OBLONO WEEKLY,,TIMES, TRURSDAY, MAY 25th, 1967 11G6D AND THE FAMILY" Tak frein a sermon preaclied by bis balding dome, Rlev Basil Long. As general fixer-upper lie makes Scripfure Lesson - St. Matfhew 7: handsemne bluff, 21-27. There's noth.ing lie won'f fackle nie iblesay tha Go creted - if pestered long eniough. TheBibe sys lia Go crate He loves fa give ouf counqel te man and breathed laVa hlm.H Ilstr n sn Spiri't. G'od said tint ift was naf Drawn from a former heyday, goo d for man to hîve alone, and when thilngs were better dane. so la parfnier was created for hlm r[le may, ilu usown liousehold, and the family had ifs beginning. witli praise be lu arrear9,. Laws were given far the pratec- But yaung anes, you should hear flan and development of family hlm brag af you for sameone a 1person wlio knows just how providing supplemnentary assiât- ife span bas resulfed in an 'in- mucli soap and water to use to ance fa, the elderly indlividual but creaslniig population of people make the mostf dirt corne off oni taking if back from hlm on'Ice Ile sixty--five years and over. the towel. But when we talk a- ýpassés9 away. bout mnother lnu the full sense of Mr. Nixon, pointirng ouf the need With the growing demand fer mofherhood, th 'e love that a mnofl- for- fax reform, taedtbat we higher educàflonal standards, er lias, wê talk of fli& mosf beau- should nef forgef the people in yOullg pople are dependenf for tifutl ei<perience fliaf flere iUs. flic Agricufurl aiiunitiea, and aân inêreased nuffiber of years at- Mother i15 a very beau:tiful word. pnrticularly the special dfiu-gefcost. Significat niemdi<cal de- Tlhe famnily is the gift f af d tics of yaunig people, who are tak- veloffiments and early retiremenf Thecomitý o litiechldrr itoîng on the responsibilities 0-f ha-ve in*reased the dependenee of aour homies is an indicafor of a narried life, and are subjected, fa the senior segmient of our sociefy. freinendous peýssures inasu great trust and occasion of grèat igrsosii .sfo oeon As a res5ult the middle produc- resporisibility. We miusf carefully ersponiiilafo oea tive group is bearing miore and guard agairst faking God'5 ,giff rshi. re af fhe fax burden Cari wcl for granted or in failing in aur, Mr. Nixon's statement infra-g afford ta place an added burden me. respoIsbRUit1y LU one another anu else'a earg. to God& We think of "family" in ferma _Oneofthe______________________ of a mother, a faflier and children Oeo h ihs rbfsta in a home, and lu a more general 's paid to fafherhood is in flic fact sene a weineud autsuneesthat when Jesug wanted fa Say V e nsP r an sawincu d nuntsuls what God was like lie spoke of andcouins Bu todaywe usthim as Father. When Jesus used also think of the famîly ln, a much the term he was speaking of a broader sense , to include the getadhaln oe shmnR p r whole Christian family who are gra1n e.î'glv.A ua brothers and sisters in Christ, father5 we sometimes forgef the1 Alex Carruthers, M.P.P., Durham unconscious influence of aur lires, Tax Relief for the Aged Jesus was boru int o a hunian and hinder aur family from ex- home, but he gave huisef f0 Iperiencing thaf which God lias in Recommendat ion Number 18, life in such a way thaf he had, store for them. submitfedc as one of fhe import- and needed, more than one home. atrMo -dton fth n In this need for companionship he Mther may flot be canidereditaria Select 'Coînmittee on Aging found places where lie could be as head of the bouse but she is us- to the Ontario Legislature during resfored and refreshed. We rend ually the one wh o most influences the present session.. rends as of Lazarus and his sisters Martha the afmosphere of the home. In folows. and Mary entertaining Jesus in a describing the mother we 'silhi warfi friendly companianship. The find that the dicfionary says thaf "Let the Province enact legis- home is not necesaariyî whre mother is a female parent," If lafion amending the Assmn there is a father and mother and we judge by the action of those* Act &0 tînt local. municipal caun- chlldren, but a place where there wifhin her home we could offen cils, who wish faý do soi, may by 1 is te kid ofSay, "mother la the member of by-law, authorize and direct re- laic thestkind o f mionhipe the family most faken for grant- bates and reductions la, resident- hchretoesnn flfls11 e d. ed" There are many other defin- mil real property faxesup fo $150 When Jesus was speaking to the itions of course. We could gay per annum for persons 60 years. people, someone said that Hisý that a mother is one who loves Of age and aver."' moflier and brothers were looking and cares for the other members The Provincial Government has for hlm. Jesus Iooked ouf over fthe of the household and spenda her taken action at fhe present ses- crowd who soughf fo learn of istrength fo- make them happy. sion on a number of the Com- hlm and said, "Here is my mother 1 But. even this la nof big enougli mittee's ýIecommendations and and my bratiiers." adeiemohrfrthr aeJwith respect ta Recammendation many who, having no children Of1 Number 18, a Bill was introduced As we fhink Of the family ln a, their awn, have broughf the mofli- -in the Legislature a few days ago more confined sense we pay aur er love info the livea' of motier-' tribufes of love and respect ta less children. Perhaps we sho*uld The Bill, Number 105, is an mothers who especially are re- say, tint. a mother is one who hasj Acfta provide for municipal and menmhered by "Mother's Day."1 The the mother love in her heart. achool fax credits for the aseist- tifle of mather has also, been used ance of elderly persans. fer many persona who neyer mar- A liffle boy was asked ta de- TeAfi uesnetere ried but became a mther fa seme- fin e whaf moflier was, so lie said, ThAc sIesen ter- one else's childi-en The saie is "A mother is a persan who, , ee-omniendation of the Select Com- true of many men who neyer mal.