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Orono Weekly Times, 1 Jun 1967, p. 1

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ovi .g To NewPostOffic ya m, We are pfleased to inform you that the Post Office will b e moved to the new Public Building-in Or-: ono Saturday, 3rdI June, % 1967. The Post Office will be open Saturday, 3rd June, 1967, until 12:00 noon in the old location in -7.rder that you miglit receive your mail. Would you* please arrange bo pick up your mail before the o:ffice, is closed at 12:00 noon on that date. VOLUME 30, NUMBER 21 The 'patrons who- receive their mail through the General Deliv- ery will commence to pick up their mail at the New Fedeiral Building on the 5tli June, 1967. The patrons who receive their mail throUgh Lock Boxes will have to be assigned new keys for the loek boxes in the new build. ing. A Clerk will be on duty on Saturday afternoon, 3rd June, 1967, in the new building so that y keys miay be exchanged during the atron Ail concerned are requested0 to exchange Lock Box)- keys onth aforementined after- noon or' as soon as Possible after the new bulidfing is occupied. Your co-operation in thesenmat- ters will be 'very miuch appreciat- ed. C. E. Gray, Postmaster. I ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDY,>, JUNE lst, 1967 ExcellentFlrlily At Orono elor Showi An excellent floral display, ln spite of the cool spring weather, greeted those' attending the bort- icultural Spring Flower Show on May 25 in the Main Hall of the United 'Church. A welcome was exteýnded to those present, especi- allïy members qf the Senior Citi- zens. -A short, business pcriod was conducted by the President, Mr. 0.. Chiallice, while the judge Mrs. J.- Van Nest of Bowmanvileé, un- dertook the task of deciding the .wnesin the varlous classees. Mrys. E. Couvier read the min- utsin the absence of the secre- Mr. h Caldwell, Wh o has tc erelieved of this duty, LLrs. Couvier consented to fill this vacancy for the renrainder o-f the year. Voluinteens were re- qsuest'edi for the planting of the 1- -ntitral beds and thec Clarke TownshIip Ce-ntennial bed at Curv- ply, Dele-gates to the Horticultur- 2.1 Convention at the Ulniversity ef (luvlph on June 21, 22 and 23 are Mnr.Ù.OChallice, Mns. E. Couvier and Ivrs. R. Chapmnan. A, busj is being cbarteredf for Thursdiay June- 22 and anyone still want'Ling te, gýo should contact thie Presi- dent at once., It should be anl o- oybeouting At the conclusion of 'the bus- îness Mr. Challice cailed on Mrs. Johni Killeen -and her 7-year-old daý,ughter Rosemary of' Bowman- ille, to entertain. They ýplayed two piano duets - a medley of Nursery. Rhymes and "Do-Ha-l" from "The Sound of Musie." Mr. and Mrs. R. Chapman siiowed slides of local interest and other seenes. Mrs. Killeen and Rose- mary favoured us again witli a ScLottish number and an Ixish ýone. ThFleir music was vê-ry much en- joyed and we hope to hear them agan soaon. Feliowing the singing of -the Queen, prizes of rose bushes, glad- iolus bulbs and box plants wcrc distributed to the winners. 3 Red ,Tulips - MràS. C. Billings, Mr, O. W. Rolph, Mrs. Wes Wod. 3 Yelio w Tulips - Mr. E. Couv- ier, Mrs. C. Billingis, Mr&. E. Couvier. 3 any other coloiur- Rev. B. Long, Mrs. B. Couvier Mrs. C. Tyrreil 3 lily-f lowered tulips- Mr. S. D. Holmnes, Mrs. S, D. H-olmes, Mr~E. Couvier. 3 Daffodils - Urs. S. -D. Hohines, Mr. S. D. Hlohues, MM Tam-, blyn. African Violet - Mr. F. Vag, Mlrs. FVa, Mrs. GG Atkins. Collection Of house plants - Mýrg. C. Gan.y, MIrs. W, Woodi Mrs, KTregunna. Dinling taule arrangement MrS, ESehnîid, Mrs. K. Scloenmaker, rsK.Txegun.,na. - "RPeflection Of Spring" - Mrs. O. K. Schouenmaker, "Spring Morning." - Mrs. E. Challice, Mrs. E. Schmid, Mrs, Schmid, Mrs. O. Challice, Mrs. K, Schoenmaker. ,Winncr -'of, most points in the- show - Mrs., E. Schmid. We wish to thanik ai l those who exhibited, especially the several new exhibit1ors and hope they have been encouraged to enter again. A special thank you too to the donors of the prizes w'ihl were greatly appreciated. The serving of sandwiches, cookie5 and tea ended another enjoyable evening. Puýbliïc. Sckool Presents An ~Enoyable Music Night rlýareunts and fiends ,of the Or- ono Public Sehool pupils were rated t a special evening ef muge when the cilidren presont-' ,e4~ their Centennial Concert, Fr1- day evening last at ffie CLanke, High School' Auditorium This oultLtandiug penýrnance -heid the intterest of the audience from the beginning to, the enU-. Th programme consisted -f t1he foilo'wing songs by the differcult Grades and Giee Clubs: 1. Grades 7 and 8 - Land of Sul- ver Bincli (buron Indian); O Lord 'mi Tired (Negro Spiritual) 0 Canada. 