OROUNO W EEKLY 'TIMES 'Autlhorized as Second Class maîl, Pc8t Office Depamiment, Pubflshed every 'Pbursday at the office a£ publicatute Main Street,,Phcme 1og, Orono, Oniarso EStablished -in 1938 by R. A. Forrester Roy C. Forrester - Edflr a.nd Manager LARGER SCHOOL DISTRICT, ADVANTAGES EXPLAINED An însîght into how larger un-I its of education are formed n their progress in, various field.9 o£ education was given members of the Durham County Trustee5' and Ratepayers' Association at their annual spring banquet held at Maple Grove lest Thur5day ev- ening. G. Chatterton, assistant super intendent of education, said a- bout 1,600 boards4 handie 1,800 000 pupîls in Ontario. The province bas been broken down into 10 areas, each with its own office and staff te decentralize educa- tien. H1e said ail units sbould es- tablish a like geographic patternl ini its operations. Questions to be consddered when larger school units are being eonsidered, he raid are, what type of buildings,-, staff, equipment e. are the larger units capable cf providîng; and what types cf control, opportunities and options 19i the> locality able to offer stu- dents Larger sehool, units, hie said, effer ce-related programs,, a range of educational services, ad- ministative and supervisory staff and total school gervices1 for the benefit of the. community. Every aspect of life seems to be forcing a change in commun- Mtes, both uirban and iaral, thus musit n o communities accept the challenge of educational leader- slip with largler over-ali general leadership integration cf a bet- ter program, better kindergartens, Perla-ps ~ijcr k iindergartens, the employmnt of F"ecia1ists and the best use cf given capabilities te the advantage of the wbole schol. The clyoir of Sailsn Pubilic '-chooi en'tertained; while Aiine Sker] of Treton, gave the add- j,' hich won ber the honor of representing Zonie 3 in the 'Prov- incial Public Speakipig f inrais in The following officers and dir- ecto#-,i were elected for 1967-68. -Rssell Osheorne, honorary presi- &-nt; A. Merkley, past presîdent; MWSS Vera JOlinstoen, president; Xee Weller, vice -presidenit and Cectal Mop-iso <. secretary4treast. urer. The directors are: Cartwright, Mrs. Ivan Thompson and Mrs. D. Dorreil; Darlington, Ms-s. Fredý Draper, Mrs. George Knox and Alan Gibson; Bowmanville, Ken Weller and William Heald; Pine Ridge School, W. Patterson; St. Josephs Separate Scîcol,1 M. Heenan; Port Hope Separate Schoel, F. Hendrick; Knox Chris- tian Scb.ool, W. Bylsmna; New- castle Cecil Carveth and Ron Munro; Clarke , James Lewery and Mrs. J. Caswell; Cavan, P. Hamilton and -J. Gillen; Hope, Howard Jordon, Mrs.'T. Andrus, A, Peters and Bey Gray. Bail Schedule INTERMEDIATE BASERALL SCHEDULE June 1 - Kenday vs Oshawa, 6:30 June 4 - Kendal vs Brockville 2:00I June 7 - Kendial vs Belleville 8:00 June f0 Peterboro vq Kendal 2:001 June 11 Kendal vs Peterboro 7.:001 June 17 Belleville vs Kendal 2:00 June 24 Kingston vs Kendal 2:00 June 28 Kendal vs Little Br«itain 7:30 p.m. JulY - Brockville vs Kendal 2:00 July 8 Oshawa vs Kendai 2:00 July 12 Kendal vs Peterboro 7:00 JulY .15 Peterbore vs Kendal 2:00 JUIY 19 Kendel vs Little Britain 7:30 pm. July 26 Kendal vS Peterbere 7:00 July 29 Little Britain vs Ken dal 2:00 p.m. Teen, DANCE Orono Town Hall Saturday, June 3 at 8:00 p.m. Music by THE DIFFERENT OPINIONS Single $1400 Couple $1.50 KEENE WINNER WITH A ONE-HITTER The Orono Bantams were faced with excellent pitching on Sun-. day in Keene and were able to secure only one hit in the seven innings of play. The game was well played howeve r by both sides with Keene placing orne run a- cross home plate for a 1-0 Win. David Forrester secured Orono's sole hit of the game. Steven West on the~ mound for Orono algo turn- ed in an -excellent game giving Up only thrce hits. to the Keene bat- ters. Hie also took nine strike outs. H1e wag surpassed however by the Keene pitcher- _with fourteen strike outs. Those playing for' Orono were Randy Tennaný,, catcher, Harry DeJonge, ffrst; Nico DeJonge and Randy Eastabrook, second; Ken Eastabrooke. third; Michael Car- man, ss; in outfield; Terry Lucyk, Ken Partridge, David Forrester,1 Wayne Couvier and Haryey Part-tI ner. Selection of Potted Ger- anium, Flowering Shrubs bý2 Potted and Cnt Flowers Vuletide or Happiness Rose ootings only 40c. Grade No. i ~ ROSE BUSHES $100o See Special dlsplay of Art by Mr. and Mrs. C. Grant, of Leskard. Canawood Shoppe Phone 983-5539, ORONO, ONTAIfI> Open Evenings, Sundays and Holldays 7I s new in your fami, ,oose important évts in your family inferesf OMSIP fo The Ontario ,Medica 1 Services Insurance Plani needs your help in keeping your file up to-dlate,.- 50 thart, for instance, you get :Instant coverage of your new baby... or your own caver- age when you turn'twenty-one. .perhaps even redjced rates if you should laie yayr income! We suggest you tear out this chieck-list and keep it handy-. ond do [et us know about these changes in your family. A Change of Address. Moving's a busy time, but pleasetoke a minufte to drop us o une. Marital Status. When yau get mrarrsed, you'll wanîte oputf your wife ant your own OMSIP contract. Bi'rth. Please advise OMSIP within 30 days alter the baby is barn, or ado'pfed, so you'Ill get effective coverage immnediately. Otherwise, there's a 3 manth wait- ing period after notification. Tumfing twenty-one- . en a dependat cornes of cge, ho is ne longer covered by hiii parent's contratand must take ouf his owin coverage. Again, let us know within 30 days for conitinueus coverage, or you must expecf a 3 month waiting period after notification. Loss in Incarne. If your incarne is reriuced or stopped because of unemployment, illness, disabiliîy or reiiremeénvyou may be eligible for premium assistance. Please make special application te OMSIP. OId Âge Pension>. If you are receiving Federal Old Age Securify; you do nôt re- ceive OMSIP coverage automatically. So if youwîsh ta loin OMSIP, please apply. Death. Upon thie death of a canîract halder, the new head of household should notify OMStP. Please let us know as well if a dependarnt dies. This information, kept up fa-date in your file, helps make sure you r OMSIP dlaims are settled fait. But whenever you write OMSIP, be sure ta ,include your name, address and contract number: Address ali CMSIP correspofidence 10: QMSIP.. 135 St. Clair Ave. W., Toronto 7, Onfario. CMSIP helps poyyour doctor bilis,,.OMSIP pays 90% of O.M.A. S'cheduled fees. ORONO WEEKLY TIMS, TJIUBSDAY, 4~AY 25th, 1967 4