ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, TIIURSDAÀy, UE1p 9' Jesus Ask A ? "ýWHAT ARE YOU LOOKING FOR?" Seripture Les-son - Romlans 15: 1-7, Taiken from a sermon preached by Rev. Basil Long-. Follow-ing the account of Jesus' bap-,týsrn in ihe GospeL. of St. John we reaci that tbe next day Johinwas staniding wthtwo of Lis disciples andi he looked at Jesuis as liewakd and gaid, "Be- hold, the Lamnb of God!" T he two disciples hea-rd -him say thi-j, and they floe Jesus. Jesus turneid, ind sa-w themi-i foIllowing, and said toý them '"What are 3you Iooking for" They sa 'id to imr, "Teacher, where are you s taying?" HIis an- swer was straightforward and simple, "Corne and see." Jesuq' questýmin"htaeyou looking for?" i-, one whîc lie must surely ask everyfolowe to-day and en be askedý in the widest sense of every mein, wom- an, boy and girl wbo is mature enougli to think seriously about the 'nature, the purpose and the fulfilment of lîue. "Wh at are you Iooking for?" is a question that few people honestly answer. Il is not'an easy question but the thing we seek play a major part in the nature of the life we live Jesus ffeid, "Where your treasure is there will your heart be also." We mi ght ask this question of our religion, "What are we look- ing -for in the Christian religion." or to put it more specifically, la Christ. Perhaps il is w-eil to re- ceil, if we can, the things that people seem to seek in generel. Security is one and usuelly is closely reletedi to oafety. Another is financial success and the prest- ige which goe10s along with il. A young college student tells of bis unhgppy home if e, pointing out that theyý have money for every- thing but thet there î 1s no love in Ï1iir home, To miake security our afin is not a bed alm, nlor is the desire to make money but left t that il is a' very 40w aim. ýWhen the impulse is seIfishi it becomes a bad eim. Many look for acceptance in society and in so doing often lower tlieJlr ideals, torture their con- science and weaken their charac- ter. Wan.ting to be eccepted, is riot a bad afin, but if we are djo- ing it jpusýt for the sake of being accepted, it is a low eim. health. and again we must say 'that this i5 not a bad aim, but when we *withd(raw from life and its -responsibiities, trying to live j to sýelf, it is a vTery JOW aiM and i so doig we o-ften lose the' health we seek td save, A high percentage of .people in our society are looking for free- doni from , responsibility. TPhe afin Îs t1at they should not get in- volved. The story is told of a man who was welldng down a city nt.reet minding bis' own business when tWofthugs jumrped out fromj an ailey-wa, gave h-im) a severej beating- and then took off with bis purse. Before h1e was able to get to bis feet another man arrived on the scene and ekdhmwhet had haýppcnledl.'He replieci that lie was -going down the street minding hJis owri businessý and noýt 1botheri.ng- anyone wh'ien two thug"s gave him a real beating as welll as taking býis purse. When asked wh le did while b'eing beaten he repliecl,"otn, didn't (ContinuedpaeC) W e îHopCe ïY0uHII oin even if:I SAVE MONEY BUY YOUR MILK AT RAINEYl'S JUG STORE MOju c You SAVE 20e over home delivered milk You SAVE 19e over home delivered milk TAKE ADVANTAGE 0OF TIIS SAVING Ail products are from "Glen Rae Dajrry"' Where products are "Guaranteed for Life' .428SoUd CENTENýNIAL BAR B-Q TICKET S LASI PURCHASE DATE Aduits $3.00 Children under'12 $1.50 Caterers must be informed by June 5th of the numlber attending. The charges are the caterer'sprice. Tickets available from Members of the Park Board A. E. West, H. M. Mercer Miss A. Cutteil, E. H_ Samuel, R. Carveth, O. Falls, S. 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Dished steering wheel. Epic $1>944.00 Common Sense Motoring from General Motors' *Suested maximum retail delivered price of an rice quoted includes delivery and handling cliarges and Federal Sales gg ~UWVUIU U'MUIIIE~ ard Excise Taxes. Provirncial and local taxes and licence, are fot iiscluded. Epic 2-Door Sedan with heater and defroster at Epic Deluxe as illastrated above available at slightly h glser cost. SEE THE, NEW EPIC AND ENVOY TODAY AT YOUR CHEVROLET-ENVOY I)EALFR'S, ALutherized Epic Dealer in Bovvm-anville ROY NICROLS MOTORS LIMITED IPhone: 728-6206 - COURTICE 623-2556 - BOWMANVILLE "Be svure to sec Bonanza on the CBC-TV netwnrk edeh SurnrThv Check vnair Iûcal listinie fora r,ahs nd imef" JUNE lst, 1967 OMM