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Orono Weekly Times, 1 Jun 1967, p. 3

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, JUNE lst, 16 vention, that Report Fromm Ottawa might b Russell C. Honey. M.P., Durham when the force was first sent to The immecd In the years I have known him the Gaza Strip the United Na- taken must be 1 have neyer seen the Prime Min- tions had no option but fo remove Nations,, Mr. ister 'more concerned than lielias the pence keeping force. Mr. jsnid fliere mu been flic week over flie possibil- lPeai*on inferred, however, that attempt to, ity of war ini the Middle East. iu the circunistances ie would jNationýs presec Speaking in the bouse of Com- have stalled for n few days fo, aren. To thisE inons jusf a few hours before permit fempers to cool a 'bit be- mark this we President John9on arrived to con- fore wifhdrawing flic United Na- j ing fthe matter suif him, Mr. Pearson said, "We tions force. Council of th, ýare facing a dangerous and ccnt- ical situation from hlour to hour, Mr. Pearsýon referre d to tlie ENS E and we can only hope tlint no one danger of the combat being cx- ENSIL -in any country directly concern.ed paudcd: "There le flic danger of GIVEN ..wiIl do anyfhing or sgay any-the- United States lining up behind A provinicil thin;g whicli' will starf off wat one party and the U.S.S.R. lining fthe Central' la bound to be an bloody war in up, behind the other party. I servation Aue fliaf area and, wlaf miglif be a cannof. imagine a more frigliten- improvemeufs bloody war 4u a mucli greafer ing danger than tliat because conservatien area." withouùtflic United Nations inter- I provced. "If la liard f0 imagine getfing eloser f0 catastrophe than ilu the 'way we sccm f0 have been drift- ing in fhelclst day or two," tlie Prime Mînister, s.afed ln ouflin- SAVE 5c ON EACH JU( ing flic long background of fhe quarrel between Israel and flic Jrited Arab Republie. 1He stafeda thaf tlie basic issue la the recog- (.) nifio n of Israel's iglif f0 live lu pence and securify. "So long as Tsrael's neighbourg, or some. of them, refuse te recognize, flic riglif of Isracl fo exisf as a state, -lien we move from one criais ta' anoflier" snid Mr. Pearsniu. 1e sfated thaf lie was safisified flint Traei nccepf cd fthc baskéobliga- tion imposed upon lier by flic Unifedý Nations whicli gave birfl ,"" to fliaf staf e, of living witliouf t, provocation and flireat fohlier neiglibours. Mr. Pearson alsio referred fo flic ,yachological build Up now occur- ring iu flic Middle East., The crea- tien of an afmospliere, parficu- ladly ln areas of flic United Arab Republie, wliere people are beîng CRUSII or ROYAL CROWN înfluenced by propoganda to flic Save 6c! - In Tins point wliere tliey will welcome a D I K war. "These are thie poor deluded SODF T DRINK C- 1 people wlio would be the fire tfo suffer fr om wnr", sidflic Prime SAVE 9c! - iariumrnt Fancy Minister.SOCKEYE SALMON The situation wouldl not be so desperafe if the United Nations SAVE 17e', Pea ce Keeping Force had nof AYLE CATMIP been-witihdrawn' Canada lias the fargesf cont ingenf of troopa inFATR!- uca le ihtforce. Mr. Pearson -imlplie'd C K IE inlis report fo the Houcse ofi A EMIE GCommons flia lie weuld nof have FEATURE! - SAVE 4e! ben ohsyas was Secrefary. R-f Ç4Fll~ ,General U-Tlinnt lu ordering fitheIIL VI~ wiflidrawýal of the pence 'keeping FAUE SAVE Ge! force. 