ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THIUEDAY, 1MAN 5th, 1967 ORONO WEEKLY TIMES 'Aut1orized a-q S'eecord Class mail, Poet Office Departnent, publlhed every Thurs<ay az the offiçe 0t publicatior Main, Street, Pnome 109, oronio, OCmario EWboiblished in 1938 by R. A. Forrester Roy C. Forreeter - Editor anid Manager Why So Long? The new parking regulations' now ia effect on lte Main Street of Orono is a vast improvement over the chaos which lias existed for years. It is amâzing tat such a eimple plan witit such iinproving qualities should take so long in eoming., One can expeet dffcring opinions, but on tte parking thiere were as many different opinions as there wcre people to pass their judsgcment. Very seld'om were two opinions la, agreement and for too long local politicians wcre bcnding their car to these opinions, afraid 10 use their own judgc- ment and that of tte Depariment of Transport. Delay is 4alwavs prolonged, wten govcrning officiaiýs heed evcry thought. Lack of sound and aggrcssive leadership is possibly the grcatest tndcrlying factor. Parking was one good example. Planning is anotter. Sound, aggrcssive leadership is a 'necd la planning Often local governing officiais have stated in conneelion witit planning, -"We have to first educate the peonle in planning before we do anyth.ing."1 On hearing this we titen look f or some form of eclucation that bas been insti- tuted . . . we are stili looklag. If thte Township waitq for everyonc to be la agreemnat, Ibis writer will neyer sec eoinpretiensive planning. Local officiais sdde-step the plan- ning issue as was itte, cage of parking. The-ili effeets will not go away if we close our eycs and titose of planning cannot te corrected as it was in parking. Teachers WiI Stay. EDUCATIONAL T.V. I some area.9 great emptasis is being placed la forxaulating plans for the use of educational TV. Some persons go as far as to pre:d1ct titat TV will replace the teacher la the classroom. Eduicational television wll, no doubt, have a great impact ia eàucation of the near future and will bring to the eiassroom the moset up-to-date -information. But, to repl ace thte teacher, it will neyer dû se. Television. ttough informative, cannot be personal Il cannot inst-Il desire, responsâbility, reason and otier features wticit, are so nccessary la rounding out an cdu- cation. Titis can only be done titrougit personal contact of a-dedicalecI teacher. Television will h~ave, a tendency to furtter enhance, tte spooa-fceding mettod if, not properly controlled. TFhe qualifiedi andi dedicatedi teacher, we believe, is here, to stay and to play an ever-increasingly important part in our society. EAST CENTRAL ONTARIO HEREFORD CLUB 1ST ANNUAL SHOW & SALE 40 HEREFORDS" SELL - SATURD4Y, MAY 2'7TH HORNED - POLLED Show at 10:30 am. Sale at 1:00 pin. PETERBOROUGH EXHIBITION GROUNDS' -i Catalogues on Request Gerald R. Manu, Sec. Treas. BR 4, Stouffville, Ont. Lunch Avallabie WeIconeWins Over Orono, The Wclcojme Bantam basebal club entcred Orono on Tucsday to defeat the Orono Bantams by a score of 13-9. The game saw bot teams hold the lead and also botit having top-lieavy innings. Randy Nixon and Hlarvey Part- ner sharcd la the Orono pîtcting duties giving up seven hits to the Welcome team. Orono dirove out five hits ciuring the s4even innings of play. Orono went out la. front by 'one rua in the first 'inning. Ia the se- cond Wclcomce scored two and a furthcr rua inu the third. In, the fourth frrae of the game Wel- i come scored three and a fur tier count inth top of ttc sixtit to bring QeF;i core to 7-1. In the bol- i tom hall of the sixtit Orono hitj for cight ruaý to go ahead la the game 9-7. Wclcome was undaunt- cd and rcturncd in thc top of the, seveatit to score ç,ix runsi. Orono was held sçoweless in the bottoin hall. At bat Mi1chlael Carian hit a double and a single. Single hits wcnt to Harvcy Partner, Donnie Allia and Ken Partridg-e. The Orono Bantamns play in the Orono Park, each TueSýday even, ing. This Sunday afternoon the Bantams play in Keene. I JUVENILIES PLAY IN ORONO SATURDAY EVENING The Orono Juveniles play host to Peterbo.rough at the Orono Park this Saturday evening at 6:30 p.m. This4 local club is a very strong club titis year and shotild place well ia the league standing. SEEK PRICES FOR PAINTING PARKING LUNES MAIN ST. The Orono Police Trusteee at tlieir meeting on Tuesday evening decidedd to wyori-, through the road department of the Township of Clarke for the painting of Parking limes in the buisiness Ssection of Orono Previously the Board ia- tended to have each businessmnan paint the lines on the street ln front of their. owa place of busi- ne:sS. Contact is to be made with te Township Roaci Superint 'endent, M. RosS5, to obtain prices and to hav th wok donce. The lines will be painted on the sUteet in accordance with the plans subminited by the Depart- ment of Tra~nsport. LAST AMATEUR SHOW AUDITION ON JUNE 7th .Mr.: Stirling Mather, promoter of the Orono Centennial Amnateur Show states that there are stilll opcnings for amnateurâ to compete~ in, the show The last audition for the show will be hcld on June 7th. If you have a talent and wish to compete t !S lOW time to contact Mr. S. i Mather informing hlm of your in- tent. The- more the merrier. Sce n s A Expo Selection of Potted Ger- anluin, Flowering Shrubs , ~f Potted and Cut Flowers & oxed Annuals Yuletie or Happless Rose, Rootings only 40c, Grade No. 1 ROSE BUSHES. See Special display of Art by Mr. and Mrs. C. Grant, of Leshard. Phone 983-5539, ORONO, ONTARIO Open ýEvenings, Sunidays and Ilulidays Look in the mail for -your MAY SALES -BILL detailing the Big Sale of Small Prices from MAY l8th' to MAY 27th Stili a Good Choice Left in Our Garden Section' Vegetable and Flowyer Seeds. Punch 'Grow - Spirea, Peonies, Bleeding Hearts, Hloneysuckle, Phlox, Carnations, Ilolly- hocks, Priced Lower. Gladioli Bulbs at 7c each or 5 for ...... 33c. Make your Victoria Day Week-end a pleas- use by paying us a visit. Lay-a-way, Plan always available to everybody Family Allowaànee Cheques Cashed with a Smile ORONO 5c0to$1 STORE Phone Oronto 983-5401 "Where Your Money Buys More" Passengers on the Expo Minirail enjoy titis haIterncck swimsuit of metallic nylon with a deep "V " back, by Kýayser- 1 Roth, of Canada. . ffl -i--- m 1 lui% ÏE 1