lOtwNÎ) WE=L1V TIMES, TIIURSDAY, MAY 25th, 1967 REPORT FROM Q~UEFUWS PARK LOCAL NEWS Kendal Ne ws 1(Centlnued ftom Page 4) of homnewners as w1VOl as' the Mrs. John Leishman,,Oshaa The holiday weather was a'dis,. pensioners theniselves. was a~ guest over tehioliy1a$ppointxnent to those who had 1weekend withi Mr. and Mrs. Milton planned a weekend at the cottage. 4. It eliminates any pos;sibiity Tamiblyn, Many farmers' can flot get on of abuse by children of pen;Àon- their cold wet fields. ,,rs wbo have unt assumied over the; Misls Agnes. Ferguson, Rochester years~ any respons4îty or their N.Y., is spending holidays with On Tuesday morning, May l6th parents welf4je. her sister Mrsi. Alex Watson and Mr. Wes. Cathcart and, hLtsison 1Mr. Watson. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Bruce wen.t to a fence south of 5. It is an interim measure Watson, Betty Ann and Larry of his house to try out a large post until recommendationo of the Waterdown were also weekend vis, j1 hale digging machine that 'madel Smith Report are avallable and itors. 'holes, fourteen inches across. Un- given consideration, Ifortunately Mr. Cathcart gotl The Orono Senior Band is to caunght in',the:,machine. One -leg- Opinions will vary on 'the sub- play at the Millbrook Fair this was broken and the other-badly ject. It is a matter of providing coming Saturday afternoon. TheI ton. lHe is in Oshawa Hospital assistance on the one hand and Junior Band plays; this enindoing as well a9 can be expected. en the other the holding of the! Thursday, at the Courtice High tax line. School and at the Newtonville Un- Two of our older, citizens are ited Church. lOth Anniversary on in Bowmanville Hospital, Mr. You cannot have it both ways Sunday, June 4th. Art McKay and Mr. Norman Pat- and perhaps, as a Toronto Startobhar ufrn foi Edîtorial put it - "It is a good Miss Lois eimmett, Napanee pileumonia. We hope ail the gen- schéxne, givîng tax relief where it and MisS9 Janice Webster, Bow-tee my801 oipoed. is most urgent." manville spent Saturday with MiÈs Congratulations ta IVrs. C. Bur- ______________________Lynn Bailey. ley on the publication of her book PLANT NOW! MIADE TREES Plowering SHRUBS Flowering !TREES EVERGREENS RICHARDSON, FARMS HighWay Ne.Z35, PONTYPOOL, ONTARIO Landscaping A Spechlty UNIED CHURCH Orono Pasteral Charge Minister Rev. B. E. Long SUNDAY, MAY 28th, Î967 Oronaý- ORONýO SUNDAY SCIJOOL ANNIVERSARY Services at 10:00 & 11:15 a.m. Kirby- Morning Service at 9:45 Sunday School at 11:00 Leskard- Sunday Sclool at 9:45 Mrs. Paul Snoedgras9 and son Dlavid of Rochester, N.Y. visited last week with Mr. and. Mrs. Wm. Hoar and other relativeg in the Village. UNIT 6, U.CW. Eleven members of Unit 6 met at the home of Mrs. J. Shetler on» May 2nd. Mrs. E. Couvier opened the meeting with a reading "'Friend- ship."1 Rev. Long wa9 present and led us in discussion of Chapter 5 of the Study Book "What Does the .Church Do?" 