ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAV, MAY llth, 1967 WiII Obtain Further School Grants Mr. Horace Best, secretary of the Clarke Township School Board,, stated at the Board meet- ing on Monday evening that it was possible that the Board -wouId receive an additional grant ýon the capital costs of the 'addi- tion at Newtonville and Lock- harts.1He said the additional grant was announced in the legi!ýature retroactive 'to January lst, 1965. He stated thatit was not known ln what amount the grant would be, as yet. 1The Boardi was algo' informed that an Educational Television 'had been installed at the Orono Public Sehool. Mr. Win. Tomlinson met with the Board and outlined CIA Sehool Accident Insurance. The coverage byý this company i5 to be considered when the accident ïinsurance cornes up for renewal. .A letter was receîved from Mrs. A. E. Leamen for caretaking No. -S School. It wasq stated b y the ,chairman, Ml/r. Greenwood, that at this time no vaéancy lexisted fur a caretaker. Mrs. Mary Vinkie -requested an increase ln salary of $20.00 a .month for- caretaking the Newtonvifle Sehool. Referred to the management committe. Average aggregate attendance during April was 804. A request for a 'private tele- phone for Lockhart's sehool was put oi er until further information is aVailable on the costs. Mr ' H. Partner was awarded the contract to instali a new fur- nace and houer at the Orono Sehool at a cost ofJ $2998.66. This tender was accepted aïg the bolier is to be of cast iron. Max Lycett tendered $2855.00 and A. E. Star-k, $2825.00. Both latter ten- dersq were with steel boliers. Suggests Architect View O1rono School In discussing renovations re- questeci at the Orono. Public Sehool by the principal Mr. Tur- ansky , kated that architeets. should be calied lan to go over, the sehool to determine if it can be rehabilitated. The school, he said. is at a stage whe're some- thing like this phould be doue. .Mir. Stutt referred to the avail- able grant now applicable' for ,ueh work. On motion by J. Stutt SehoolS 'who had exceeded the budget as etby the Board for supplies from Jack Hood are ta revise their orderS to meet the budget: The Board allowed $165.00 a room for such SupplieS. Some sehools av- er ordered the budget by >$100.00. 1Mr Stutts also referred to com- mentr expressed to him . regard- ing the discipline at Lockhart's 5chool 11e qaid this was ýa throw-_ back to a discuSsion by the Area Board a month ago. It had been stated, he said, that, parents in- tend toa ask that their children be allowed to attend another sehool. Thisrcould blow-up out ofJ ah pro- portion, he Said. Mr. Stutt sug- geSted that the Inspector be ask- ed to visit the bchool more often. Mr. Greenwood said discipline waS a problem and that the par- ents were not happy. 11e 5uggest- ed a maie teacher be put on the staff at the 'School. Five applcants have noted their desire to teach in the Pub- lic Sehool system ofJ Clarke. Ap- DANCE BAND GEORGE WADE plicationS were also, received for1 the principalShip of Clarke will be needed for the new school year at Browns, Newton-. ville and the new School at Kirby JACK RICAR bD RE ALTOR 99 King St., E. BOWMANVILLE Wh en Buying or Selling cali WILF HAWKE VOUR ORONO AREA REPRESENTATIVE 983-5274 Members of Oshawa and Dis- trict Real Estate Board Frozen at Peak ofJ Freshness! SAVE 6e!- MOUTON'$ LUSCIOUJS I PIESM SAVE 13e! - Pure Straivberry. IF YOUNEED Ai MASONRY JOB TO BE DONEC CALL - Oxford BRICKLAYERS -STONEMASONS Reinhard Sebreiber'- Orono, 983-5626 Willi Schmahl-t Orono, 983-5606 Specialisft in Fîreplaces T v Phil Vowles & Son 983-5144 RADIO REPAIR TOWER INSTALLATION SHOWTIIMEI Sponsored by St. Paul's United Church "~Couples Club" BOWMANVILLE -TOWN',HALL Wednesday, May 7th 8:00 p.m. Admission -.75e SWEET, JUICY - GOOD SIZE IST OA GESDOZ.3 LUSCOUS l LARE SIZ M1iki, Flvuru -Lre achsNw, Green- GREEN aNOS for 25C CABBAGE lb. 10c Crsp Rfrshng#1JumboalkFI ild weet, Srïng- cELR 29CI CARROTS 3-lb. bag 33C Raspberry 9-oz. jars FI EAT -CÎIclken Noodie - Turkey Niodie - 2 Pack SAVE 4c! Rendy Cut 7ozPk. Creamttes r crn 5 SAVE 34c! - SX BndPORK 1 Y2 -lb.Tn ShiouIder BAB' JOIINSON & JOXINSON FEATURES! LT 'Prpose Towels pkg. 49c ~C L R9-0z.-tUn 69C IY QIL5-oz. bdl. 69C CANDV FEATURES! - A Real Treat Reg. 55e Value! - Vour Choice BRIDGE GUMS 112-b. 49C CARAMEL TWIRLS 1-lb. cello BEST ]BUY! - Save 10ü! MIRLIQUID 75c DETIRGENT Twin Pack 24-oz. ËUY-OF-THE-WEEK' Garden Valley CIIOICE QUALITY TOMATQES 2oz. WHILE --!.PLIES LAST SAVE 9c! - Go!d Seal Fancy ýl Tin FEATUIi?! -4 aJna 100 o 0e ) ag SAVE'0, Roasted Lb. Bng SPECIALLY SULE CTED-Value Check'd-Whole or Ifal/J GIE1 ' I.ED or BLUE BRAND - Tender ~ RIB STEAKS l b.,7 For L ý ý k LuncheoGýnMet 4 Variety Pack- 16-oz. pkg. ....7 BEST BUY! - Save 28e! - Del Monte Assorted 48-oz.Tins BEST BUY!- Save 14c! Salad Dressing 32-oz. Jar MIRACLE WHIP BAKERV FEATURLE! BEST BUY!-Reg. $1.87 Value! RED & WHITE 40e Off Paek ! B RýEA* FAB Kîng Size 24 oz Loave - Wth rex BREAD I DteBrex 4fr79c D1 WelI Streaked - Rindless BACON, lb. 79C Fresh Sliced - PORK LIVER l b. 39~ CORNISH'S RED. AND WHITE, ORONO, ONTARIO b---,