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Orono Weekly Times, 18 May 1967, p. 8

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ORONO WEEKLYTIMES, THUJRSDAY, 31AY 18Sth, 196-, mu l e. s~istace s Mothers Allowance, s ns-ad sQ 0o. The Ontario Gov- if yCu arle intereste'd i., etinaymnigbefore caur reg-ular ernmet re sstitanceadvan age laso~ pa liefor pistol or tra otfrm 0amot r f the CanaaAmsac lnt snotngoeore aur Ce Gntennial i? ank Eil , afwmr ike crease its welfare payments. . Shot n uly9t, ustreemerYouad wont take long. The Guranlteed Incarne Plan of)]i tiiere ~re oly ~evèn Sudays left. e vedecideui ta give four $15.for 014 g esaes1 Thre-,a"eY good turnlout compimnar iemberhips topi hlyb teFdrlG last Suda ïn h pistai range. I fur very deserving peopie. Theypad hlybyte eealG- Thememersarestatin taareMrBihBuning Orna'Mrernmient. It' bas made an extra' save teir ofrir crests. oPwl, Orona; Mr. Dan Me: $30. available ta those who reaiiy' Ths witake om tiinie as 10 tar- Gregor, Bawmanvill.e; and Pauî's ,edadtaa .epa h an gs t'n r rqie or th1p spoting Goads, Osghawa, time pratecting the interests afi firs: oI rdinary taxpayers who, wauld be rurenc by an across the board ltbs been, reparted that ane' Did ya know there was suclipnin iceae wih wud afarmmerMivnLunn'thing- as,, Dee farming? This îs make the' extra $30. payment ta ana ais v~if Fi-anîhavereturned advoae i e Zaadt h 'ý r Zýilîad totheeveryane, whether a millionaire from a v!îyenjoyabie tp ta the exterit f 1,000 d &eer carca5ses a:o nt Barads. hue ter tey had day beý,ing brouight from the for- the p 5a u e a atchng 2 r -ig . b- eic p e s. T e ex at The 50 m illion dollar Iealth fR e- fis an 5 lueFinTun avrag trcein venison, skins and by- M T,,ese lvel seat eýh Fund was es4abiished. Med- ing~~~~~~ f1o 0-1 b.Teelvl p~ . J naw is worth abaut frsiî ~ a we ecugt und 31/ miles l45000.aya Teede icar e on a national universal and onttasea CugrtuatinsMary were ist intr, dCedaerace-poîtable basis wili be effective an adan a-' yiouri mast enjoyabie tr g n adyhv eaeJuly 1st, 1968. n aotin nia a pest jav bcoie The Armed Forces Unificatian! At oud last diirector-s meeting,, legisiation . the first af its typeI hel"2 at the bhame of Marshall Anyý volunteers for aur reno- in the warldwa pasîsed after K ifive directors wr pres- vtn pragram please contact onej bitter appasition from the Con- eut a-mn .a vry work-filled agenda «o the directarsi., If yau wont give servatives. waàs set up). Among the many ac- yauwont receive. tiitestacamie that will reqtre Thank you, 1 The Science Council of Canada ail mebrsnusýcle:, and tim-e Jane Keast..a;id the Company af Young Can- are the evtin of aur rangýe adians were esýabiished. The Can- ilt Eniterprise. This wiii consist, 1, adian Deposit Insurance Carpara- of pantngal woaclwork and the j han was set up for the purpase Wwst te be or a level with esHos es No w frtcigsaliveta. ýstandcs. The grass bas jlreadyvhlag wie DiyCm een ut roun ou pitai nd . qssîa an fhe Eastei n ,Feed t raip rane ya verýy meergetic A PeIAph nrA IUunh1 'raiAgenieywere cýetd n Emil Schmrid. This was done Sun- y created 11;-s-n,-- ! 'I Great O~v~ Adveu~ re Vacations -avish iyou vwith the golden -ifruitfulness of the land, Vith culturýal jiewels and a wveaith ofetetiens From thne sparkJing sans o lake Erie f0 the b-lue-water Lako Hrnshoes-from Niagara Faîls toToemr ô'l find ricli crops and laden vine- Yards. Bsiin Liternational ship-. pn.Quiet v"illages and histonic Places like Hamniton's Duindurn-. Castle. Industriai wonders liUe Sarnia-'s sýkyscr-aper-sized chemistry sets and Douglais Point'a$ nielecar power. Bird sanctuïaries Und pony rides. Safe sandy ýMimming places beýside splendid campitesandwell-appoýitted accommo111dations. ,A Land betwecen thc Lakýes Ad- venture vacation wiii reward your famiiy with treasujred mem;orieýs galore. And to becip you plan f we'l1 send you furt;)ci-details. Ju-si maý! i thecoupo3n t7Iday. ---------------- ---------- - tPLease ticime ý-more about a Land between the Lakes Adventure vacation, Naine Addlress Ciy Zone Prov. Otarjo, - une wnni requestg made by agi-j- f cltuaireprese,)tatives aver the- flarneosý raeing openieu at Mar- ps e ra'w Park in Peterbor-ough on Saf- Ps fwierl urday with Orono race fans and The Ban-k Act 'was revised and horsemen wel represenited, liberalized ta ereate a real spirit &f competition iii Canadas Baniks. f M. Gral Rbi nn rove ta Evidence of the effectiveness of a first place finish with his oWn the legisiation can be already nat- hosVital VictarY in the eightb ed in the pres5 each day as ahi race alang -vit' a second place Banks and Trust',Companies are finish with Simcoe Boy in the jcampeting for the investors mon- tenthI. In twp other drives Robin- ey thus creatiug better interest son piaeed fifth with Jerry Hal, rates for investors. a Coehranie horse, in the nintb race and sixth with an Ashburn The natiaýnsi transportation sys- horse, Frisky Herbert, in the tem was averhauiled and rafional-, sixth race. ized. Rail, air and watr trans- i Mr. Keithi West pIcee firat dlrivingý a Scarborough horse, Eriei Spencer, in the fourth race andý second with Minai- B in the sixth race.1 pOatton are now u1nder n Cclmmnljssioni ratbher thprn thr,ýe serte Baar!d.s, as formerly. Tlhere was a 40 milion dollar inerease in granýtsto t6Univesies weni as very suostantiai increas- Mr-. Ras Braýwn of Newtonviile f edý grants for teelinicai and voca- placed sixth with b is own MailY tional training aiiowanee. llaw Le-a, in the foui-fb race. e The ,sesesion just ended bas Mr. Jujnior West finiished in 4th been very productive. The Cen-1 place with Kitty Witty, a bai-se tenniiai session ahead can, given owniý-d by Fraser of Norwood. j the goacd co-ap)eration of ail Mem- llapy Ma, abors ownd lbers, be eqlljy productive. Jack WillIiamis, was diven by Mr.1i-. thifs Ceii4ennialî 'eSsion; Williams in the ei-ghth race ta a Priiime Miister P~earson lias, fore- thîrd place fiish. Mr. Williams cast attention t,( the quality of aiso drave Mliss Hildine ta a fifth Calnadas life. Penal and parai re- place finish in the bevenith race. ýfarmsn, divorce and birtl cantroi ___________ Jreformis, dean. air anid cean wat- er and better hausing are some of the matters that we wiiî be Rep rt rom Ottwa.dealing wl itin this new session, Russell C. Hloney, M.P., ]Durhaml On Mandffay, MUay 8th, af 10:306ru a11 efînishied fli, longest ses- seaiu Te sic-r of Parliment in Canada'sý hi$tary. At 4:00 that afternooni { More than 90 guests attended we started the niew session l ,a trouseau tea at which Mrs. Unr- the Centennial ses&ion.ý vey Aiken of the Falhisi Line en- tertained in hanour of ber daugli- The sesiai1 just ended wili be ter Barbai-a, whose mariage ta jcharacteri.zed by- two fhings. First- IAlberit Munneke of Orono took ly, the shift in the flOuse of Com- place on Saturday, May 6th ia ans leadersbip. For the first time Milbroak. Mrs. Andrew Munneke, I i-al success. Every- detail was the groam's mother, assisted in since hie became Prime Minister receiving guests. four years, aga Mr. Pear-son is theo orn e eeMs ah undobtedand nchllened mst-aniel Belch, the bride's aunt; Mrs. er of the flouse. Mr. Diefenbaker -oi oe n r.Aci rt neyer regained bis position in the tano s band; Mrs. ARb Stel .an Hane o Comon falowng is1Mrs. Raîpli Pouwmeester of Or-I humiliation by the Conservative Mronary ei oÎNw jParty at last Octaber's convention. , .HryWiro e- The bulk of bis prairie f oliaweri.atg c fin the flouse remain layai but Sbowing tihe gifts and trous- members fram ather part9 of seau were Mrjs. Donald Chailice, Canada are Mready choosing up Mrs. Keth Tregunna, Migses Dale sides in the contest ta select a and Daretta Challice of Orona, al new leader. The Chef 110w exer- iieces of the bride, and Mrs- flan- ciscs littie influence aver them. Id Suteliffe. The P ont, sssin jst on- Tea assis9tants were Mrs. Or- Thued 16 moenat e ani istn- ville Challice af Orana and Mrs. cludiied bas eni9atedn TemangaaJohn Killeen of Bowmànvilie, sis-. lAsistan-ce Plan bas enabied theI ter5 of the bride, Mrs. Alberti 1 t,, enlrge nd epandSmith of Peterboýýrougb, Mrs. Clif-1 Pervncs a elare ad expandfard Fallis, Donna ,'Challice andf tawa bas undertaken to pay 50% Rsmr i1e.. iof anlîy additional amaunt the The decarations iluded cI-y. Provinces wiîsh to pay for sue h sanithemumsi& and spring flowers. j' ~~~ARTLY SKI-r1E SoId~~ ~~ unerthsraemr 'n 4~ u MORE ST ACTUAL SURýVEY* ài Jilie Ai 2% Produced, processed, and sold in the BowmanviIle area. K141G ST. W, BOWMANVILLE SouMluOrono at Raipey's Con-fectionery Cornish's Red and, White L- .. . ................................... . . -

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