ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, TflhJlSDAY, MAY 25th, 1967 Djurham Board Tio Pay Seminar Expendituresý The Durhami County DLitri.ct made' effective on Septeruber 'lst Higil School Board at itil meeting instead of July le,~ 1967.: Xast Wednesday nighit agreed te pay tuition fees arW: accommitodaý- Two classes of driver training tion expenses for teacher5 atteni- will be operated'during the next dîngseminrsý-terni at the school ,and Durham ding emin)JrS.Motors Ltd. will s&pply the car. The board, acting on a request from the Advisory Vocational Cenunittoe noteld that the presont policy pormits the principal te me- commend the attendance of cour- Al se, by staff members. The board aise conf irmed the WEDDING STATIONEXY ayetof the balanceof the ;building contract for the addition SUPPLIES to the Courtice Secondary Schooli less a holdback of $2,100, The bal- available at the ance of the architect's fees were aline confirmed for payment by ORONO 1VEEKLY TIMES lhe board. Thetwe-year ST and T course See our catalogue *t Port Hope will be phased out end the two-year occupMtional courses will be operatedat the Port Hope and Courtice High S5chools, the board decided. Theý Board approved a committee report that the- wearing of oye shields by ail personnel in the -achine and carpentry' shops be made manditory when machines are running. A report to the board from the i3owmanville Local Commnittee ad- vi.sed that D. C. Pet ers, music teaeihex, had resigned effective at the end of June. The assistant cartaker, Almon Fletcher, resign- ed as of April 28. J. Thomp5on, was authorized te .attend a digital. computer work- shop in Torontio from June 3 te 10 An invitation was extended te the committee te attend the agri- cultural department. The Ceurtice Secendary School MAPLE LEAI Local committee advised theCot e F Board that dlean-up items con-Cotg R cerning the centract ef the rocent Sweet Pickied Adition were being attended te.I Cryovac Halvesl. The committee reporteci the ag- riculJture departrùient was carry- mgý eut a tree planitingc program aàd would empley a vehîcle on1 an BE8T But.,-Sa L hourly basis te water the trocs 4during, dry spelîs. A court yard ROAE12 plan, ostimated te cost $300, w8.s ET UY -Ee.4 recommended B TBY e.4 The Courtice committee aise me-ý port'ed, that the portable class- reem had been moved te the ýBESI BTY!- Save 30 ,Clarke High School.CA The Port Hope Local comiittee fl U U recemmended that the office staffD schedule adopted by the board hoie JACK RICARD REALTOR, 99 KingSt., E. »WMAN VILLE When Buyîng or Selling 'Sau WILF HAWKE VOUR-ORONO AREA UEPRESENTATIVE 983-5274 Members of Oshawa and Dis- trict Real Estate Board DANCE -BAND GEORGE WADE Corn, Huskers Accepting Bookings for Old Tyme, Modern and Rock 'N Roôli etc. 37 Normnandy Blvd. Toronto, Ontario SWhole Cut-Up Chicken 43Tt3l.Avrg - MAPLE LEAF SKINLESS WIENERS 2 l1plzg. 99c MAPLE LEAF RINDLESS BACON lb. 85c MAPLE LEAF PORK SAUSAGE lb. 59c HOLIDAY FARM BEEF STEAKETTES lb. 65c:e Isce! 3-1b. Fkgs. 19C 3c S OFF PACK 1-lb. Pkg. ORTENINE 5 De!