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Orono Weekly Times, 18 May 1967, p. 1

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Clarke Athi te'sAre Champions, j CIa-r1çe High Sehool,.Tr.i-School Champions Shown ahove are Clarke's Cham- (1. to r.) Mr, L. Carlson, Mrs4. L., ner, Ken McCracken, Caroline pion Athletes andi runners-up, a- Carlson, Larry Jolinston, Ruth Johnman andi Mr. L. Lowry. lig with their Phys.-Eti. teachers Scott, Frank Snwyer, Wendy Part- e ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, MAY l8th, 1967 VOLUME MI 'NUMB ER 19 Committee upports Teachers Fireworks, Kite-fly- Concerning Recent Expo Trip The Clarke High School Man- aýgement Commnittee met on Mon- Jay evening when thy irece-ived pzvarens iwho werle concerneci over thse iecen.t ftnp to Expo. The trip enei bruLptly when tie students were escorted back to Clarke Hligli Sehool as a disciplinary measure. The students titi not gel tie op- portunityto view the wor1d'9 fair on the second day due to thei- re- turn home. Thie mai ority of those speaking at the meeting diti su pport thse tcaýcher's action in returning the tuitsto, their sciool without haigspent a full day at the World's 'Fair in Montreal. The Clarke Management Committee also stooti behinti the action of the chaperons who were la charge of tic Expo Tnrp. Mr. W. H-. Car- man, Chairman of tic Manage- mient Committee, conducteti the mý-eetinig. It waq pointed out a i cmfeet-* ingý tiat tic students hadrutbeen brief cd prior to eavingc for Expo. Also it waus pointeti oulthtit stuti- ents4 Wbre not left at the C'larke Hîgi -Sehool, following their, re- turm from Expo, without transpor- tation to their respective homes. At, lie present time it is, not known whetier or not tic Expo trip planned for Jane will be un- der. taken. It dopq appear, iow. ever, that members of thc Board, do favour the contînuance of the Expo trips -andti s woulti include the one planneti from Clarke in June. ing This- Mondaiy This, Monday cvening, May 22nti theOrono, Chamber of Commerce are promoting tlheir annual fire- work'ls displayý at the Orono Fair A afoirmier yearsi the, display wUI pehat dûk ,"anid cn unti ai has been set off. he Chanibcr is also sosrn a Kite Flying Contest. This feat- ure created considerable interest last year when young andi old par- ticîpateti in the art of getting their crafts alof t with little wiati available. It is undersýtood that two -divisions will be opened up la the contest, one for the youager group and aothýer for an altier group. One can fly either a home-matie kite, or a purehaseti one. Over two iuatired d(, worth of fireworks, are 'ta be set off at the Fair' Groundýs on May 22nýd. The Clarke Hligh School bas been a busy centre of late for sporting activitiesi A week ago last Wedncsday the Clarke High Sehool held their'own track and field!- meet. On Friday the. Tri- Scbool meet was held which was a grand victory for Clarke on their own field. Then on Tuesday of thinç week the Clarke athietes were in- competition with the best of sixteen s4hools in the district and finished the day in second place, a real achievement for the school with the smalies4t enrol- mient of any in th ,e meet. In this latter meet the local school was competing against schools with well over one thopsand enrolled. Last Fr!iay when the Clarke School won the Tri-meet the stu- dents and staff were elated with their accompliJnients. Their adi- ievement on Tuesday of this week, aithough, not placing first, was even more spectacular cons4der- ing their competition. On Friday last the school com- peted with Millbrook, Bowman- ville andi Courtice. The Clarke school outpointeài their closest rival, Bowmanville 342 points to 264 points. Courtice placed, third andi Millbrook fourth. Two Clarke student9 won mdi- vidual championships for their re- spective divisions. Wendy Part- ner won the Senior girls excelling, la running events. Ken McCrack- en won the Junior'boys with vic- torie-ç in the 100 and 220 yards and the discus throw. Caroline Johnson, Ruth Scott, Frank Sawyer andi Larry John- ston were runners-up in their re- apective divisions. Clarke dominated the day with good. participation by xnany stud- ents in ail the events. Tuesday a full dayf of athietics was held at the Clarke High School for the Lake Ontario Dist- rict. Top athietes from sixteen schools competeti witi O.'Neil Collegiate, Oshawa, winning with 224 pofints. Clarke followed with 111 points, MLuglnCollegi- ate, Oshawa, 108'and Bowmanvîlle 100 points. The field day contin- Ui until 7:00 p.m. la the evening. Midway tiroug h tic contest the top three schools were no more than, a few points apart.' Clarke' physical education dir- ectorsare. Mr. L. Lowry, Mrs. L. Carlson anti Mr. L. Carlsýon. Maay of the top athietes from Clarke wvill 110W compete in the Cen tral Ontario trackç andi fieldi meet to be hielti this Saturday. Individual event winners on fromi Clarke, were: Ruth Sotin tfic Junior Tripl 'e iump, 28'5";- Darlene West ini the Inter- mediate triple Jump, 27'111; Gor- een Sweep, Senior Shot Put, 2r'- 8"; Carol Nixon, Senior Javelia,, 85.' 