1He cated, liowever, C RN Oi t.La rec he wa notcrifical of U-Thanf e 1LS.Lw e c cause on a strict ly legal basiq under flic agreement made by SEILYSLCE Dag Hammnrskjold, at fthat fime SEILYSIE-Ce Secret ary-General of the Unifed,.B Nations, and Presideuf Nasser 1 AD BaeBu Orono BI7ding Contractor Brick -Block -Concrete Stone Work Carpentry- Cabinet Work Floors -Tile 9M,-5441 ORONO JACK RiCARD REALTOR 99 King St., E. BOWMANVILLE When Buying or Seliing eall WILF» HAWKE VOUR.ORONO*AREA REPRESENTATIVE 983-5274 Members of Oshawa and Dis- trict Real Estafe Board ROAS TS Removed) lb. tcould 'turn what The area 66. acres a mile west plete construction of the pond and local confliet into a of Enniskillen, and 8 miles nortli service rond and carry out îm- ly," lie said. lof Bowmanville. was acquired by poeet otehueocpe Liate action to be the Authority in 1965. prveest the houssu e ocupied e; through the United The Aufhority plans to com- b lcae ueitnet Pýearson, said. 1He_________________ ust be an immediate ________________ relocate "an United IF YOU NEED A nce" in the troubled ILNA MASONRY JOB TO E endI Canada and Den-T DONE CALL- ýek joinýed in bring- '0C A er before the Security ~UnitedL Nations, S R VI1CE xfor N GRANT Phi VowI BRIC LAY RS V&1SonJ S LXON ASONS al grant of $6,750 to, Rld S eiber . Lake Ontario Con- 983-514 Orono, 852 ihority for capital Willi c 1- in the Enniskillen RA 10 R AIR Ono, 8-50 arca lias been ap- TOWER NS LLATION Sp à in Flreplaoes G 0F MILK TRIS WEEK-END b 2% JERSEY Zcor GU.-vERvN SEY",r5 7 c' PRICE TO SUIT VOUR BUDG_çlT. BLEND TO' SUIT YOUP. TAST. It-on. Bus. 2for 8A 63ez Pgm 1BLEND IL.bag Mix or 'Match Fat'e! 15-oz. Jars MIADflJÇ SLICED DILLS ?for59 I'I'.LMILI~J PICKILES SAVE 2e! - Spaghettini- Macaroni - or ICI-OZ. Pkgs. CATELLI SPAGHETTI 21e -Libby's Frozen Foods E. 5!-FANCY SLICED STRAWBERRIES REG. 2 FOR iC!, FANCY,,GREEN PEAS SAVE 6c! KLEENEX TOWELS SAIVE 10ie! - Union Carbide GARBAGE BAGS -BRANDED- VALUE CHECK'D <ILean - Freshly Minced GRO -U ND CH U CK ILb Short Rib or Boneless Shoulder Roost U C K IL '53c I M~ple Lent - 4Varieties 6 oz. Pkgs. lb. IMEATS 2R049cý BEST BUT.'- Save Se! -- FAN-ýCY QUALITYK Lâibby ruit Cocktail 3 1-BEST BUY! - Save 28e! - FANCY QUALITy Aylmier Tomnato Juice 3 IIEST BUV!-Save c -EW-ACIAT-In Decorator Whde Swan T'issues3 BEST IBLV! - -1! BEST BUY! - Save 6c! MEASLUNG CUP FREE!Z DETEIWENT Giant Pkg. Save lc! Cash Vour 8e Coupon! 14-oz. Tins F 0 48-oz. 'Tins 360 to 1>kg. F RoI/ F 64-oz. Size Prîces Ef fectîve Wed., -Thur., Fri., Sot.,, May 31, June 1, ý2 & 3. 15-~z. pkg. 43e 12-oz. pkgs.- 3 -for 59C Twla Pack, Package of 10 Buy-oF-TrHE-WEEK RED & WHITE INS TANT COFFEE 5-oz. jar Reg. 49c!- WESTON ANGEL FOOD CAKE 45c ~q7~ SUNSHIN E FRESH Fruit & Vegetables JUICY FRESH PIN EAPPWES 4 for $1.00 Califorula LEMONS Pahu Garden #1 TOMATO ES Rosebnd RADISHES 6 for 35c 14-oz. 'Tubes 2for 49c Cello Bags 2 for 23c HEALTH AND, BEAUTY AID BARGAINS! Reg. 89c! BRYLCREEM large tube-t._ Reg. 73r Value! MACLEANS TOOTHPASTE tube 65c Reg. $1.29! ENOS Fruit Saits large sjze $1 .11 Reg. $1.19! - Nev- Cash your lic Coupon! SCOPE Mouth Wash 12-oz. size 99c WHERE E-RLENDLY. -PEQP LE.--SAVE.YQU. . M-R E, -CORNISH'S RED AND WHITE, ORONO, ONTARIO fi

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