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Orono Weekly Times, 25 May 1967, p. 7

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OlI.êN WÊ=X1y TjM%IM~, URSIAY, MAI Uh, fÙ7_ CIAMuiFD ADI DIT DESDLII General INSURANCE FRED LYCETT Ok'FICE - MAIN ST., '>UONO ».hue 983-5032 Rçs. 983-5142 JACK.'REID Orono'ýs Licensed Auctioneer and Valuatur S#ecialze i Farm and Furmiture Sales Consult me for terms anid dates r )NE «QON0 983-5914 Faniily M -morials Our qutty and service leaves nothing ýt. be desired sk the person who- bought from us, a neighbour, friead or relative The R1JTTER GRANITE~ COMPANT 13 Ontario Street PORT HOPE -'Largest Display ýn Southerli ýontarlo" WATSON' S marine and Cycle oarono Phone 983-5343 McCULLOCH BOATS & MOTORS CHAIN 5AWS Repais to ail makes of LawnE Mwers and 2 and 4 cycle OTACO PLOW POINTS AND MACHINE RY PUMPING, OUT S EPTIC TANKS WRIT WASINGSTABLES Bert Tonmpkifls Phone 78&-254?2 Building A New Homne? or RemodeflMg? Cali JOE BECKER à83-5713 Orono fLYCEIT Plumbing & Heating PHONE 983-5407 g Orono, Ontarîog fp0ý0=0 0=:ýo W. FRANKg Ai REAL ESTATE J 0O LIMITEDg 9 1 IlNG, ST. WEST f n Bown-M>ivile 623-3393 0 Toronto 923-9174 Port Hope Office- 0l 098 Walton St. - 885-4548 0' g0 FREE APPRAISALS gExclusive Agent for f J. OCHONSKI 0 CONSTRUCTION 3-Bedroom Bungalows f g Priced fromn $15,375.00 on lots 75x200 f 0Orono Area, RepresentativeIr gROY FOSTER g Kendal -Poe9350 0A largeseetn of Farms, f 0 Homes, Lot-s, Rectreat Pro-D perties ýin this area f MOrille chatterton Electric l tating EctriaeCnreaing I and Service t SPHONE '983-5546 or 93U4 Orono, Ontario f Orono El ectric PHOGNE 983-5108 CONTRACTORS FOR FARM and BOUSE WIRING Free Estimates APPLIANCE, SALES Prompt and Guaranteed Repafrs Equipment, and Applianees Such as Metors - Water Reaters te ail kinds of Eletrical T.V. Radios,- Stoves - Irons Sýervice oAuto, O Package Policies Liability Lif e gFirst Mlortgage Loansg igSadî i aiIton g Phone 983-5115 I Box 13 Phane 6C- '552 318 Dundas St. E. Whitby, t-t Manufacturers of Cemetery Memorials PLANTS FOR SALE FUEL OIL TENDERS 1, ROWE TOURS "Weustern Canada and ýCaIifornin- Again this year we have a wide Tendrs for fuel oil wilI be re- Tour"i Escorted July 22nd-Aug- variety "of spring box plant9, ger- e n d ,ni 1:00 p M., Wedclne,,, 12. ',12' days. Places of interestz aniums, perennials, etc. da!ue7 16 yte uhmIYellowstone Park, Sait Lake City i dy Jne , 167 y te Drha JReno, San Francisco-, Vancouver. DEMOOY'S GREENHOUSES County District uigh School 'Victoria Banff, many others. -BoardINý 181 Church Street, Bow- "wcýjndýandà and~ East CoaL North St., Newcastle manville. Tour" Sept. 2-18 - 17 days- Across from Spur Station. Phone ________________ Places of interest: Gaspe, Perci, 987-4916. f-24-p Prirce Edward I4ad Newfoun- FOR SALE îand, imany others. Miay 19-22nd. Travel delux air. FOR SALE 200 gallon oit Tank fittings, "eri Victoria Weekenid Tour Strawberry Plants for sale. large ail bumrer, cooper tubiig. conditlioned nstorcoaeh, ahona Klaai Reitsma, Phoe 983-58. 300 otlad tours arranged. a-J Contact Orono Times. For information to abovetor I - phone or wie FO AEAUCTION SALE 1885-2527, Port Hope FOR SAE R It iWJE TRAVEL AGENCY 1955 Fordq Pickup. $30000. High Grade Ho]lstein milkers id-21 c- Boyd Woo,,Orono, 98335937 n-p land sprîngers, 1966 M.F. tractor,1Ayn ihgto ot Na Ibalr, cmbie, mdeM armgara Falls Blossom Sunday, May- DEW WORMS FOR SALE machinery,,-tools etc. Theproperty 114. Pha!re 885-2527 Port hp Qrona's finest No. 1 Grade flew of Peter Keýs4er, lot 3, concession Anyonie wishing to go to Ot- Worms for sale. 4 Clarke Township, haif mile east tawa Tuflip Festival, Sunday May and haif mile south of Shiloh, 28, Phone Port Hope 885-2527 -- Apply Raye West Jr.,- 'Phoane Church. Selling' without reserve Chartered Bus; going to, Vorký- f83-5758. Churcli St. South,. Orano. on Saturday, June 3. Sale to com- dale Plaza, Toronto, Wednejday, _________________mence at 1 p.m.' May 24. Phone 18 85-2527. SALE REGISTER J. Reid and Son,, Sales Manager RW RVLAEC SALE, EGISTE ROWE T ENCY UA.N fa j>e SATURDAY, MAY 27th at 1-30 NOTICE p.Te. - Cqmplete dispersai of Poiled and Horned Shorthorns5, The Senior Citizens will Meet owned by C. Aflan RUJdkin, R.R. 4, on Thursday, June lst in the 1.0. Port Perry. 