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Orono Weekly Times, 18 May 1967, p. 2

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_______________ORONO WEEKLY TLME, TUIURS)AY, 1WAY l8tIi, 1967, ORONO WEE'--«KLY TMES (Athrie a ScodClass mnail, pot Off1ice Depailment, Published everY Thursday a-tte offiCe of publica.tioe Main, 3trecct, Phione 109, rono, (ncario E-stablisýhed in 1938 by R. A. Forrester Roy C. Forrester - Edîtor and Manager At long last new parking regulations have corne into effeet on the Main, Street of Orono within the business sectioni. This has been needed for many a ycar in an effort to bring some order to parking and to allow cars jnd crucks4 ta pass along the Main Street witli ram e case. The paralIel parking'on the west side gives cansider- abl)y more room for through traffic and certainly will im- prove the appearance of the Main Street. Thie two heur parking time limit will bring to a hait twenty-four hour parking on the Main Street which in the past has limited parking. for shoppers at peak shopping periods, fhere w!Ill be complaints, no doubt, when strict enforcement of this b y-iaw is instituted. The regulations will benefit no one if such enfarcement is not carried out. and the -conditions5 of the by-law observed. A haphazard ntternpt will, only create further discontent. The plan, we believe, is an impravement over -the conditione wbich have existed, and thora inthe business sectian shauld give il full support in order ta presenit a better looking business and shopping area for their customers. "THE MAVERICK AT OTTAWA"Y Mr. Walter Gardon is, certainly now the 'Maverirk' of the Liberal Party and government in Ottawa. As a inember of the Cabinet,' bath in. the past and present, ha has caused embarrassment to biq party and bas on miany occasions et hirnsalf aloft from party policy. Being sucb a 'Maverick' we cannot see how he can continue in the Cabinet. Nor do we understand bis recent appointment back to the Cabinet following bis replacement as Minister of Finance. We believe ini free expres-sion of opinion but, when this o pintion begins to divide the cause and purpose of palicy then it is tîmne Mr. Gardlon iaokedJ elsewhere ta pronounce bis views an~d ta haý able ta pîtn-sua them, U.C.W. NEWS lmr. -,,0R Dear'Roy: Ra Having listened carefully ta va- joussris concerning the Clarke Highi School trip to Expo and ïihav- ing read thle letters to the Editýor and your fine Editoriai over th-i pa'it week-end in Orono, 1 arnj prompted to send you a copy of~ "Operationý Expo" which I trust you wili reaid and perhaps see fit Se to pass on the information to "i.r- ate parents", especially the notes! on supervision. Wht ey cool is sending over~ 100 students and preparation5li have been un'der way sin(eV.Jan1-1 uary, 1967, for this tremendlousi undertaking. If parents could onily realize what a great responsibiiity this is! Our parents are soù aware of it, sonie have offered ta go along and hielp) our' teachers.J1,' ý Their offer Iras been gratefully i accepted by the Principal and teachers. I tter bEdto Whitney Junior Sýh(ool, 119 Rosedale Heights, Drive, Toronto 7, Ontario,! May 15, 1967. 