- ing thaf there are only four rpiecesi,1itîa btwa odfe t l rieci but became a faflier to child- of pie for five people, promnptîy o for a deferment of taxes on ren who needed themn. annaiunes fiat she neyer did care the property of elderly persens fol' pie anyway.." In saying flua, ovër 65 years ofg, The re'aulf- Father is usually consldered as ,he is unconacîously pointLpg ouf ing.,Ioss 9f tax revenue ta the head of' the house, but sonetimes ho haý the suspicion thiat lie is somnething less than that in cer- ain circumstapces. At one stage in the livesý of his chuîdren, father may be seen as a judge, later as a banker, or sometimes-as a coun- sellor. Someone has expresse& if this way: Father is a fixture much needed in the homne, Alfhough he wears no halo above PAUL'S Due to greater other area I will be iii iunity as a Garage operator after the -ti' I wish to exprg diation to ail my. va their continued patro several years. Po E. The business wilI new manai Alet',e the thoughtfulness and sacrifice uicP»!t is paici for by the 'of mothers. A little boy was asked Provincial Government and is in- what he would like te do miost. terest free. He s4aid wifli some deliglit, "I'd O>n the deafli of the property like just once to take mny motheri holder or s4aleý of the property away from the table and wash her the deferred taxes are paid ouf face." The boy has in ha ieart ad- of the, estate. miration,,and love for his mother, On introducing the Bill, The and yet he can resent her. A lit- Hlonourabje Wijf Sone m tIe girl f oo can regent lier matherphsedtathprgmm ws and lové lier j 1ust the anme. A painteri ad that t rgam a mother might describe a boy asrenommendafon, aedpectd uthe Smith Report on Provincial-Muni- cipal taxation, ,would'provîie fur- ther assistance. If was- feit however that in orcler tfa assisf elddIrly people, ico~ twho are 'in danger of los4ing their SERVICEhomes, something should be done before the nexf session of 'the 1Legislature. The Bill received second read- ing on Monday, May 8th and, al- t. opportunities in an- ithough recelving unanimous ap- nable lx> serve the com- ftax clause in the Bill was opposed. by the Opposition Parties. and Service Station Speakers for the N.D.P. argued that there should be a re-alloca- venty-seventh of May. tions of responsibilitie,9 befween i the Province and th.e Municipali- ties, with the Provincial Govern- ment assuming immediately the ess my sincere appre- cost of the administration, of just- ice and what remains of the ad- lued customters for ministration of welfare costs: In addition, the N.D.P. proposed'the mnage during the past taking over of the bulk of educa- tional costs4 by a phased pro- gramme over a period of years. Mr. MacDonald,' N.D.P. Leader, stated thaf an unforfunate aspecti G roen veld ofthe deferment clause was that' seek the assis.tance becauise of the1 contiue . nderequity they have in their homes.1 continu underThe Liberal Groul) based ifs gement, as opposition on the following -1.- The Legisiation would do' noth ing fa assist those elderly; people renting their housing ac- :aco S rvice commodation. (Provision is made (Unco rV C £1 for the,-e people through the De- part ment of Social and Family Services.) 2. The Governmenf is simply 'duced1 into the <tebate a facet of Onl tuem by subsidzing tflrougfl the problem which. 1, as Chairman fax rebates both the elderly and Of the Committee on) Aging, wasi the heirs to their property. made aware of on so many occa- The Governiment gives the1 fol- sions, and which 1 referred to in lowing reasons for drafting the my participation in, the debate. legislation in its present form. The fact is, that in our present 1. It gives timely relief to eld- day, society we have two rapidly erly people reducing the tax Joad developing groups, youth and ag- on them to approximately the ing. 1961 figure. 2. Lt is economical, providlng Within a matter of a very few the necessary relief at littie or no years 50% of the population Of cost ta the local taxpayer.' the, Province will be twenty-five 3. The taxpayer should not be ycars of age orunder. On the oth- called upon to 'suhaidize the hefrs er hand, the lengthening of the <Continued 'on Page" 5) Caterers must be, informed by June 5th of the number attending. The charges aire, the caterer's price. BUJY YOUR MILK AT RAJNYSJUCSTORE 63c H' - You SAVE 24e over home delivered mîlk Sc You SAVE 23e over home d:elivered milk 'TAKE ADVANTAGE 0F THIS SAVING .All produets are from "Glen Rae Dailry" Where proiducts are "Guaranteed for Life" 3 Quart Jug 2%0 CENTENNIAL BAR B-Q TICKETS RAVIEYOtJ-GOf YOUR4S LASI PURCHASE DATE MONDAY, JtINE 5th Aduis $.O0 ChÎldren under 12 $1.50 I mi Iw mi .041 11, - 1 - l.-- -- - - - - 1 - Nolýr- Adults $3.00