ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, TUURSDAY, MAY 25th, 1967 NJORTHUMBERLAND AND DURHAM HlEALTH UNIT (Continuai from page 1) ~pre-ntsi and wheni exainations are completed by family physician anàrd farfîly deitist, information co ncerning the child's health and immuijnizaqtion status is transferr- edi to the nursýes' sehool cards. This information i s kept dur- ing the cidscshool career. There were 604 mnedical forms lis- sued in ApriL Environmental Sanitation' With the, advent of spring, and tnef pro-mise of, increased activity in the cons4tructiow of housing, the iseto of facilities is a- gain a m ajor section o-f the Pub- lic Hlealth Inspectors' work dur- ýnz April. Forty building Iiot5 have been viewed, where 'municip- al services are, not provided, to determine their suitabilityý for the installation of prîvate sewag, dM- posýal installations andf/or pr!4v*te water supplies. Forty-three layouts of disponi syý-tems have been submkitted t owners or -builders wlagSs ~1IflIEUUliE~ -~ - i