l18tbý, 1967 School Children Plant Centennial Trees Threat of rain and chilly winds did not damp en the enthusiasm as the Grade 7 and 8 studýents of Clarke Township schools gatheredI in work groupS ta Start work on the "CerÀtennial Plantation?' on Monday and Tuesday of this week. Approxiamately 180 stu- dents took part in the planting. Centennial Chairman, Mrs. T. Fairbrother organized the project n October 1966 when she secured ,lie 'pproval of the Clarke Town- ihip School Board. Zone Fores- ers, Mr. L. J. I{aas and Mr. W. lelsun of the Departmnent of vloodie household. This bîtterness I s evident throughout the book, iut the Club member> felt that iis fine writer deserved a good ?ýgree of sympathy and under- anding. Uer attitude in no way destroys reader's enjoyment of the book. aere are many touches of hum- ir and irony, interesting anec- tes, fascinating characeters and ll-writte.n dialogue - ail com- e to give a surprisingly inter- holding "fictional" touch to se autobiographical sket ches. f you read "Roughing It In the ýh", lbe sure to -also read "Back- ds of Canada" by her sister, harine Parr Traill to compare diverse personalitie> and lit, ry styles of these two V'emark- SStrickland sisters. Dorothy Robinson. ;ed Cars 'dealer'rs., You're certain of getting a reéally good used car because oniy exceptionaily good used cars are chosen b ca r ry the Goodwiil sticIcer. You may be sure your Goodwi Used Car has been inspected and, reconditioned. It's dlean, ready to go, ail spruced up. Goodwill cars ail carry a written warranty. You'can have con-lfidence in your purchase, and it shows your Goodwill dealer's faith in Lhe car he seils you. Goodwill cars are soid only, by your Pontiac-Buick dealer. He has a stake in your community. And a fuily-equipped service organization to back up pour purchase. 5 Dcauseypur Goodwiil dealer handies best-seiiing Poniaus and Duicks, you'i1 aiways find the, videstseiedton of good used cars on his Goodwii lot. And- don't forget Goodwil Used Tncku. They'«re the. cream of the. crop tod Authorized GoodwRIl - Pontiac- Buick - Beaumuont- A<adan Vauxhall - GMC Truck Dealer in Bowmanville: RUOSON MOTORSLIMTE MA 3-3396, Bowmanvilîe, Ont. 166 King Street E., Phone: Lands, and. Forests, Orono, were instrumental in securing govern- ment acreage and seedling Red Pine tiees 'for the project and directed the planting. Burley Bus Lines gènerously provided, free transportation to and from for the outlying, schools. The Department of Lands and Forests has provided 'a beautiful sign to mark the project which is located at the western limits of the old railway tracks west of Orono. Further plantings will be, done on school properties within the next f ew week. "Youth in Action," seems to be, &etting a worthy example in this Cenfennial year with their many pro jeéts. Tv 1S ER VIC E Phil. Vowles & Son 983-5144 RADIO REPAIR TI'OWER INSTALLATION 4 GO MA 3-3396, Bewmanville, Ont. 166 King Street E., Phone: