ORO0NO, W -EE&m:KLY VALUME 30, NUMBER 20 TIMEIIS1 ORONO WEEKLY- TIMES, THURSDAY, MAY 25th, 1967 Park Board To Resurface Orono Tennis Co The Orone Park Board gave authority on Tuesday evening for the expenditure of $1190,00 for thie re-àurfacing, of the tennis court, in the Orono Park, The price, submitted by a .Toronto, firm, include9 resurfacîng the court, painting on hues and ereet- ing posts for the tennis net. Mr. Wayne Bailey, president of the Orono Tennis Club, wa9 pres- eut at the meeting with verbal agreement fromn the Tennis Club to make an annual payment te the Board for the use of the court. T7he club expects to pay a charge of $19000 this yenr to the Board. The Park Board also con,4dered their promotion of the Beef Bar B-Q beiug held on July 5th in the Orono Park. The Board would like to sece a speed-up in the sale of tickets as they have ta notify the caterers by June 5th of the number who will attend the event. -Final plans for opening the park and swimming pool were dis- cussed. It was noted at the meet- ing that the junior play equip- ment had arrived at the park and was presently being assembled. No W#find For, KItes On Mondey evening a ýgood crowd atteuded the anual Orono 'Chamber of Commerce Fireworks displny heid at the Orono Fair Ground9 A total of $183.00 was subscribed to the event by those attending., Seme twentfy kite flye-rs strived tei get their kiites aloft but the wind iVwhich was, non-existant, gave nù e hlp. As a resuit nio one was -hîe to fly terkt~ The fir-workýs were ignited by the Qronq Fire Departmept. heeinv hret h ~o have voicedt the opiniion that it eo1Ukd owbcecxtended te include' a 9reater display of fireworks. Rabie-s Reoportec In Darlington Thrce rabid animais wE ported by Labciratory finý ail foxes. Two of tirese w~ Darlington Towuship and oi lu Cavan Township. Rabie cine 'for preveative trentni ciglit persons was dispen their fnmily physicians. On cf these persous lad contac a posÂtive fox. Six perseus gîven vaccine because they led 2 dogs which lad leen led 2 dogs wiicirad been mals. Tuberculosis At tirree chest cliuics, h Bowmauvilie, Port Hope ai bourg, seveunty thrce perso ceived a cirest x-ray. Thr-ee moved la duriug tire mont eue ncw active case was te tire register. One old ca, clscever-ed and addcd aiseo case on tire regiser- meved and there was eue deatir otiror tanu tuberculosis. As end cf April tirere, were 392 on tire register. Public Health Nursln g Prenatal classes are bein. again tris spriag lu four ct Port Hope and Cobourg art- beld la the eveuiug; manville and Brighrten ila f ter-noon, Pre-,-ctho1 registration lh< elentary scirools every y7 tire spring are utteudled by ireaitirnurss,-!t Îla vabse chlldren entering scirool te 1 medical and dental examii prier te eujtering scirool or ai wýithmn tire first year- of attendunce. Formis are giv (C'ontinufd page 8) iutPostponed It was intended te bold tire An.- nual Orono Ciramber of Commerce Blossom Tour tbis weekend but due te past cbilly weather tire blossom has been slow in develop- iag, resltiug in tire pestpouiug of tire tour., Ail authorities appear te ngree - thnt -bloss om willnetbe eut tis weekend. ere r-e- dings -, The blossom tour' will be consid- vere la ered for June «th at the first part ne wus ef next week. Plans were aise un- es vnc- derway for a tour of the Tree eut of Nursery lu, Or-eue along with a (sed te slrowiug of sîldes and a tour of îy oue Mosport. dt witli _____ swere b aud- 1 i Got Y 1Our àcId C- Ticket Yet ns r-e- The Oreno Pa.-rk Board is ax- ecases bus thant you, purchase your Beef thi and Bar-B-Q tickIets as soon as pos- addedwa sible. Tire deadlue for purchase se wns has been scet at June 5th. It i9 at a. On tiiis time tint tire Board iras te frawa iuform the caterers just -irew ofte many will be atteacling., 2f tie Tire souvenir Steak Boards caeshave new been completed nud will bc available for ticket irolders on July 5tli. 1 j9 heid, Tickets, are 'availabie in most ýentres. stores lu, Orono. DonIt wait for classes blackmnarkct prices te obtuin Bow- your, - -aud &or goodness, sake, ieaf- do't be left ouf! eld, Iu ýear îni pubflic le fori riave a inatïon it lenst scirool ien te Urge Control Of Ten Acre Lots A recemmendation, desigaed te amend the Provincial Planning Act and allow local municipalities and townships subdivision contrel Ia rural areas with 10-acre lots was approved at the Central On- tarie Joint, Planning Board meCt- ing last aiglit. The recommendation, described ns tihe first of its kind la Ontario, attempts te remedy thec situation foud today wbere under tihe cur- rent provisions of the Planning, Act. townships cannet control sub- division developmnent in rural ar- eas on lands of 10 acres or ufýore. iia the three local townships s4deDarlingtoa, East Whitby and Whitby, it wa s-f ouündtbnt 'un- controlled land subdivision is iraying an iminediateefetupen 'agriculteral land use and farmn ewvcershIp in the area. High land vaîe~for 10-acre lots as opposed tu Average far-m prices, is causing a erions disruptioni in the agricul- taràl rcem.munity andr lu some ýcses limiting thre trend to larger frigunits. William..McAdans, director of plnning said, "tirehousiag situ- ation in urban areas hias worsened through thre years and as a re- sit thie pressure on towns-hips'has reachecd gigantic proportions." Thre recommendation approved, recently states thre COJPB petition the Mînis4ter of Municipal Af- f airs proposing an. amendaient te the Planning Act to eliminate the 10-acre lot exception, and instead allow local committees of adjust- ment the samne powerg la dealing with land separation over 10 ac- res, as tliey now, have on land sales under 10 acres. Furtirer provisions aise recem- mend that: -a minimum lot size of 50 ac- res bie established for residential uses lna agricultural zones in local zoigbyiaws; -an exception clause for exist- ing-vacanta lots net be -inciuded in. sucli amendurents; -consideration be givea te the' inclu9ion of a policy statement lu local officiai plans regarding ,the use of suitable lands ln, the town- ships for rural residential devel- The brief aIse, states. "it would appear that if undesirable urban residential growtli is to e 'epre-, vented in the rural areas of our pla nning area, definite actions have te be taken ln our urban ar- ens te increase available building land, depruss. inflationry costs and improve ameuities 38 Trees Planted In Orono Mr. E. R. Woodyard, Inspectiïig Trustee of the Orono Police Trus- tees, aanounced on Tuesday tint thIrty-eiglit trees 'have been plant- cd by the Police Trustees in the Village of Orono. Trees planted, tins year varied fr-om BirchIroteLocust,, Crimsen Red Maple, Norway Maple> and Flowering Cr-ub. Tree.s were planted thro.ugheut th-e Village includiug tire axea nround the pump lieuse lunthe uer-tir and areund some of the HerticulturaI Flower bedm. Local Tennis Club The receutly fermed O0rono Teni- mis Clu bhas now made arrtange- ments through the Orono Park Boagrd for the resurfacing of the Orono Tennis Court. The local Club is now to make a concerted e ffort to obtain as many members as p ossible te, help defray the, cost of the-resurfacing. Memberships are _te go on sale immediately as work on the court is expected to be- completed with- in a couple of weeks. MEMBERSHIP FEES- Adult ------10,------------ e o00 Husâand and wife ---------$15,00 Family ---- $1500 plus $1,00 for each chuld under 16 years; $2.50 for child 16 and over. Studeat, under 16 --------- $2.50 16 and over - ------------$ .o Clarke, Student Sets New Record At'COSSA Meet 1 Numerous studentq from Clarke Hligli Sehool competed in the an- nual Central Ontario Secondary Sehool Athletic Association Field Day l'ast ?ýWurday in Oshawa. Sehools9 from a wide area were in competition. Michael White of Clarke set a new record in the Junior boys' Javelin with a distance of 154' 712".Otheri event winners were Coreen Sweep in the Senior girls' Shot Put with a distance of 28' 31/2" and Carol Nixon in the, Sen- ior Jav(f in. Lee Ann Hoar placcd third in the Junior Girls' 440; ]Ruth Scott second la the Junior Girls' Triple Jump and Caroline Johinson tihird in the Ju~nior Girls' Javelin Bail Sched-ule JUVENILES Sat. May 271 Peterboro at Orone 6:30 p.m. 'Wed. May 31 - Oshawa at Orono 6:30 p.m. Sun, June 18 - Orono at Peterboro 7:00 p.m. Wed. June 21 - Peterboro at Oruno 6:30 p.ni Sun. June 25 - Orono at Pt.- Hope 2:00 p.m. Thur. June 29 - Orono, at Oshawa (Lakeview) 6:30 p.m Sun. Jul. 9 - Orono at Little Bnit- ain 2:30 p.m. Wed. Jul. 12 - Pt. Hope at Orono 6:30 p.m. Sua.' Jul. 16 Orono at Pt. Hope 2:00 p.m. Wed. Jul. 19 - Orono at Peterboro 8:00 p.m. Wed. Jul. 26 - Peterboro at Orono 6:30 p.m. Sun. Jul. 23- Orono at Pt. Hope 2:00 pm. Sun. Aug. 6 Orono at Peterboro 2:0 p.m Wed. Aug. 9- Pt, Hope at Orono 6:3 a» i BUSINESS MEN, TO MEET TUESDAV A meeting of the Orono Busin.. ess men i.s being held Tuesday, May 3th ln the Orono Municipal Bt ilding to discusis a Shopper's Mail for Centennial Week in Or- ono on July 8th. The Orono Chamber of Cern. merce hopes every businessman. wil1 attend, PETER LOUCKS Mr. Peter Loucks, son, of Mr. and Mrs. A. Loucks, Le5kard, la aow a member of the CBC Editor- lal Staff, Ottawa, and is regulariy heard with his news analyst over CBL radio at L,00 and 6:00 o'clock and often on CBC Television. 1r Louclis was educated at the Lee> kard Public Sehool and the Oron, Continuation Sehool and attended CaKieton Uuiversity. Coagtratuti- tioins Peter. for Kendal School Ia a letter to the Clarke Town- ship Council on May 8th the On- tarie Municipal Board stated that they had ne jurisdiction to ap- prove the application for financ- iug the addition. to 'the Kendal Public School. 1. The letter stated "As the tax rate for, the year 1967 lias already been struck the Board has -now no jurisdic 'tion to appreve the ap- plication." Council held a special meeting on the evening of May l9th with a following letter being sent to the Municipal Board re-applying for approval. A re5olution, by Council was passed on Friday evening rescind- ing a formner resolution giviag the contract for priming township ronds to Municipal Oiling. It had been found that the tender of Harnden, and Ring Construction Ltd. had been the lowest bid. The> coatract has now ýbeen awarded te Harndea and Ring. Approval mas given-by Council to the Rond Superintendent, M. Ross, to advertise for tendersfer a tractor and, mewer Clarkie Students -Present ExeitlIng Fashion Show 0f Own Work Studeuts of Clarke Higli Sciool promoted an interesting and ex- citing Fashion Show last Thurs. ,day eveuing ut there shool. Net only were. there fashioni for to- day but aise, fashion5 datiag back te tire 2's and tire turn of thre century. Present day fashione were al works of the students douýe through their course of study in Home Economics at the school. Their work was most in9piriug and tireir moýdelling of their work most exciting. Close te fifty dif- fereuit exhibits were modelled, raugiuig from beach wear te mora- ing, afternoou and eveuinig wear. During the fashion show Mrs. Westheuser and Mr. Douglas Perrin played suitable selectieus on tire piano. The show was opened by a dem- on-stration of gymnastics with Misses Caroline Major and Judy Bull exhibiting tumbling and Miss Nancy Forrester performing ou the balance beam. Commentary for the fasJhiou show was previded by Misses Car-- el Nix-,on and AMîchelle Sawyer. Thre yeung models, modelling their own work, made use of a ramfp which extended frem the stage eut into the audience. The commeutary dcscribed the mater- il, the style and 'tire use of each piece of wearing appareil. On dis play wcre sirift9, dresses, suits, jumipers, beach wear and house- cents, all made by the studeuts. Thosie takiug part in the show were: Dorothy Dunlop, Sandra Pnyne,Heather Best, Barbara' Mit- chell, Joan Beatty, Edith Schmid, Grace Hoistige, Linda MacDonald, Arlene Atchison, Marie Yeo, Suz- aune Buatiug, Carol Adams, Pat Rudeli, Marilyn Trim, Lee Aune Hoar, Arlene Allia, Kathy Love- kmn, Janet Duvaîl, Wendy Wilson, Shar-on Bairstow, Glenda Ten- nant, Banb Wetherup, Barb Kor- das, Susan Bail, Elaine Schmid, Hea tier ' bar, Joan Armstrong, Dianne -Nicholson, Linda Barra- bail, Darlene West, Saurda Gib- son, Glenda Johnson, George Simpson Pat Wallace, Janice Rich- ard, Sharon Ailin, Elaine For-. rest4er, Linda Hall, Beverly Rick- ard, Wendy Cex, Pat Hardy, and' Linda Harris. Period costumes aise added contrast te the colourful fashien show Miss Patsy Hardy, a swing- er from the 20's, brought gaiety with her antics and costume of the 'Charleston Era'. Miss Weudy Cox medelling an old-time batiig suit alise noted contrast witir yes- teryenrs. (tIrher period costume were modelled by: Ellen Millson, Julie Schmid, Elaiue Schmid, Lia- du Hale, Linda Harris, Heather Best, Derothy Dunlop. and Sandra Payne. Ready For Action 0MB Witholds 0K OMM.#*, - 1 , - . Mm5lMM!,."ýMq -, - 7 . . ' -, - ýl - , , , S-