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Orono Weekly Times, 11 May 1967, p. 2

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~- r ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, MAY llth, 1967 ORONO WEEKLY TIMES (Autborized'ag Second Class mail, Poet Office Departmnent, Ottawa-ý) Published eveny lbunsday at thea office of publicaJtioe Main Street, Phone 109, unono, ncanlo Mabablished in 1938 by R. A, Fonresten Roy C. Flonnesten - EdIton and Manager The outeame of the Expo Tnip the forepant of the .week for some beventy students of Clarke High School was inost unfortunate. Both teachers, students and the sichool es a whole has something to lose and inl nunienous cases the ire of the parents has been aroused., The outeome of the Montreal trip Epred like wild- fine within houns and became the topic of conversation for c-veryone. Under sleh cîrcumstances ail features of the trip become grossly exagerated. We do feel that chaperons accept a great nespons- ibility when they take charge of a group. Individually, they wouid accept this nesponsibility to various degrees. It would appear that the chaperons on the Expo tnip were con§cientious and were concenned with their charge for the two days. As parents we should accept thein de- eision for it was made unden cincumstances 'known only to them. Rules and regulations are set to be observed, not to be broken. one may consider them too harsh but surely they are set for a purpose. . . A purpose of maintaining control andi order. A day at the World's Fair should have been more important to the students than a rebuke of the rules set, forth even though they felt they wene too stringent. Lete f te diorA Suaaestion for Mother.... May 9th, 1967 Onono Weekly Times Office, Orono, Ontario. Dean Editor: I have been asked to make a statement concerning the s.ýtud- ents of Clarke uigh School who ,were brought back early froi the EXPO Trip, The chaperons gave the' stud- ents a reasonable time to be in their rouffs at the Canadiana Vil- lage. After repeated warings, a lar ge numbt'r continued to dis- obey the ralirg,_ the 9tudents were brought back as a disciplinany mensure. I wish to assure the parent8 that nio question of morality was evensggtd, but that this was a disciplinary measure because -of the flagrant bneaking of the cur- f ew raie, Sigued: E. G., Withenspoon, Principal. N. Wallace, Secy. ing whhih is domiinated complete- ly by the teachers;* The students have next to nothing to &4ay on do concerning the running, of their sechool. Before they even stanted on that bus trip they were told on which 'bas to sit, Smoking was. prohibited! An 11:30 curfew was cet! Any young healthy teenager who retires at that eanly hour, while on such, an exciting trip is simply not normal! The students were guilty of only one thing, act- ing normîrl. The poor, poon chap- erones4 only have themselves and their rules to blame. It's time the teachers, opened their-blind eyes and their narrow minds and gave their studentsý a chance to participate in the run- ning off their school, particulanly and ibaldry enjoyed by the vaca- the laws governing' themselves. Lettr t th Edior ionng students Girls were rua- !The Students Council should set ,Leter oté E ito tnng into boys' rooms, boys were up theirow judicial committe running into girls' rooms stu to make and- enfonce schoof rules. Edto:dents were,. the booze wâý The 'teachers should act as ad- Orono Wel Times, 1flowing, and of ail things those visors not dictators. Rules, rules, WeeklOntri.y terrible littie monsters. were smok- rules are conitinually set down'by Oron, jing! As a nesuit they were slyly the staff and as a resuit, the A conýtingent of the C.HS stu- huistled on, the busèc the next school spirit at Clarke is silow1y dents venitured on* a trip to Expo, morning and then promptly told being crushed. (le., the new rules Iast SundaY, but what was to be they were retunning home concerning school dance,5)------ anenjoyable, fun-filled trip, turn- Jt's plain to see that the teach-' About the only freedom the stu- ee, into a dismaâl failure. Ap- ersof C.ll.S. simply don't u nder- dents have left 15 the freeciom to ParelntlY, the one night stand stand, their students. The kids atj breathe. AIl it takeg is another 9va-ý just too much* for the over-, Clarke are ruled with an iron new nule! I wonder. .trqaeinative chaperones Back to hand. The reforinatony is a more the 3chool' came reports of lust, appropriate word for this build- A former Inmate At the Commerce we provide banking service where it is required. in your own home town or wherever you go in Canada. That is why we haveý made sure there is an operating Commerce branch at Expo '67 ., open seven -days a week at convenient hours. If you are planning a visit to Expo, see your local, Commerce branch f[rsL There you can obtain Expo Passports at a lower cost than if purchased at the gate; Bonus Books which WilI enable you to purchase refreshmnent,, transportation and amusement tickets at a discount, and Trave//ers' Cheques which are convenient, quickly replaceab le and readily cashable. And remember wherever you go in Canada, the Commerce is ready to serve you. CANADIAN imPr-.- -AL BANK 0F' COMMERCE 1967- Our Hundredlh Year of Bankng Service r -wu wi -oul w --------- B'- Another reason- you wvo't "-e si-,tcPcd from DISHWASHER ~~~ Regardless of model or price of the new Kitchen- Aid you select-Built-ln, Converti ble- Portable, Top-Loading Portable, Dishwasher-Sink Cern- bination-you get the exclusive, new 4-Way Hydre Sweep wash. So effective, you neyer have to hand rinse dishes first. YOU ALSO GET.- 1 Exclusive nwFcTr Orying 0 Big, versatile lu Push Outton Operation you-like apacity M Varn-Fronts for bulit-in *1Ilealth protecting monlels saniCycle on Superba 0 And many, many more models KitchenAid advantages rSE£ THEM ATY 99à-5207 Supeýrba Varîi;ycle Mode! KDS-15 Oroilo, Ontario Mother's Day cornes once a year Bringing with it memories dear. S-1ee our window and counter display for ~Mother's Day Gifts and Remembranees. We ýo offer the f ollowing seleetions,,made sp7ecially for you Horieulturally - Vegetable and Flower seeds Punch 'N Grow Starter Kits good selection .49e Redi-to-plant Shrubs - Forsythia, Spirea etc 99c Rose Bushes - 99c Pleonies. Bleeding ilearis S9c Perennial Roots- Phlox, Carnations,,Rolly- hock. Price each.................... 59e Men's Shirts, imported silk broadcloth ea. $2.90 Stak-a-w ay Refrîgçrator & Freezer set, 1~ in pack ........ ................... 55e Large ýSalad Bowl with fork, spoon and 4 bcewls. Compleý te .................. $1.6'7 IKid's ToyToawk Bambgo handies, rub- ber blade for............... ........ 39e Fresh toastAed cocoanut Marshniallows, lb. 48e Ldies'Suîe Sandals in Tote Bag. $1-66 Bloys' kinit shirts 100% washable colours - $1.00 1 Ladies' 'Summer Hats, various styles and materials for.......89c; 95e; $1.00 Feur i Hand Ties, ready-knot and regular $1.00 Portable ail-steel Bar B-Q Grill priced .. $1.59 Ladies' Sheils 100%'virgin acrylie all sizes $2.98 Frig Pack for foods, & liquids, hot 'or cold 69e Bath Towels, variîous colours, largeIl...... 88c YOUR MOTHER'S DAY -HIEADQUARTERS ORONO .5C to $1 STORE Phone Orono 983-5401 Where Your Dollar Stretches A Little More

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