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Orono Weekly Times, 11 May 1967, p. 4

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, TIWUSDAY,. MAY Illh, 14617 Present Your BodiesJ Rompians 12: 1.t Scripture Lesson - Romnans 12 ti Saint Paul said, "Present your0 bodlies as a living- sacrifice whichC is youir spiritual .worship." We t ,want to thhink about worship andte sacrifice. Perhaps w-e thiak ofi acifice as giving Up somethingb or as some disagr'eeable, difficuit experience. Many years ago, if a man was going to relate himself to God in a meca ingful way, he killeti and fuwned a n animal andi soinehow hie f cit that ýhe was d&aw- ing dloser to God. But Jesus camef andi people learned that animal sacrifice was ast sufficient. Jequs offereti a sacrifice for ail of usv through llimself, by giviag IuIs bodiy as a living sacrifice to be hung on the cross. Paul said, "I appeal to you-t therefore, brethren, b)y the mer- dies of God, to present your bodi- ies as a living sacrifice, holy and, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual wors'hip." Do we come todaày to God's house at this timet of worship and do it with the e feeling that we are presenting ourselves to be used. Paul was saigto take'your body, take ail the everydfyta5ks you do, the ordinary work of the house, fact- ory, store, farm or school and of!- fer it ail as jan act of worship to God. The true worship is not the offering of, elaborate prayers, noble liturgy or magnificênt ritual Real worship is not oaly transact- eti in a church or other suitable place, but it ig the offering of everyday life, to God. Real wor- ship sees the whole, worki, as the temple of Goti an-d every common deedas an act of worsûip. The hancis reveal a great deai about people andi there, are many kinds of hands. The carefully kept,j pan-,ý.pred handswiIl often speak of selfishness. llands, may look homely* but have the toucli of gentleneisss conveying sympathy andi inspiration. They may be gree-cy bands, grasping hoki uap- on everything to draw it to themn- * selveg. Hands may bDe useti to hurt and wliia they are the tragedy is that scars mËade upon the fleeh mnay fade but the woundg in the' heart will be harder to erase. Jesus had strong handis but they were gentle hand9. 1He had point- ing hands that pointeti the way for men, that they might take the proper road that would'leati to the fullness of life. 11echadIhantis that were quick to reach.out to rescue. Whën Peter w4-, sink- ing Jesus' hantis were outstretch- ed to lift him.1He had praying hantis. No. matter how buy11 was, how great the pre,ýssure-, -Jes us had time to lift up Ilis handis i la prayer. lHe had c-reEssing hands and la their touch the lit- tle children who gatheredi round Hlim felt secure and at peace. 11e also had pierced hantis - not be-_ cause they had to be, but becauge tliey were- the bands of love.1 A missionary fromn Portuguese Ea5t Africa tolti of a group of natives who passeti on-e hospital andi walked a long, rough, diffi- cuit journey to come' to a mis- sion hospital for treatment. Whea asketi why they ipas-ý,d a well- equîppeti government hospitai to get to one much further along the road they replîed, "The'medicines are the slame but the -bandis are different." The bands in the mis- sion hospital conveyed tihe heal- ing touch of Christ becausýa the people who worked there-hat pre- seated their bodies as a livinig sacrifice to Hlm. So often we think little of what the touch or expre'-sion of our handis means to others. Ai jcdweller was showing lhh- F X-1 i his isuperb collection of &Uai sontis anti preclous stones. Among the As A Living SacrificeI he if e of another may be just the thing that isneedeti to brin:g out the,- wondrous beau-ty that Goti has implanted there. In a time, when we are concerneti with na 1ses of people andi big busin- ess, when we try to avoid bein g involved' and sitiestep iýýsponqi- bility we need to remember the verses of poetry, 'Ti'4 the human toucir in the vorld.tirt countis, Thre touch of your hanti anti 'Wiîch means f ar more to tire fainting heart Than shelter andi breati anti vine:1 For shelter is gone when tire ,ight N o'er, Anti breati lasts only a day, But tire toucli of tire hand and the ;soua-d of tire voice Sm-,g on la the worlti alway." Tire: Bibýle isays, "How beautiful upon tire, moûntains are the feet of hlm who briagetir good, tidings, that publisireth peace; that bring- etir gooti tidings of gooti, that publisheth. salvation,; tirat sait-h unato Zion, Thy Goti reignetir." dur feet can carry u5 on erra-irs of kindaess anti mercy anti the (Continued on Page 5) crss a In this family plan you get more for your money.1 Plan 1 -Impala Sport Sedan. (foregrou 'nd)-First*off, nobody beats Chevrolet for interior room. Second, it's crammed with GM ex-, clusives like Magic-Mirror finish and I3ody-by-Fisher deýiqn. Third, you get Chevrolet's traditional high resale value. Three reasons why Chevrolet is chosen by more familles than any other car. Plan Il-Camaro Sport Coupe (rear'left)-The widest, lowest, heaviest adventure car at its price. Yours with bucket seats, carpeting, a fully-synchronized 3-Speed trans- mission and the-choice of four V8's and two great Sixes including a big 155-hp Six that competition can't match. Plan 111I-Chevy II Nova Sport Coupe (right rear)-Front buoket seats, full carpeting, the extra touch of ali-vinyl styling, aIl emphasize the 1'spor" inthe SuperSport model. And you can add more, including V8's with up to 275 horsepower. No matter how you equip your Chevy Il -for economy or sport, you get more for your money. Plans IV, V and VI -Chevelle, Corvair and Corvette (flot pictured) You can see them at your nearest Chevrolet dealer's. Extra savings during doný'tr miss it!l 1967 CHEVROLET'S COMPREHENSIVE WARRANTV,... OL 24 mont hs124,OOO miles warranty on the entire car. 0 5 yearl5O,0OOmile's warrany on the power train. Q5 yearl5O,OOO milés warranty on steering. front and rear suspensîans and wheels. For complete information, see your Chevrolet Dealer. AUTHORIZED CIIEVROLET - CHEVY Il - CAMARO DEALER IN -BOWMANVILLE ROY NICHOLS, MOTORS LI MX ITED BOWMANVILLE 623-2556 COURTICE L~e sure to see Bonanza on the CBC-TV network each Sundoy. Check your local listing for chafnnel and time, 728-6206 L.O ...K... FOR TL-E To purchase your Ticket for the- ORONO PARK, WEDNESýDAY, JULY 5thi' TICET AM ST BE BO.UGHT BRIEFOR EJu NE ls Ask for Invitations for your friends.

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