ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, TmJ-RSDAY, MWAY lt,16 Report From Queen's Park Alex Caruters M1?PDurttAm a ýrich free society based oni pria. JAX ILLUSOJNI 1 sometimes wondier what .a venerable ancestor of 100 years aqgo wo,-uld think of our present dazy world of finMan1ee Would lie be able to compre- berend or believe for. example that the total a-sets of our largest ,hartered bank, exceeds the total net worth of al 1he busintess eni- uerpriseF-s in the counitr'y ii18967; ni: coulci! hh immd encomnpass the enormous trans.ition r, om goose quilli pe., and fat Iedigers, of that aPy to the uncaniny comiputera and a-utom-iated service9 and commuai- ta11tion) of todlay. 0f a cet int e woufldbe ov- erwheedby themu.itqipIicity and coGmpleiýYty of presenýt day taxes rand the tax structure. In bis day, onie of the main plankq in any poitical platform, was "the reduction of taxes" N4ow the namne of the game api- ,pears tej be "the transfer of thle tax burden" in a sort of hieil, game tct somie other level of gov- e-rninent. A game whieh milit1)e ermed passing the buck, One of tjhe cliches used se of- ten is calied, "Sharinig of'Tax Rev- eýnues," and as cîtizens we are de luded into thinking that our mun- acLipality isq getting, a reai bar, gain whea we are toide, for ex- amnple, that 01ly 20%;' of thie cost "f a finc-e new ChooI building -Is" paid out of imiunicipal taxes. The rest, it i5s saidj. cornes fromt prov- nalgrants, anid we are able to ,id ourselves that a mib;teriou&, i Somiebodly Else" is footing abiI p1art cf the bil. Municipal councils wheedfle funds from thlle Provinces; the provinces grab from the federal treasury, and the federal goven- mnent derives9 its tax money from, io many sources., Regardiesas of what recommend. ationq are made by Carter and Smith reports on the sharing of fax revenue s, and vie ail realire that oniy throughi tax sharing _an thre national revenu.e of the nation bc, fairly 1istributed and eqaiyof st1andards imaintained, the basic fact remains, that there is no way of getting more ont- of oýur economy than, is put into it., 1As Dr. Rastminsky, the Governor of the, Bank of Canada,- put it, "You cannot gel, a quart of wine out of a piaf jug." It was clear to him, hie said, that for much of the lasit twe, years we have overloaded tire economyby trying te do too much too fasti. As Canaidians we have created JACK RiC YARluDI REA LTOR 99 King St., E. BOWMANVILLE When Buying or Seiling eall W1L F HAWKERR VOUR ORONO AREA RLEPRESENTATIVE 983-5274 Members of Oshawa triet Real Estate aadDis- Board -7]1D BEEF SALMICHUBS bte Report. TVhLis lavalid lathery Asctzesof the mstpout lda g ro s n ptacti(ce, if ive and weattiest province iniida ir group inventive is Canada perhap~s we should pause, destroyed in thre proceas. and coasider thre future poteniall c.iv ies r1ewatu .for p indîîa of Ontario, andi wflere the Present group aecomiplishmient, lin recent Thle îast aanual report ci thre t rend is- leadin.g us. ITt is a funda- day-s thre has, hwvr be anir fCnd hw ht" t mental truth that a r'iaiaig stand- growing emphasis upon the idea1 increaaýed more aad productivity ard of livingil can, only corne from of taig-o n a' fot le in Cvinadla than ia the Uaited risýin.g production, te cease