2. Junior Gîce Club - Teddy B cars' Picnic; The Lollipop Tree. 3. Grade' 3'- A Sang of Happi- ness; Drummer Cunly; Sing a SQng of June. 4. Grade 2 - Sur le Pont d'Avignon; Freckles,; Fainies in the Moonlight. 5. Grade 1 - The Tired Meon; -ihe Cii-eus Clown; What Can Lambhns ,Do? 6. Grade 4 - G ay is the Rose; White Corai Bell-,;,I'se the fl'y 7. Thre Unurentionzàeie - Last- Kiss; Widwood Flower, 8. Grade 5 - Billy lV1algee Magaw, Polishi Dance; Bluebelis of Seot- land; Vrenelî. 9. Grade 6 - Blow the Wind Southerly; Jack was Ev'ry Loceh a Sailor; It's Trav'lin Time. 10. Si-. Gîcýe Club - Flag of Can- ada; They ail eall h Canada, but i caîl it Home; We Sail thre Ocean Blue; Syncopated Clock; Canada our Embleni. During the final number, Mns. Wonnaeott, the Music Superviýor, was presented with a spray of roses in appreciation foi- her work with the pupils. Mi - Moffat, the principal, made a geniai emeee. He presented the teachers to the audience and thanked the teachers for their ef- forts in making the concert a sýuc- cess. Clark. Teachers Themntl meeting- of the Clarke Townsh,,Iip Teachers was held at Leskar-dSehool with Mrs. M. Elliot, Mrs, E. Ailin and Mrs. J. Ard(, hostesges The president, Mrs. K. Lowery opened thec meeting with the Lord's Prayer, Mrs. J. Hoyý, read the gecretary',s report. Mr. D). â1ffat explained the Bail Game Sehedule and the pro- cedure for the Tabloid Spý,its Day, June 15th at KendTal, Mrs J .3. Staples moved a vote of appreciation to the. athletic committee for their work. Mrs. B. Touchburn moved a vote of thanksi to the qalary com- mittee for their efforts. Mr. C. Ilolmes Inspector of Pu-blic Sehools in' Clarke, Town- ship commended thr!e athletic com- mittee on the organ'iiization of the Tabloid Sports Day,, and spoke on MWr. M, McCoy favoured the teachers with a couple of selec- tonrs at theý pianio and spoke on bisnatveland, Grand Caymàn Island. Themetn was adjourned. NEW ORONO DENTIST7 BECOMES CONSULTANT AT MENORIAL HOSPITAL At the meeting of the Board of Directcrs of Memorial Hospital held in the Board Roonm recently, Dr. Peter I. Maartense, Orono, was appoînted a Dental Staff Con- sUltait on the recômmendation of the, Medical Advisory Commit tee and the Credentials Commit- tee. This was moved, by Dr. Keith W. Siemon,, President of the Méd- ical Staff, seconded, by Glenholme Hughes. NEW GOLF COURSE FOR NEWCASTLE t was announced, officially last week that the Newcastle Golf Course is expected to open by the, weekencl of June lth this year. The beautiful 18 hole pair 70 coursýe is a family venture owned by Mr. and Mrs. Bob Sim~pson and son Tom. This course is situated] on a beautiful site loeated one mile' east of Newcastle, and then one half nmie north. The par 70 course promnises to be one of the best in Ontýtario, with goodl fast greens and set in a storybook seting with many ponds, streamrs traps, as well as a ùrew c lub houser,. C t n nariShow The backward Spring weather handicappedt many exhibitors in the, Orono Junior Gardene*r's Spring Flower Show. However 16 childrTen provided an excellent show with 42 entries. Ten novices displayed great promise in the 4 arrang1,ement classes and "Bot- tie G-ardCen" competition. ~"Bottie Gres eligible to be entered in the Ontario Horticul- tural Association competition, at Guelphi University, on June, 22nd, are: Chiarmaine' Newman, Diane B3arnetft and Janet Schoenmaker. Bo-nus prizesi rose bushes don- ated by Brookdale Kinsway Nur- .eries, Bowmanville, were awarded 'o Yvonne Schoenmaker and Don- na Challice for entries in ail clas- ses. Janet Lovekin, a new mem- ber, also received a gift rose bush Packets of seeds "Centenniai Cosmos" were distributed These were donated by the Canadian Seed Trade Association. Plans were announced for a bus trip and picnic to be helId on July 5th, part of the' itinerary will be a visît to the gardens of "Batterwood bous-e" the home of Canada'si former Governor-Gener- al,, the Right Hon. Vincent Mas- sey, near Port Hope. The annual sale of arranged f lower baskets for Decoration Day will be held