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Orono Weekly Times, 11 May 1967, p. 1

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Stetsons, Are Vogue ln' Orono Centeirtial Bal Staged For July'7th Munneke- Aiken A pretty spring wedding took place Saturoay, May 6, 1967 lW St. Andrews Unitedi Cburch, Mill- biook, Ont. Barbare Rutb Aiken, daughter of Mr. anti Mrs. Harvey Aiken, Millbrook, became the bride of Albert MnnnekV, only son of Mr. anti Mrs. Andrew Mun- ache of Orono. Another event was, added to the Iist for the Orono Centennial cèle' s'ians to be helti during the week of July 3rd. The 'event will: take place on Friday of thatýý week andl wiIl be in the form of a iCeitennial, Bail. Entire pro-, ceedsi from the bail are to go to the artificial ice fund. Activ',tes for I.bis week are now to start on Tuesday, July 4th ,-d run through to Sunday, July 9th. Events siateti for the week at ti time are asý follows: July 4 - Talent Night July 5 - Beef Bar B-Q July 6 Old Time Fiddler's Contcst AUl ready for the big ýshow on waigtheir Stetsons they are Jniy 5th, Bee;f Bar B-Q, are. the -sa to seli tickets for t'he event, Bottoim îovw (i to r) Ted Samuel, muembers of the Orono Park. Now Ab West, Aima Cuttell, Herry Mercer, Orme Fall',, Rod Carveth and Sid Ruatherford. The, group are also armed with invitations for your friendsý. I ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, Mi4Y 111h, 1967 Chamber Staonds Prit On Ed atinalGrant Reues? 'Ple Oronio Chamber of Com- n~re t their tmeeting oni~lMon- day evenirt so<tif EaS to a deeisý_ io ad n 1 thet further fin- ansca1 aïid wes needeti to entice ,Dt.udents to the fielti of medicine aL etsry. The propo9ad was mad lst year to the Ontario Chanher to corne before their -anul meeting in 1966. At that, Urethe proposai was referred b~kto the Ontario Board of Dir- ectors for further consitieration anti to be agein preqenteti at the 1967 annuai policy meeting.. AlettLer wasreceived from the OtroChanuber lasi week la, wha.icb the Ontario Chamnber dlaims there is no neeti at this time for ft 'îha uindst The letter alqo sthDtedti at existing financiai as- sistance N not ail useti up. Spokesmen et the meeting on Moý,ýnday steteti that they kuew of ceswhere s9tutents were pot -Me.t get sufficient monles ho fnance their education. It wes cio tated that the finàncial aid wsa lban not a gift and that nrater funtis shouIti be available. The Chami-ber is to again write Th'ýe Ontarlo Chamber meking ,kn.own thie views of 'the Orono ,,-lha-mber. Dr. P. I. Meartense, wbo bas opocneti his dental office in the Oronao Medicai Centre was intro- , 1 d to the meeting by Mr. S. ÎF. Rutherford who congratulateti lI'r. Meartense lu bringing bis oetrvices to the area and for his gaiinterest in the commumity _os a whole. Mr. P. M. Lunn reporteti on teOld Time Fidtiler'5 Contest w ichlato be held. in the Orono Airena on Jufly 6th. Wininers of the monthly lucky drýaw were W. E. Arms trong and Ma-ýe Tabb. The latper was aise a valuner in the April draw. Mr. Chas. Arrntroug N to eall a etnûf ail the merchants in §ron,ý o te iscus the holding of cShopper'sý Mal lu the Village ,Week. It iN proposeti to hold the Mail on Setureay, July 8tbi. The Orýon-o Chamrr laci to a- -ain sponsor ±he annuel fireworks dipe.The fireworks are to be het(d-on May 22nd et the Orono) 7-air Grounds, MeýSars. R. ilezel- den and A. McLaren were ap- pointed to' loomk after the projeet. It w~also. deided by th-e O'r- ono Chamber to again sponsior the BlosýsomY tour with R. Fofi'ester anti Dr. P. Mýaartense in charge of the event. Andy Mdurphly an d a.ride to bel Hono ued A group. of boys who have .pieyed bail anti hockey together for the past years, accompanieti by parents,, lady friendsý and a few staunch supporters, gathered, in the basement of the Orono Unitedi Churcli on .Seturdey ev- enling for a very tielicious pot- [uck supper. Mrs. Sterling Mather, Mrs. Bert Black and Mrs. John Moffat set anti' tecorated the tablea Mr. John Moffat was spokesman for the evening, bringing to mid saine of the happenings that had, brought ' hisý group of boys, now young men, together, an d the many good times they hati en- joyeti whiie pleying bail and hock- ey_ together, anti the trips they hati taken as they followed'their sportirig endeavours' over many parts5 ofOntario. Rev. Long, a guest of the even- ingwes asked for a few comments antiasked the boys to consider the fellowship they had with one an- other, the knocks they hati taken, the way they hed learned. to lose, but riot give up, and the neeti for dicipline whicb was so necessýary in gaining respect for themselve5 andi others. Rev. Long paiti tribute 'to the young people of the area anti hoped they woulti become involveti in tioing things for others as their leaders anti coaches' hati doue for them lu the past, Rev. Long received a hearty appiausýe for bis, well spoken *words. Mr. Moffat again commenteti on the past and asheti those present to asoist him in 'renderiug a vote of thanks inti congratulations to their besebali coach of severai yeers, Dr. PeIer Maartense. John Mlather, captain of the VOLUME 30, NUMBER 18 Od elows Aten Th-. Annuel Cburch service of th Oono Oddfellow's Lotige was wei! attiee ti o Suntiay wben the Lotige iInedzý-oui,ýýlp. at the Orono Uniteti Chutrcli. Prior- to attendin, the churcb service the Lote ige bd a brief service ent the Orono Cenotapb wbere their Districýt Depu'ty Gov- eruor, Bro. Herry Wetie, spoke. A wreath was laid et the monu- ýment andi the Lae Post sountieti by Mr. C. Temblyn. Mr. Stirling Mather\ conduct-et the Churcli service and spoke, on The Lodge was leet inl the par- ade by the Orono Band rejuveniet- eti somewhat by a number of Jun- ior Baud members. Band To Play At Courtice School The Orono Junior Baud will, this Mondtay, be joinîng wd-th mu- siciens from the Courtice Higb Sehool in practice ln prepeaation for a concert to be helti in the Courtice IHigb Scbool. The concert ln' the Courti ce Higli School is to be helti on Thnrsday evening, May 25thi when the local group will play botb lu- divitiually anti witb the Courtice Band. juveuile hockey team of the pest seeson, assisteti by Camý-eron Per- rault, compietely &urpriseti their coach, Antiy Murphy, by askîug hlm to comie forward anti receive (Continued page 6) The Ciarke Township Centen- niai Projeet Committee met rec- ently to lay final pleus for the completion of the 22 acre park Tend anti nature erea scbeme. This project was undiertakeun by the Township of Clarke as their Cen- tennial project. The 22 acres liesý elong the Orono creek botb soutb anti nortb of the existing Orono The bride iooked loveiy in an Jiily 7 - C'entenniai Bal empiregown of Lagoda Siik,' fash- July 8 - Si oppersý Mail; An- joneti with an A-line skirt, emýpre tioue Fire Truck Parade bodice, featuring a band of sculp- JuîY 9 - Ororo Park - Art^ Shaw tured lace, scoop neckline and el- and Painting, Junior Band, Con- bow length slceves. cert; -Trap Shootm'e Competition; A fu le th tain ell rom Church Service ai Park. nA flIeghtanfilro th'im this iwcek iN cer- the shouîlders; bher bead-piece was tainIY gaini pg momentum wîth a crown of rhiuestones and pearîs rnany organizations assisting such with bouffant veil. Uler bouquet as the Hockey Mothers, the UCW was red roses and stephanotis grOUP5 and others. Uer attendants were Miss Dale Chailice, Miss Joanne Munneke, Killeeni, Bowmanville.y S They weie ail attired in Empire sheath gowns of Riviere Bluesilk The time has4 arrived for one crepç, with lace bodice and feat. of the 'Centennial events of thé uring a full leingth chiffon panel year. We are referring to the falling from the .shoulders Head- Motber's Day Tea and Bake Sale pieces9 were matching Tom 'Jones on .Saturday, Mday 13th at 2:30 bows. Tbey ail carrieti bouquets in the Main hall of the Orono of' Shasta Muins and Carnations Unitedi Church. It is( hopeti that tinted to match their gowns. 1 ali who cen wiil wear their old- The best mnan was Mr. Paul fashioned costumes, Groenevelti. Orono, anti the usb- There wiil be a 19th century ers were Mr. John Hancock, B ow- room in~ which You may browse manvilie anti Mr. Donald Chai- and rest aiso eariy anti modemn lice, Orono. The reception was b eld lu the (Continiued page'. 5) Church Parlors. The bridels moth -________ er receiveti the guests, wearing a 2 piece lace suit in navy biLle with nme fsoesadrcie a9 corsagIIe of. piik crnton.She twýo presentations& from,Ï Curv;piy was ssised.y the grooin's mothi- Xon ~~ rm t ei~~ ~~ -eitg C~l lû lESsa nt maagm n andone from theli a corsage tf tdeep pnkcrntonumaeemiyes SeN mloe The fhappy couiple ieft for 'erl s e-n]yroîî cierk i uypy hioneymioon to points west. The bridle -was we-aring a 2 piece out, Th' s groom waci enteirtaineti at a fit, dress and im-atching ceoat luý stag party held b-y Pau! Groene- turquoise bie. Uer corsage was veld. of ye-Ilow roses. T he couple wl reside in the The bride wes enterteined, et a Cornigh Apartments, Orono. Prk Boad iTo OPen PolOn Jne3rd Stetsons beceme vogue et the Orono Park Boarti meeting on Tuestiay eveniugÏ when E. H. Sain- nechairman of the Cetennial Beef Bar-B-Q presenteti each mnember of tlhe Boarti with their Stetsron and string tie. The Stetsôns anti string ties are a p)romiotion to further ativer- tise the Ber B-Q anti to also de- note those bevýing- tickets for sale for t hN. event to be lielti on Juiy 5th in the Orono Park., Sncb tick- ets are uiow on sale and it la the hope of the Park Board that peop- le iutending to attend wi11 pur- chese their tickets this, montb in order that eaccurate preparation cen be matie. The Park Boardi passeti e mo- tion to open the Orono Swimming Pool on Saturdey, June 3rd. wea- ther permitting. Mr. V. Homewooti was the suc- cessful tenderer for the rentel of the Park Booth, caretekiug of the pool anti the operation of the Pool. Reeve Roy Foster anti clerk H. E. Millson, repreoeuting the Clarke Township Centeuniel Committee, tiiscnssed with the Park Board ý he, proposeti Towns9hip Chnrch ervice to be belti in the, Orono Park on June l8th. It was sug- gesteti to the Park Boarti that the service wonld be heid in the efternoon anti that',it would be eppreciateti if the pool anti booth were ciosed dtow u Ting the s'er- vice. t was also suggesteti thet no charge be matie to those wîJh- ing to attend the service. Parking problerna were also tiiscns9ed. Mr. S. B. Rutherforti stated that it hati been, the intention of the Clarke Township Centennial Project Committee to, officially Bar B-Q on, Jnly 5th. He, 9tated open the new park erea et the pleteti by ibis time anti a map of the entire proj ect was beiug pre- that the project shoniti be coin- pareti anti coulti be nnveiled in a brief officiai ceremony. Park. It' is the intention of the Cornmittee to officially open the area on, July 5th in connection witb the Beef Bar B-Q.' When openeti the northeru sec- tion of the project lying, north of the olil railway tracks Nq to be de- veloped as a nature picnice rea. It wiil be equippeti with pienie t(ableoa;and dirt toile#s. Tkàblts will be, scetteredti trougbout the erea with acces4s from e parking area ôn the, west side of the pro- ject, the area formerly occupieti by the O-rono dump. Entrenee the parking erea will be from the olti raiiway treck road uortb o the Forestry weter tower. Sigus andi a map of the ereaar now being prepareti. Final Plan's. Set' To ,Complete Centelnnial Nature Area

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