another man's burden. Sttsi 16.Te lnceen output pcv worker in, Canada in Society must be wiiling te ac- 1966 wag approximately 1.1% ex- Today in this province we have cept this responsibility in order icept in thre field of agriculture the highegt standard of living of; toasreabttrlf frte eE l hr efcenyo hepr o uraay jurisdiction in thre world. Let te ssue abeterhf fo tlieesSwhee ffiieay o te prt f oras maintadin and strengthen it favouLred members of eur gociety' famers resulted in a material Iliroir careful planning, a bet- -thie aged, thec very Young, tire1 increase in the productionof farmi handicapped and the uaenploy-!products. Ths 1.1% is on1 haIf'trnesaning of d taxatconn ablesny .c-ieprincipIesivle l aain i of the 1965 rate of increase andan hog apgtiemgef Taxation according to abi]ity to j iess than half the 2.5% inereasean thftreouganpositvhie ofe pay is recommeaded by the Car-! in United States. i uueognz h rsn READY CUT FR TH7 REE PBEST BU, Y! -Snve 12--l il-or. batties 4for 95e B3EST BUY! -Se 33c!'-Assorted VarieM'es 12-oz. jazrs ROSERUF SE 4 frci 9 BEST BUY! - Save 10e! Twin Pack- for Frcshness BEST BUY! aeS!60 te'n g BES'T PZUT! - a làe! 3o pkflgs. BET UV -Re.$133LUHU eIy esers10 fr$ - HOSTÈSS MOTHE'R PAý,rKEItV'S 5v Off Paf* 6-or. jar 1' -fê4s SAVE l Oc! -I~N SAVE 5e! SAVE G7e!- RED & PWIT SAVE 18e!- COLOuRE SAVE 5e! - SALADA, ICED TEAMX 2-oz. pkgs. 2 for 49c i 2-oz., ea. 65c in a mpann3er to keepcotai taxesq ent amîimum. IF YOU NEED A 11-,SONRY,10OB TO BE DUECALL- BRICKLAYERS STON EMASONS Reinhard Schreiber Orono, 983-5626D Willl Schaiahl - ,Orono, 983-56e; Specialist, in Ffreplaees I65a 5 Varieties in* cre Package! Supremc FANCY BiScUITS 49c Reg. 39é! WES-TON, Frost 'N' Serve 16 or fin 100-ft Wml 16-or. Tee Boxy Jar. 13-or. pkgs. 4o fr 45<e EnEG. $1.49 VALUE!- 20e OffPak--4o.Arol PRESIGE urtureWax99-e Ï7ý,ý) '7149c Value - Red & Whie BIRTHDAY CAKE whih rders of $15.00 or ov0 SAVE 4c!- DINNERS with MEAT or MS-EOS 1-r ie(in 2gi Size GARAGECM< Red' Gray, IIES'ýT BUY!- Save 9c! $6.98 VaIue aletTises4àois4 v ith 3IOLIDAT PEATURES! Save 1 Oc!, - Club House Manznnilla STUFFED OLIVES 8-oz, jar 39c Save Cc! - 12 Inch Wide 25-ft. roll FOIL WRAP roll 33c. Save 16c! - Suit Drink Powders KOOL-AID 20 pkgs. $1 12e Off Pacic - Dental Cream PEPS'-OJiENT faily sire 89e Priced ti3e! - Dental Creain FEPSOJ)ENT 'giant sire 59e Reg. 49c! Pepsodent TOOTH BRUSHFS ea. 390 Reg. 98e! - Plastie Econ. Paek CURAD BANDAGES 69a Reg. 59e! -. Blue Jay 12 to pkg. CORN ]PLASTERS, 490 W IERE FRIENDLY PEOPLE MIGII LINER FROZEN FOODS Save 10e! Haddock In Botter 14-or. pkg. 49c Save 10e! Ocean Percb Filleis 1-lb. pkg. 39C SAVE YOU MORE. CORNISH"'S RED AND WHITE, ORONO, ONTARIO Speciaily Selectcd Value Chcck'd BONELESS RUll" POASIS lb. 83C Sirloin~~ - -~n ing STEAKS lb. 89c I'resh lMinece .-Ideal for Barbecuin - ..- GR -ID, :Round STEAK lb. 83c SHOPSYlS FAMOUS FOODS BUY - 0F - THE - WEEK Supreme Brand BREAD 'NI BUTTER PICKLES à&2 50.JR DAN CE BAND GEORGE WADE Accepting Bookings for Old Tymie, Modern and Rock 'N Rollite. 37 Normandy BliLd Toroa.to, Onitaria Sunïshine Fresh Fruit &Ve -lables THE FINEST CHIQUITA BANANAS 7lbs. $1.OO Lusclons Red ipe__ WATERlMELONS good sîze 99c CONSweet& Tender 4 for 35c Mild, Rfehn SPAISHONINS#1 Pkg. of 2 33c M-7. 0 1-