'The dhurchi s a be- lieving community - it 5 belief is a way of interpreting life. The church's faith is redemptive - it changes the situation in, whichi mnen find themselve.9 and delivers them from the forces of fear, gui>X and-other sinsý The dhurch is a worshipping fellow9hip. The dcurci is also called to witness This assumes many forms, but we can ho Cl4ristians only in tic comipany of others, in the fellow- slip of the church. Mrs. K. Gray t'as in charge of the Devotional and chose as her topic, 'Living the Gospel at Home' She read scripture,, Cqr. 13: 13, followed by the Meditation 'Living Jesub' Way'. A poem 'Reflections of Hlome' and prayer elosedte Devotions. The offering was re- ceived.1 Minutes of the April meeting wer read and visit5 counted. In 1discussion of a project, it was de- cided ta, watt until the- fail for this. Several announcements were made. Mrs4.A. Mitchell read a-portion- of the Mission Study Book, "The Church Grows in 'Canada " Lunch was served by aur host- ess. The next meeting will be held on June 6th at the home af Mrs. E. Couvier, beginning witl a pot luck supper at 6:30 p.m. The De- votional is ta he in the fori oaf a combination of thauglits, poçms or reading braugh by each mcm- ber of the group. Orono Building Controctor. Brick -Block Concrete OrnStone Wrk Carpentry - Cabinet Werk 983-5441 ORoeo - Plan now for your SPRING PAINTING ana REPAIRS (Beautify for ICentennial Year)j Cail "RfD SIMPSON j I Phone 983-5808, Orone, 1on Newtonville. I can think of a lot of history that slkould have been included but I put off telling lier. I expeet each reader wilI say the same. For example Mrs. John Elliott tiold me the hler tairtauglit Newtonville sehool but the salary was sa small lie decided to try farming in thel Georgian Bay area. He was a Mr. McClung, great grandfather of ,Wm. and Jack Reid. 1,I. AIan Cathcart told me that lis father helped the masýon build, the stane house that Mr. Warren Carson owyns, today, His wage waq aà bu'.1e of wheat a day. This was big money while the Crimean War lated in 1854-56, but when the war ended the price of wheat feIl to very little, EVERYDAY IFOR MAi. AQUA VELVA Ice Blue, 4 oz. BAYER ASPIRIN, l00's BUFFERIN Tablets, 50's CEPACOL, 14 ýoz. GERITOL, 12, oz. Liq. or 40, Tab.' ALIBERTO V05 flair Spray 7 oz. KLEENEX, 200's MODESS, Regular 12's NIVEA CREME 4 oz. jar PEPTO BISMOL, 8 oz- PEPSODENT'Tooth Paste gut. VITALIS, Economy,7 oz. <.9....679e (1.40) .. .119 2 for., .35c- 2 f...8e (1.49) . .1.29 <12) .9 STUTT'S Drugs Phone 983-5009 Orono, ont. I l LADIES' DRESSES 1 See our inew Snummer Dresses! Newest styles including tents, shfts and A1-lines! Easy-care fabries- Colourful prints and plain shades! SiZes range from 9 ta 241/%. Priced froni $6.95 to $24-95 SUMMER HANDBAGS Attractive 'tyles i new Handbags for Sununer. Included are baskets, str(aws and viscas. White, natural, tan, navy and black. Priced from $2.98 to $3.98 MATS Thil5*Pile scatter rugs with antskîd back. self pattern. Shades of beige, aqua, green- andrse B w m nu ll S z: .24"x36" -each $4.50 ."I~ A L 23-ze927"x48-' - ecd$5.95 I Braadloom ends with foam back, size 24Wx36" Gald, toast and brown tweed, THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY- MAY 25, 26, 27 0 Price each - $2.25 g AMII II~VOY ýAGE BATH MAT SETS 0J Heavy quality two-Piece bath mat sets af cotton chenle, g COLORO thily tufted Ln solld shades_ Slip-resistant hack. Rose, gold, green, u orehid and tan., Stephen Boyd, Raquel Welch aPie ri 55 o$9 g THEATRE CLOSEDg 09 0 MAY 28- JUNE 14 AR MSTRONG'S We Hope You'IIl oin even if: -YOu've been, too busy, te sigu up. OR -you're net interësted in savinug bmèny. OR -You never have to borroiy money. YOu Can't Afford te Paga Up Membershlp in the Orono Distirict CREDIT UNION Treas.-Man., Angus Loues Phone 4r10,. Orono p