ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, TIIURSDAY, MAY 25th, 19 67- Thr sa very real, exciting ~adgreat future ahead lof, this ,urganization"ý said Mr. DavidRae Bal cod e President of the Ontario Tuber-i zu!oýs )Association, speaking' atI ;~AuaI Meeting and Dinner BANTAM BALL TEAM ý -the Northumberland anid Dur- hem JMT.. and Hlealth Association SCHEDULE oni Tuesda, May l6tch-MrBe ]Tliompiison, Q.C., President, in thle;May 28 Orono at Keene 2:00 pi. Chauir. IMay 31 Orono at Kendal 6:30 p.m., Mr.Raewhoba ben ivoledJune 7 Kwa at Welcome6:30 Mr. ae wo, as beii invlve June 6 Kee at Orono 6:30 pm. withtheT.B moemet fr tea-June 12 Welcorne at Kendal 6:30 'yyeariý said that such a future ue1Kenatedal'3 i lyposible after muclih Jue19Kee arKnal63 ~vs nyJune 21 Orono at- Welcome 6:30 wor)!k, but that this could ho done. June 27 Kendal at Orono) 6:30 fieindcatd tat 0 yarsagoJuly' 4 Welcom.e at Grono 6:30 tl~picture was very different ue2 ndlàKee2:0pm fLor at that time everyone was vit- June 25 Keonda at Kene 2 :0pm 4al neetdbcueteincid- uy1 rnoa odl63 ~aly ntretedbeauo he July 9 - Orono at Keene 2:00 p.m. en ce of the disease was higher and July 12 Kendai eat -Welcorne 6:30 ---zantoriums overflowing. lioi July 18 Keene at Orono 6:30 p,. eiveryone at that time lied some Jl 7Wloe-a èdl63 cornection with the "white July 17 Welen e t Kendal 6:30 ýý,courge" to some dcgree, reeiized July 241 Kene t endaim 6:30 the danger and viewed it witb JUIy 205Oronoý at Welome, 6:30 ?p)ropor respect Because of this JI25 enlatro 63 ý-onations to Çhrigtmas seels ATTENTION FARMERS WHY PA~Y MORE? SAVE ON'PREMIUM QUALITY _ Gasoline"- Diesel - Motor 011 FARM TANKS and PUMPS AVAILABLE CALL COLLECT WIIITBY 668-3341 DX OIL COMPANY s sss PAR T-TIME RADIO TV REPAIRS -HI-FI - Stereo -Record Players -Antennas - Towers -PA System for rent Ail parts and labour guarant.ed IIARRY WIERSMA PHONE 983-5512 ORONO Gord Simpson Orono, Iýone 983-5808 PAINTING and CARPENTER WORK REMODELING Interior an*d Exterior $ $ $ $ $1' %t'To-.daviý he coniïn4ed, "We ,cannot say theý job lias been donce; "t has been well started, and we bahul h proud of the efforts ade, but We must convinco the -pbi.and you, yourself, must be cýonvinced that- there is stili a great deai of 'work to do. We -cen- not'relax, for &orne of the prob- lemns couid enguif us - we have âbeen sitting o n-the lid just harely ind the i d could cave in if a sol- ~i.osi not found." One of the fxnAin problems, Mr. Rae said, is the fart that because of the diffi- culty of keeping track of those ýwho, while following an approxi- mnate three month treatment are, fr!ee of infection, fail to continue' freatment at home. One of the -casons for bis is the fact that eaften it is the poorer segments of Jthe population, the sium dwell- ,crs, the treansients and jeul popu- lation who are affected andl keep-' ing track of them and educating them to continue thoir treatment mit only for their own benoefit, ~lut for, the 'benefit of the com- 4nuity at, large, is very difficuit. "We have not eradicated T.B. ind liave it harely under control,"1 ;J4i Mr. Ree, "we are faced with j apublic apatby which is liard to crrcfor while the percentage ovf cases dropped, spectaculerly in heffisit ýstalled at four per-1 eent iu the sixties and lies not zYropped since." This apathy must -e ovwercome he warned, for even caste of T.B. could crate hav- cýe( among the population, facing as it -may froin an individual,' through a f amily, and thon out in- ;,-o the cornmunity. A -whoie generetion of sehool. ~cidnhe said is growing Up re- ýgýrdIïng T.B. not as a threat but (ï iFitant and romote as choiera ~rthe bubonic plague . These -birnhave neither seen it, lied z.perience with it and approxi- mantelv only four percent of them ~hwa positive re-action, the esï are, negative and it only needs creactive case ie an erea a- mogcildren whose iniunity is co,-nsequently rnuch les.sý because tlibey have hed no contact with it. i"The challenge of the future ~redicine field la very great", lie [sid "it la exciting and our job is inkeep the public aware of what we aYe tryng to do and keep them 'ormed of the need for con- -stant vîiaiance to make tbem un- desadthat our job, whicb la ~rcrjob. is far froým complote ,and that we need their support." Mr. Alex Carruri crs, M.P.P. cruepaying, trihute to the dy- c, energetie and dedicated work which Mrs. Pewtress is do- ngfor the Association said "in this day and ago when everythinc 7ba a dollar sign on it, it is won- Jerful to see thie voîurntery work 'ýei-ng donce by thýe ddCeted pea-' ie Hrougbout the respIýectI'ive Gsri mu iiie s." How to buya!Lgoodused car f One in a series Buying a used, car is a major purchase. If you wonder what kind.to get, ask. yourself what's mhost important-' power, performance, comfort, economy. But don't he too rigid. Von may neyer find exactly the car you want. Once, you've decided, inspect it carefully. Ask questions. Remember that a good used car should look used, not abused. Here, then, are some ideas on what to look for whea yo're buying a used car. Look for more good adylce in the rest of this series. Exterior - Check the whole -car for dents and damage. Expect to find some signs of wear. After ail, it's flot brand new. A lot of scratches and bumps indîcate that the car has lied lard use and not much care. Check carefully for rust spots in the rocker panel areas, around fender openings. and along the chrome edges-especially around the headlight rims. Body rust cab indicate need for repair work. If the chrome is a littie pock-marked, don't worry. This is normal. Tires-Tires and wheels cen give away a lot about the car. For exemple, badly dented, rims indicate hard use. Check the depth of the tread in severel places with a dime. This simple test will give you an idea of the life left in the tires and evenness of wear. If wear is even, the wheel alignment and balance are probably good., Shock Absorbers - Check the springs and shock absorbers front and back. Simply rock the car. If the front re- turns to its original level right eway, the shock absorbers are ail riglit. If the car continues to bounce, they're in poor condition. Trunk-Open the trunk yourself. The lock should work easily. The lid should lift effortlessly. Sigus of wear indicate heevy use. Doors-If the car passes inspection so fer, you're now ready to get inside., But, before you do, open and close, oach door to make sure they open easily and close securely. Look agein for rust around the doors. Roll each wýindow up and down to test case of operation and check for cracks and imperfections in the glass. Interor-You can tell e lot about how a car lias been cered for from the in- terior eppearence. Check for worn spots on the seets and the matting. Look for missing knobs on the instru- ment panel. Chieck for generai dlean- liness. Check seat cushions and backs for bounce and spring. Steering wheel play is an importent check, too. Some play is normal, but more than two or three inches may meen repairs are needed on the steer- ing meclianism. Then check the brake pedal. It should move only an inch or s0 before-it takes hold. If the car has power brakes, remember to start the engine first. Lights-Finally check aIl the lights: headlights-higli-beam: and low- beam; taillights; brakeliglits; back-up liglits; turn signais; instrument and dome iights. Your awareness 15 your protection., Wben you knQw what to look for, you can buy withconfidence. Thisseries has been developed to help build your confidence in used-car buying. 0f course, an even better way to gain confidence is to talk to a Chevrolet- Oldsmnobile OK Used Car Denier. H1e has the choicest used cars available- reconditioned and seleýcted to meet the, highest used-car standards. You cgn be sure that they will stand up to this rec- ommended inspection. Your Chevrolet- Oldsmobile Dealer's reputation rides with you. That's why, when you buy an 0K Used Car, yon know what you're getting into. Watch the classifiedsection for your CHEVROLET- OLDSMOBILE Dealer's best used cars. Yo-ur CHEVROLET- OLDSMOBILE Franchised Used Car and Truck Dealer- AUTHORIZED 0Ký'_ USFD CAR DEALER IN BOWMiANVILLE ROY, NICHOLS OTROS LIMITED ýBO WMAN VILLE 623-2556 r COURTICE 728-6206 Be Sure to see Bonanza on the CBC-TV network each Sunday. Check your local listing for channel and timna Exctng Future ForOooCntnii Celebrations, JuIy 4-q at your CHEVROLET- OLDSMOBILE Dealer~s