0Y Forr-ester, Yours veiry truly, Viola'M. Noden. Bowling Night JLast Satin-day evening was Bowling Nighl, fow the OGrono Couples Club at the L iberty BoçwI in Baowmanville. Chuck and Joanne flutton toppedt tha 28 bowlers wît*h identîcal triples recording 591 points eaeh. The highlight of the evening waî,% the presentation made ta Si, mone and Paul Groeneveld by the Couples Club. As you undoubted. ly knOw, Paul and Simane are tak. i ing a business and residence neai Delhi, Ontaria., Our sincere best wishes go witht themn, They wilï -ho iissedI for their work in the OranLo conirunity and their frendýship and fe,ýllawship îlu the GOno United Churcli Couples4 Club. UNIT3, UC.W.Wildrnes, Weknowthatthis Next, meeting -Family Picnîc, UNIT3, .C.. wldenes*. e kow hat Suinday, June l8th. Again on Tuesday, May 2nd, time of testing decided the dest. fourýteen members of our group' iny of man. Satan was warking >rd one visitor had an intaresting-, fo contrai of Jesus but he lost pýrofJitable and happy tinie togeth- !in a Il three attempts. er at the home of Mrs. A. Druiri MRs.obinson clased aur study' Bosm T u nrond.j period wîthi prayer. We sang Mrs. Drummaind opened the "o Great Thou At."1 The Orono Chatmber of Cam. meeting by reading- a poemn, The AMrs. Slierwin conducted a short merce are to again sponsor ý,he Garden". After singing two hynrs bsiness pieriod mientioninig. the Apple Blossomi Tour. At the pres- Mrs. Driuinmronid led inî prayer. bale to be packed on May 8th. fent timle it aplpears that the tour M1rs. an, Mrs, Robinson and 1 The M1ission Study on "The will be field on Sundlay, May 28thi. MrS. Drumimond made thie study 'West Op)enis Up" and "Church Pe-riod ver.y worthi\ýle as the i Growxth in the West" was covered ITn ertewahrbsbe scrpture of Jesus' three temipta. yMrTrhta.isback ar ndte daterh bloso ioswas iPad bty 1Mrr. Rainey 1MNrs. Cochrane was responsible hv enbl ak from thile 4th chapter of Ma.ttha-w jfor- a delightiful lunch and pleas.,àTe bCnhmer lso a nd ikps ,nd the 4th chapter of Luke, withl ant social thima was spanjt rbet av or i1og h Aftr he laio offidin ot r eWht etingrs. D eJon elad sFuretohve tors In next weekhe Mý)rs. Robinson interpreting the Ou etmeig st abl local tree nurseryý and around the, first two temi-ptaýtionis and Mrs. at tlie homne of Mrs. E. StapletonMeptRaerck Drummond the third.i and Mrs. RbnoMis. Logan, Mopr aeTàk that j11e trýuly Twas the Muessiah I Mrs. Mra are tai be in charge. issue.> Jasus went thirough a time 0)f I UNIT. 2, U.C.W. Tuesday, AMay 2'nd, Unit 2 met at the homne cof MIrs. Etta Jrwin witb 12 present, Etta l eedthe meeting with a welýome t -e everyone and AMrs. C, Winterledlap:rayer, Our first ymin 59 Th s m 2 Fther's Sprnsn. r.hud odra theoî Jarpture lesshon ate ad 7. Juteflot tht yebe l Il caged. TwosOls o he iti byer a; ladyhomnte-eslA otorwere Mrs. M. Jge Talymetn gva ' m mA'iy o the BikbleDr. ]\or intrm Jan, Awhont tih wgusi eae at the rs ~ il Th iue s weeoa adet-, noed caie of tstohosptalw passge- ta have afcooking, salte a Seleetion of Potted Ger- anium, Flowering Shrubs Potted and Cut Flowers Vuletide or Happiness Grade No. 1 ROSE BUSIIES $1.25 Special display of Art by Mr. and Mrs. C. Grant, of Leskard. Phone 983-5539, ORONO, ONTARIO Open the Whole Holidayý Weekend II~ Look in, the mail foir'your MAY, SALES BILL detailing the Big Sal,-- e of Smal Prices from MAY 18[h [o MAY 27th Stili a Good Choice Left in OùjrGarden Section Vegetable and Flower Seeds Punch 'N Grow - Spirea, Peonies, Bleeding Ilearts, -lonieysuckle, Phlox, Carnations, IIolly- hocks, Priced Lower. Gladiýoli flulbs at-7e each or 5 for ...... 33c. Makie your Victoria Day Week-end a pleas- use hy paying us a visit. Lay-a-way Plan always available to everyhody Family Allowance Cheques Cashed with a Smile ORONO 5c to $1 STORE Phone Orono' 983-5401 6Wliere Your Money Buys More"9 E rWý%ï Olci Adoption of symbol traffic signs by Ontario has beenannounced by the Hon, Irwin Hasketýt, Ontario Minister of Transport. The new signs wiil be introduced as aid signs need rpafg ihthe job pcte t take Live ta10 years Some examples are shawn above (top) in cantrast with exi4st-ing road sigus (battoni). t' il l4wý 1 L

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