-Maple Leaf Midget 1 % -lb. Tin $1.59 BEST BUY! - Save 12e! -- Reastcd Coftee i-î1..Bag MAXWELL 'HOuUSE ~13c, BEST BUVI - Save 28c!- E. D. SMITH'S Raspberry or Stawberry 9-oz. Jars PURE JAMS 3 for 89c BEST BUY'! - Save 28c! KLEENEX TISSUES Pkgs. 400s 3 for 79c CHES SICS fr 1SAVE 4c!-Assorted Monarch 0o.Pg PluY-OF-TrHE-WEEK PARFAIT DESSERTS 45c CE RSPE - -59C LUNCHEON MEAT rý lpieed 1.0! C offe0 ar FiEATUR.E!-2c Off P.'-.k-CHUM Brand KA Gcveý-rment Inspectcd 15-oz. Tins FEATURE! - Suninier Madness Contest! ~O F009fol$ ave 15c Liquid Detergcnt-Pr-priced 63c 4-z SV l!-SAICO 2- 44 SUNLIGHT M-49C From Concentrate 48-oz, Tins ORANG E JUICE 3 for $1 Reg. 69 '-5c Off - No. 1 White Clver BILLY BEE ý7b. Plasitic Tub CREAMED HONEY 63c ItLUE 7 METAL LOCKING IIANDLES COLOURS RtEu, GREY, YURQUOISE, 1ïwrnFrfff YELLOW Regular 35c-"-Weston BROWN SUGAR COFFEE CAKE FROZEN AT F SFEESHNI each- 31 cl PEAK 0F Reg. 2 for 41c-Straight Cut Birds Eye 9-oz. pk"sý FRENCH PRIES 6 for $1.eý Reg. 2 tins 57Tc! Delicions 10-0z. tinf HONEY DEW 2 for 53c $1.17 Special! BAN ROLL-ON SAVE lOc! 100 te, Carton 'CROWN TEA BAGS lic SUNSHINE FRESH- Fruit& Vegetables CANTALOUPES SEalmon Flesb - #1 Good Sîze 29C each4 =e Swing- GARROTS 3-1b. bag 33c liothouse - #1 Large _Size CUUBES 2 for 35c Ylo ooking - 4 -'ONS 2-lb. bag 29c SAVE YOU MORE. s c - oz. 1~r IRegular 69c -. Large Tub e FACT TrOOTHPASTE 59 Regular 39e! - 3-oz. Tube SCORE HAIR DRESSING 751 WHERE FRIENDLY PEOPLE CORNISH'S RED AND WHITE, ORONO, ONTARIO TFAv, R-07ý 9 1.1 man, K. Nicks and Police Chief the present time and questiond B.R. Kitney. Attorney A. A. R. the price tag on tepoet ý3 Opp»ose uow- Stie represented the corpora- 1an Smith of the Brookdale tin.King6dale Nurseries, quLvioned man ill Co nie COpposed to the new building on ith'e p. iority the towfl wa giving mciivlle Co plr Cuirch street, Vincent Rii!ies and tû the, fire-police headquarters. t 1 1 ýJ. Treibal informed the hearing He suggested a water filtration OnIy three people 'n opposition that a firel hall built in WhitbyI system for the town at this Urne tetepoosc 4000 iep-recently cost only $160,000. They olamreuflfùý tlice and magistrate court building fi h rpsdcmlx~~udsreamr sflfie avoiced their vîews at a meeting not good business for the town at of the Ontario Municipal Board inJ________________ Bewmanville on. Thursday last. IF YOU NEED A About 40 people attended the MASONRY JOB TO BE hearîng- conducted by 0MB, chair- DONE CALL - man, W. Thompson. 1odth T V O fr Clerk Robert Byron ti h.O fr heariPug he had receiveid onîly S E R V 1 C E three, letters opposing the project BRICKLAYERS and advised the, board' that they Puil Vowles STONEMASONS had, already approved 'the 1967 capital works foreca5t for1 the & soni Reiubard Schreiber town inceluding the building. 983-5144 Orono, 983,524 Speaking in support of the neýw Willl Schmahl facilities were Mayor Ivan llobbs RADIO REPAIR Orono, 983-M6W - I Specialistti in Fireplaeee Finance Committee -Chairman, G. TOWER INSTALLATION 0A Hughes, Fire Committee chair- S