8"; J. Reid, Senior Dîscus, Ill'. Along with these wianing points other positions were helti by the Clarke students. Mr~ .Ro binson' Appoin tedLraia At a special meeting of the Clarke Public Library Boardj on Friclay evening tic Board accept- cd tlie application of Mrs. Dor- c4hy Robins on to fui the position of. Librarian for the library as of Junie lst, 1967. Three applicatons were reeeiv- cd, by th.e Board for the position. Mr. Wilda Middleton, Mrsà. Dor- othy Robinson and Miss Nadia Quinton. Tic position for a Librarian bie- came open when Mrs. Bruce Mer- cer submitted lier re5îgnation at tfie May meeting of the'Library Board. Mrs., Robinson had previously been a member of tic Board and for a year hati been Chirman -of thé Board. For two years she wrote a weekly columa "Behind the Orange Curtain", denoting li, teresting feature's of the Library andi giving reviewg on bo'oks. The Board, through a motion, expresseti their appreciation to Mrs..Mercer for lier efforts in pro- moting tic lîbrary gince its li- ception as a public library. 18 Children Receive Bapti sm" Sacrement- On Family Sunday,, May 1.4th Orono United Church was filIedi f0 capacity for a special Family Ser- vice anti Sac-ramient of Baeptism, when the following chiltiren were baptised: Gregory Glenn, son of Mr. andi Mrs. Willis Barrabaîl; Kathryn Anne , dauglhte-r of Mr. andi Mrs. H1elmnut Blasclike; -Patricia Jane, daugliter of Dr. and Mrs;. Thomas Burnett; Barry Donald, son of Mr, and Mr. Donald Challicer; Jon Dale, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jon Gfoti; Lisa Ann, daugiter of Mr. anti Mr5. Victor Hall; Laurie Ann, daugiter of Mr. and Mr. Armond Hollingsworti; Jason An- drew,. son of Dr. anti Mrs,» Cornelis Malartense; Karen Lyna, daughter (Continueti on Page .5) (Iarke Twp. Asks 5th LUMine Be Development Road Tic T ownsiiP ofClarke Coancil ni a recent meeting pnssed a res- olution of Council in whici they petitioned tic Minigter of tic De- partment of Highways, tQ take over thc fifti Concession roati of Clarke Township as a Develop- nient Iloati. Couaceil seek to have the fifth line rond so designated from Higiway 115, souti at Orono, -a rua east ta tic County Rond No 8 at Starkville. If tie rond is ac- cepteti as a Developmenit 'Ioad by tic Departmnent thea the Depart- ment will accept ail responsibîli- fies for' the road tirougi 'tic County Rond Departmnent. Council has also given approval for tie addition of two lassrooms andila general purpose roaom bo tic Kendal Sciool. Total cost of fie addition is estimateti at $106,-, 600.D0. t is propos4ed bo repay fhilsamount over a 'two year -per- ioti out o! current funtis. $66,000. îs to be repaîdt tus year witi $40,- fi00 in 1968. Council also at the May meet- ing passeti a by-law authorizing tic borrowing of $108,700.00 for tic proposed, Orono Rond pro- gram. *Of tic $108,000. tie Depart- ment o! Higiways grant is ex- ipected to be $5.7,1270. andtheti County portion $13,500. Thc re- snainder is to be paid by tic tLax- payers in tic Village of Orono over a five year perioti. Tic Township Roati Superin- tendent, Mr. M. Ross,,was given autiority to eure options anti ativertise for tenders for fie con-, struction of tic Laing Bridge on tic Concession 4 roati. Couacil lias declared Friday, September 8th a Civic Holiday tins enabling Sciool chiudrea ta attend tic Orono, Fair without tic sciools losing Provincial grants for thc day. Couacil also gave -au- tiority 10 tie Durham Central Agricultural Society' b use the premis.ns of lie Township yard south of the fair groundis turing tic 1967 fair. Tie, Building Inspector was re- questedt t issue building permits to-G. B. Miller anti M. L. Newman for resitiential construction on parts of lots 6 anti 7, Concession 6. Tic, tender of Municipal Spray- iag ant iluCa. Lti. was accepteti for priming ronds. Tic tender of Frank S. Cayle Ltd. was acceýpteti for lie cru5iing anti telivering of gravel witiin tic Township. .Accounts were passeti in tie amounts of $19,251.40 for general, $9464.87 for rc.-Js, $1085.19 for Welfaire anti $98261 for tic Orono Police Trustees. Ail decketi ot ia perioti dress anti atteadiag tie Ceatennial Tea are (sitting 1. 10 r) Mrs. H. Love- Tic mnain Hall of Orono Unit et Churci was visiteti by some 150 mnemberqoaf aur community last Satalrday nfternoon when the C. G.I.T. entertainet witi aàtieligit- fui Centennial Mother's Day fea. Tic Hall was most appropriate- iy decorateti witi flags, centennial banners anti a very fine tiisplay kmn, Mrs. G. Mifflin, Mrq. S. Bar- rabali, Mrs.. A. Jakeman, Mrs. of tated anti modern Canadiana art. Tic scene was dominateti by two pictures in particular - one, of' aur. most graciaus Queen Eliza-, beth II andtihte otier of tint fine aid Quýen of 100 years ago, Victoria. Tic modern art was con- tributeti by Mr. L. McGcc anti Mrs. C. Grant. H. Raasberry, Mn. Mrs. L. Kennedy Moffat'. A. Jakeman, anti Mrâa J. Mrs. 'R. Lovekin of Newcastle anti Mns. Ray Goode of Orono adi- deti s-o muci to tie theme o!fie occasion by dispiaying a most in- teresfting arrangement and col, lection of eariy Canadiana fura- ishingq anti antique pieces. The lovcly floral arrangemnents which (Continued on, Page 8)

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