. a-ceTw al ..t 2 __________________________Muslc by "The Jace of Destiny" - C FO RENTAdmission: $1.50 couple; $1.00 Electrical Contracting FOingie. Delue 3bedoomApatmet,.~ jSponsored by thie Orono Hockey Electrie lleatiug 1 Newcastle. ilie and broadloomiMtes - ffloors, electric heat. Available -Mtes - and Service ýJune 15. Spaclous grounds and ea AFrking SWIMMING UC?. r,ýjV ÂLor_) . i re yo-in- e iteui ruie w-. i Orono Phone 9j83-5343 MeCULLOCH BOATS & MOTORS CHAIN SAWS Rep,,airs to ail makes of Lawfl Mowers an i 2 and 4 cycle Engmnes OTACO PLOW POINTS AND MACHINERV PUMPINt-G OUT SEPTIC, TANKS WHITE WASHING STABLES Dert Tompkls Phone 786-2552 Building A New Home? or Remodelllflg? Cal JO)E BECKER 983-5713 Orono aLYCETT g 0 Plumbing & Heating PHONE 83-54g Orn: Otai b< Q = C O c o=>4 o PHONE -993-5546 or 983-5940U Ororma, *Ontario PHONE 9350 CONTRACTO-RSFO FARM and 11OUS WIRING Free Estimates APPLIANCE SALES prompt and Guaranteed Repairs Equîpment and Appliances, Such as Metors - Water Heaters to ail kinds of Electricalj T.V. - Radios - Stoves - irons o s insrance G o Service g oAuto, g acFage Policies S Fidelity Bond,, 0 Liabillty Lifeo [j First Mortgage Loans ýSadMIe Hamiltong 0 Phone, 983-5115 IBox 133 Phone 668-3552 Stafford Brothers Limited 318 Dundas St. E. Whitby, Ont. Manufacturers of Cemetery Memorials Dealers ln Domestie & Foreign Granites and Marbies - Ingcriptions Cut' and Cemetery Repair Work Milton Tamblyn. Orono. Phone v83-5016. tf-e SHOE REPAIRING Shoes te be repaired can be left At Rolph'e Hardware, Oxono. Call yoir licensed Plumbing & Mechanical Conrractor who seils, instalis qpd -raaees CARM., -AN PL UMBING AND HEATING Phone 983-5207 Orono "BLUING andH1EATING I Sale andServicee e24 HOUR BURNER SERVICE jB.A F1INANCING Low Interest Rates ~Phon<ps: j Tyrone 263-2650~ Hampton 263-2298 Bulding a House? or remodelling your present one, then contact Floyd Nicholson, ORONO PART-TIME RADIO TV REPAIRS 111I-FI - Stereo -Record Players -Antennas - Towers -PA System for rent Ail parts and labour guaranteed HARRY WIERSMA PIIONE 983-5512 ORONO IF t±~nJ ~mn~én I ~JVI M w.u..ra.. I Orono, Phone 983-5808 PAINTING and CARPENTER WORK REIMIODELLING Interior and Exterior We Hope You'II Join even if: -you've been too busy to sign up. OR -you're not, interested in saving moaey. OR -you neyer have to borrow money. You Can't Afford to Pass Up Membership in the Orono District CREDIT UNION JTreas.-Man., Angus Loucke ,Phone 4r10, Orono Ann r ograme eýedin tOrono Park îhing sogm inon Pr tif ýso, peas ttn teOr WaterSi, leafetClbennuahemeet- inge on Wednesduay a 101hti the Municipal Building at 8:.0 p.m. n-c PUBLIC WORlKS 0F CANADA 1TEN DERS SEALED TENDERS ADDRESS-- EDTO District Di'-ector, 241 Jar- vis St., Room 605, Toronto 2, On- tario, and endor9eed "TENDER FOR CLEANING CONTRACT, NEW FED. BLDG., ORONO, ON- TARIO0." will be receeived until 3.00 P.M. (E.D.S.T.), Thursday, May 25, 1967.. Plans, specifications and forni of tender can be seen, or ean be obtained from the Pûstmaster, Or- ono, Ontario. To be considered eaci tender must be made on the printed forms supplied by the Department and in aceordance with the con- ditions et f orth therein. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. R. S. FONBERG, District Director. IN MEMORIAM In loving wiemory of Carne Blanche Tabb, wvho pass&td away May 8th, 1966. Sadly missed by husband, Thonfas Tabb. a-p IN MEMIORIAM In loving memory of our dear littie daughiter Caroline Van Seg- gelen, who pass4ed away on May 9th, 1963. We love to thiink of you, dean Caroline, In mansions briglit and fair Where Jesus reigns in glory jThere isý no sorrow there.- Sadly mîssed and always rýem- embered by Mommy and Daddy, Nicky and Freddie, Grandmother and Grandfather. a-c Dr. I. Maal,ý,rtense DENTIST Orono, Ontario Orono Medical Centre Office Hours:- 9:00 to 1:00; 2:00 to 6:00 Saturday 9:00 to 1:110 Phone 983-5825