50 lljead comprising OF. Hall et 7:»0 p.m. Ever7yome of 3 Poiled Bulîs, 14 cows with ________________ calves at foot, bred andiciopen I STARKVILI.E heifers, sgefling at Peterboro Sales Cent-ennini Peeny Sale Barii south of flashing light on No.' 7 highway. Terms of Sale are at the Newtonwilie Hall on Satur- e Cash. Lunch avallable nt Sale.dayv May 27th. Doors open at 2.00 barn. Maurice Baker, Uxbridge, Pedigrees, John Howden, Colum- bus, 'Clerk. ROSS BAULEY, Uxbridge Auctioneer. p.rn. ot lace tickets. Draw 8:0 pin., 25e and 10c. Lunch served. b-p KIRBY ANNIVERSARY Also selling WalOker Ilfoof Trim-. Xirby Church Sprîng Anniver-i &ing Stal and large ýsize B & C sary, Sundcay, May 28th at 7:301 Feed Cooker both ïn excellent Rev. Ramnjit of Canton wilil 'edtin.For further informnation be the guesýt speaker. The MaieJ contact any one of the above. iChoir of the )owmanville Legioni- b 20-c ,will be in attendance. a-c PORK BARBECUE if i il 1Satnrday, June 17, from 5.30 pë.j Orono Fair Grounds. Ail you can 1 tnt Tic ets fi-om Hdg, Producers' ýDir*ectorýs or Dept. of Agiculture Off ice. eere te day now. ,E veryrnn, welcome.a- Callyu licensèd Plumibing &~ Mechanical Contractor Who seils,,Instal Is CRMAN PLUMBING AND HEATING Phone 983-5207 Orono NOTICE You are invitedl to attend tise tOOttis Birthday of our Newtonville United Churcis, on, Sunday, Jure 4th. Organ preludle at .2 p.m. Ser- vice at 2:30 Guesýt speaker Rev. Robert Wragg B.A., D.D. Special Music. This service will CARD'0F TRANKS' We, wis.h to, express aur rincera, thanks for ail the -laveîy gifts re- ceived at the FarweL' gatheringeu held for us, by, the Oroao Couples Club, our relatives and, friends and the fellows who attenided- the stag party. a-Pl Paul and Simone Groeneveld& CARD, OF THANKS Sincere thanks to all our Orane friends for their kind expr-ess.ý,,, of sympathy ini the loss of ot dear -father and, :grandfather Mr, ,K. Chisamore of Lansdowne, Ort. Fred and Theinia Vagg; and famîly., CARD 0F THANKS 1 wish to thank ail myIfriends: and relatives who sent cagrdÉ, duiring my stay in the Memorial1 Hospital, Bowmanville; alsoc - special thanks to Dr. McKenzJie anct the nurses and 5taff for their: kindness and care.a- Clarence W. Allim Notice To Creditors IN THUE ESTATE 0F JOHN WES- LEY TEBBLE late of the ToWnvý- ship of Clarke in the Coun1ty Durhamr, Retired Farmrer, dclecýas ed: be followed by a social re-union ,Ail persons having claimnss , a- with the Orono Junior Bard in ganst the estate of the said Johm attendance. Wesley Tebble who died on or about the llth day of August 196q; Books on the history of south- are hereby notified ta. senrd to ,theý east Clarke are now on sale at undersigned Adminisýtrator or his. iMus. C. Burley's, Mus. F. Gilmer, Solicitor on or before the lOti I Mrs. George Stapleton, S. J. Lan-o, ue16,tei ~re r d caster, Newtonville and Mrs, . of re 17 tead uilrtiuares andad Wood Newaste. ~ 1-ctheir daims and the nature of the~ j securities (if any) held by thenaý I COMING EVENT duly verified by statutory elr iOrono Sunday School Annivers- aimnJaeiatr h lt j ar Sunay, ay of Jure 1967, the assets of Nuxrse-y, Kirdergarten and thse said deceased wýill be distribu- Primary service at 10 o'clock. ted among the persons entitlie thereto having regard only to the, 1 Parade of ahl the School at 10:45 dlaims of which the Administra- -Junior, Intermediate and Senior tom or the undersigned Solicitorý !service at 11:15. shalltisen have -notice. Plan to attend one or both ser-1 vices, a-c1 Dated at 'Orono, Ontari(, t 24th day of May 1967. (I tLfTT. AT flz-AIrn > 44 1Classified Adminstrator. Orono, Ontario W.K. LYCETT, Orono Ont01 o Solicitor for tIhe AdmYî tato Orono, Ontario Orono Medical Centre Office Heurs:- 9:00 t6 1:00; 2:00 to 6:00 Saturday 9.00 t. 1:00 Phone 983-58Z5 Bornes &, Byam PLuMýBING adHEATINGj Sales adService 24HOUR BURNER SERVICE' B-A FINANCING Low Interest Rates Phoneps: Tyrone 263-2650 j Hampton 26a-2288 or remodelhing your presentý one, theu contact Floyd Nicholsoo O)RONO mum 1 1 1

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