on Saturday, *une 24th at 2:30 p.m. at O. Chai- lice's. Advance orders are now be- (Continued page 6), 'IOOthAnirsy The Newtonville United Church, Newtonvilie, Ontario, will .ol their centeninial celebration of the foundfing of their Churchi this ,Sunday afterinoon, June 4th at 2:30 p.m. A special service with musie bas been arranged for the occa- sion. Former members of the coin- For or-ýk p roag ra M The Orono Hydro Commlissioni held their 'regulan monthly mieet- ing last Wednesday afternboon lu the Orone Municipal Building. Ail members of the Commission w.cne present. On mot ion -of E. R. Woodyard and D. M* Simpson the Commis- sion is to participate in the On- taio Hydro Electnical. Moderntz- ation Plan including consumer fin- ancing. It is understood and se mentioned in the motion that the local commission. can opt out ef, the Plan whenever it deems it necessary or advisable to do se.' During the course of the meet- ing the Commission met in coin- mittee with T. Beinett, Dl. Eam- ers, J. J. Campbell of the Onatarlo Hlydro, .G. Goebelie, Municipal Ac- countant, H. E. Millson, clerk of the Township and E. Dent, Hlydre Manager, Wo discuss hydro fiw- ancing. Following the meeting the local CommissiÀon set a budget of $25 - 000 for the yeans 1967 and' 196â for capital works. 0f thîs amount $14,500 is to be setin' 1967 and a pnoposed amiouit of$1,0 in 1968. $22,400 of thbe total is te go into the Orono dýistnibuting system. It is proposed to raisý,e the nec- essai-y $25,000 through jjadbut ure. mnunity hiave bee-n invitedj to ne-_ turn te Newtortville to assts with thie birthiday culIebration. Ilt Is ex- peetedl that a capacity congrega tion will be present. olongthe service the Oroîno Junior Band will play a progrë7n of music outside the church,_ Feature At Fa*'~ To Add Centennital laevour New, fePturej for the Onono Fair were appnoved at a meeting of the fair directons on Monday night in the Oddfellow's Hall Twenty-,two dîrectoirs wene pres- cnt. Iu the Centeniniltheme an Old Time Costume Contes.t i9 to be held on Friday evening in front of the graudstauid. Prize moncýy for this feature has been donated' to the Fair Board for this event. A sheep section is to neturn to the fair this year following ap- proval at the m eeting on Menday. Mn. L. Ayre and Mn, H. Skinner proposed the addition of' shep~ to the prize list f or which the Fair Board is to provide moules in the amouint of $300.00. The cOmmittee in change will be Messns. L. Aynre, H Skinner and R. Dow., Mr. Donald Staples reponted that, Mn. John Amesbury will be the new convenor of the An1nual Draina Festival. The Festival in slteto be helci on Octouber 26, 27 and 28th in the OrOncý)Town hlall. MnVi. S. Mather, representiru,,thei Orone Athletic Association, lsked the use of the Orono Rinkj duninýg the Orono Centennial week, ilHo aise asked that ain agreement he drawn up between the, Fai ]Board and the Athletic Associa, tien for the use of the building and the regulations goverDnuft it Apple Blossom Tour This Sunday The annual Orono Chamber of Commerce Apple Blossom tour is being held this Sunday aftcrnoon, June 4th. The tour net only in- ciedeg vieviing apple blossoms but aise educational lildes and tour of the Oreno Tree Nurisery, a drive on the Mospont track and a journey tlîrough the pictusesque Gananaska Forests. -VIrep apples wîll aise be handed out te those on the tour, compliments of the area apple 'growers thnough the co-operation of the Durham Grow- er's Siorage Co-eperative in New- castle. The tour will commence east of Bowmanvil]e at Lamb's road and continue through Dalington and Clarke apple orchards te the On- ono Treen Nursery. llere coloured sldes of the Nunseny's openalion wili bcEiliown a1e)ng with a tour of the plantai7on-. Firsi showing of slides at tre Nuîrsery lg expect- ed at 2:30 p.mi. Th'ie tour t hen advances thnoughý- Oroe bLcskard and along ?a scni oute te MoSpýOrt wre cars will be conducted anound the track whexe world nenowned rac. ers drive. The trackç will open to the tour at 3:00, p.m. Tire route then leads through the (xanaraska Forest te Kendai, Newtonvîlle and' finally bhnough Newcastle to vie-w further orcli- ards 'Warmet-weabhen for, the nx fewý idays shsould have the blojcs- 5,om eut in fu11 bbom for t Sunday's tour. The mileage of the route is estimated ai 40 mls

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