ORLONO 0WEEKLY TIMES, TRHURSDAY, MAY Pmeent Your <Conitinueùd from Page 4) good niews they brji-g is beautiful if, our body h lenpresn.ted aS a living sacrifice to Christ. Feet -iay also be used to hurt by carrying one thoughtlessly, ruthiess4y through life, caring li ttie what happeni9 toý anyone else and leaving behind a traiT of wounde*d and broken spirits. Bas- UNITED CHURCH Oronto Pastoral Charge minister Rev. B. E. Long SUNDAY, MAY 14th Orono- Sunday School at 10:00 Morning Service at 11:15 Kirby- Morning, Service, at 9:45 Sunday School at 11:00 Leskard- Sunday, School at 9:45 icaliy sin is self. Jesirs came ta lift uis ot of self, to ive oujt- wa:dk rather than inwar'd, yet t i s,,c easy to livýe for ourselves, to think t.haýt, the main thing in if e isý to be £s«. ccessful as the world týe es success, to get things, to do lhe, things we, want t'O do. Som-q yeare ago, one of the- Ot- tawva new ;papers carried an art- *le whîch told of efforts, to re- t tie paths around the parlia- Aient buildings wheAre inq.ny I o- o1.e, faiiing to use the siJrewalks, had eut patr-,s fithe ]awns. FAon 0loui there were 'sois up anid workmen, busy, the people would .-o do-n the sanie p~an ad eut the sod off as fagt as 'the work- men could put it down. It even -iowed pictuxes of workmen lay- LOCAL NEWS Mdrs. B. Long, Mms Wm. Reid, Mr. Cliff Long1 and Mr. Philip Long were in Palmerston Thurs-' day ûwing to the death of Douglas Kng,bnon f Cyril Knight. Many, will remember, Doug as al member- of the "Villatones", a 1 muscular dystrophy grouip thatl enteritained here two years ago. Mi.Bertha Touehburn Nq at- ite- ding -Spring Assembly, of the, Women Teachers Federation of Onitaria, fegion 4, at Car]eton Un-I ive 'sity, Ottawa, this weekend. Mr. Cliff Long, Toronto, N5 holI- daying in Orono. On June -8th the Past Noble on their h4nds! It seems this ig Grands, of Orono Heather Rebek- a> parabiýe of if e for so many, ah Lodge are entertaining al people. They care, littie what hap- j at ol Gadso isrc pensý to other people, ýso they go NO.-8 on with their mind and heart ap- On June 1lth there will be parently closed ieaving behind dedicatian of a monument in Or- theifl something less beautiful. an 'o ernetery erected by the Odd- But many are a nxious to know feliows and R-ebekahs. what it is that expresses the good ______ _________ tif e. They have the seeking spii -_________________ ài and walk the roaci of hf e in 513 ch a way that others are help- ed. Jesus" feet carried Him throuigh Pale-,tine, on a mission of seeking out the places that Hie: Orono Buildinn could express the love of God. Jesus h-ad determined feet and1 as4 He set His face to go to Jerus- Contractor jaie lie knew it a going to b a time of physical death and men- tai and spiritu I torture, but Bik- lck-Cnrt nething couli deter Hlm. As He Bik-Bok-Cnrt went He healed on every ,side, Stone Work touching the' liveEý of people and Crety-CbntWr making them more beautiful. Crety-CbntWr iN W there are other feet that are d(etermined andI as the face is set Fluors .Tule toward a goal the feet carry one' through life not. caTing who gets hurt on thp way. They lee be 983-5441 ORONO hind them misery adunhappi- nessi. We are called to walk the _______________ road of life as Jesus waiked it__________________ (ContInued page 8) TEA AND BAKE SALE THIS SATURDAY Conitinued from page 1 Canadiana Art on which tofeast your eyes. The f ood wvill be excel- lent, bothto buy and eat. In or- der to, carry through the early Canadiana theme, the Tea girls have a siecial surprise in, store. So the C.G.I.T. girls, and, U.C.W. ladies of groups 4 and 5 are hop- ing to see ail of you on Saturday Do come andI brîng your relatives andI fiends. flVAIBowmanville 623-5589 ulg TIUIRSDAY to SATURDAY, MAY 11,12 and 13 .si'.TI ANS ROJDPTH 8E R 3, - o RECOVER THE LOOT . 1 WORTH 0F LAFSII/ 0 FRtHOEDo osec Ca nada g Heldcopter Canada g rr g MOiNDAY TO WEDNESDAY, MAY 11, 15, 16 and 17 THE FORTUN4E COOKIE gAduit 0 J,,ACK LEMMON, JUDI WEST,> WALTER MATTHAU Plan inow for your I SPING PAiNTING and REPAIRS (Beautify for SCentenniial Year) I Caîl GORD SIMPSON Phone 983-5808, Orono 'I Under New Management We wish to announce the opeinîng of In Orono PAY US A VISIT . YOU ARE ALWAYS WELCOME Confectionery - Jug Milk -Gillard Cleaning - Coffee eme ber Mother on other's Day I SIELLS She simply. cannot have too miany Shells for her summer, wardrobe.. These pretty sleeveless Toppers are knitted in texturized yarn, have mock turtle or jewel neekilue and nylon'baek zipper. Shades of Apricot, Blute, Rose, Turquoise, Gold and Green. Size S, M and L. Priced from ..$4.95 to $5,50 GOWNS and DUSTERSl Several styles ln Shortie Gowns 'in cotton andI nylon which need little iron- ing. Attractive prints andI plain shades of pink, bine, yellow and green. Some have Dusters ta match. Sizes S, M, L andI O.S. Gowns .f rom Dusters ...... $2.75 to $5.95 $3.95 t»o $5.75 SLIPS and IIALF-SLIPS Arnel andI Cotton Slips, prettily trimmed with lacç or embroidery. Sizes 32 to 42. Priced froni..$1.95 to $4.95 IIANDBAGS New Summer Handbags Încluding Baskets, Straw and Viscos. Attractive in styles of natural, tan, white, navy and black. Priced from . $2.98 to $5.95 SLIMS A good seleetion of Summer Sllms in Cotton Twill, Koratron, Fortrel and stretchy Nylon. Ail the latest styles and shades for scummer. Sizes 10 to 20. Priced from $4.95 to $9.95 BLOUSES Dressy andI Tailored Blouses lu cot- ton and terylene. Prints and plains. Ini size5 10 ta 40. Priced from $2.98 to $7-95 IIAPPY IIOPPERS Canada's most popular Slipper-Shoe. Genuine suede uppers with rubber sole and heel. New summer shades. Sizes to fit 5 te' 10. Price per pair - $3.49 Gtoves, Scarf s, Towels and Myon ilose, Linens ARMSTReG's Il 'I SIIADE TREES Flowering SHRUBS Flowering TREES EVERGREENS RICHARDSON llighway No. 35 PONTYPOOL, ONTARIO Landscaping A Specialty ............ il