ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THRSDAY, JUNE lst; 1967 Intermediates and Seniors held M(In Tuk Par In nnud their worship service un the church. At this service music by youth Annu artuwa was enjoyed again: a solo by Miss Sunaay School Anliv r yShelley Battams; a aumber by the Orono Youti Choir; and the On May 28th, the Orono United trated story. "Battie ilymn of tbe Republic by Churci Sunday School observed The Pnimary Departmeat offer- thc Leskard choir. These choir.$ its Anniversary witi a.parade and ed two choral readiagsl; Mrs 'ularechoix als. orsited.wTh mu- two speciai services. Coatham's and Mrs. Gray's class- i horas asse wt u es recited "The Ten Command- çiec during the service witb Mrs. - ~ 1U1- aTngrIà.nIqý "T1he, Morton at the organ. At' 10 o'clock, the first service, enti;' v"- . og- cas,--u was held for the Nursery, Kinder- Books of the Oldl Testament.' The garten and Primary Departments. whole Primary group, led by Mrs. A beautiful setting was prcided E. Gilbank, Department Superin-l by Mrs. Fairbrotherg spring floral tendent, also sang. arrangements and MiFs Peggy flaacock's organ prelude. Outside Following the service the child- the churcli, flags were set up by ren and their leaders joined out- Mr. E. MilIson. side with the Leskard Choir and ithe Junior,_ Intermediate and Sen- T1,~ l ~ T'f fhnr ~~ h~f or Departments to mardi in a youngsters entered throughhthe choir loft. Mr-. M. Colvin having charge of the service, welcomed the congregation. Mrs. M. Snelder's Nurser-y De- partment, dirfcted by Mes. W. Bailey sang several 1siongs, d-é- lighthMly dramatized by appro- parade led by the Orono Band. A large Ceatennial banner provided byý Mr. E. Dent ad'ded a colourful note to the occasion, aiong witb miniature centennial flags proud- ly heid aioft by each child of fti Nursery Kindergartea, and Prim ary Departmnent,ý. To ma ny, the .-parade was the. Mr. M. Colvia introduced Mr. Mcl Smith, the guest of the day, from the Sunday School Church of the Air. This informai speaker keyed bis remarks to the youth in the. congregation. Usiag a, bottled ship to illuistrate his main theme that1 youag people should "steer a straight course through life Hée warned of the many opportunities for getting off this straight course. He stressed. in particular, the danger of trying to escape front realty through- alcobol or LSD. This second service 'was record- 1 priate actions. most inspiring andi exciting pan 'ed and will be broadcast over the of ho morning's activities. Later, Oshawa radio station at 10:05 The bead of the Kindergarten in the second service, the guest A. M, Sunday, June 4th. Department, Ms-s. D. Staples, led speaker emphasied how fortunate her group in the wordâ and, act- we are in Canada to have the M.Sihmnindacuc ions of a series of spring SOngs1 freedom to para de in our streets tht"w~ entof4ione a chbrc and cildren's hymas. las membersl of a religions denom- toto uies e ination cause it neglected its youth-work TienMis Lyn Baleyenîan1 If the enthus.iaitic participation at cd ber audience with a well-iîllus- After tbe parade, tbe Juniors, this Anniversary service was aay indication, Orono Church shows I n sins f eakness in i ts youti work, thanks to tbe dedicatcd ef- 'forts' and leadership of Sunday R.Armstrong and Assistant Slip- erintendent, Mrs. C. W. Billîngs. Saturday The Swimming Pool, Orono, will be open on Satur- day, June 3rd, weather permitting. TIMETABLE FOR JUNE ONLY Weekdays - 4:00 p.m. Wo5:00 p.m. 6:30 to 8:00 pm. Saturdays and ýSundays - 12:00 noon to 8:00 p.m. Season's Tickets now available by contaeting either Carol Nixon or Aima Cutteit The prices for the Season's Tickets (exeluding 'Sundays) are as follows: $5.00 for one chid $8.00 for two children $10.00 for three children or more Single Admission 35c for the day CENRAL ONTARIO TRUST 5 Year Guaranteed'u NOW EARN 10 Interest paid semi-annually Rates for shorter terms on request MINIMUM DEPOSIT $100.00 Longer CONVENIENT IIOURS: * 9 A- M. to 5:30 P.M. Mon, to Thurà. *9 A.M. to 8 P.M. Fl. 9 A.M. to 4 P.M. Sat. BOWMANVILLE OFFICE CLOSED WEDNESDAY CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST & SAVINGS CORPORATION 23 King St_ W. Bowmanville 623-2527 HeadOffice: FOIJNTAINHEAD 1 iceS.N OF SERVICE 1 iceS.N Oshawa - 723-5291 'lhe tird me ýïet'ing of the Dur- bham 4-11 Blïýey Club was held Thursday, MUay 18 at the Depart- cnt of Agriculture, Bowman- ville in conjuaction, with the South Durham Corn Silage club, The meeting was opened by thc president, Keith Allia and the ,minutes of the last meeting wcre read and the roll eall taken. The leader, Don Wcl.sh instruc- ted us on judging grain* and the Corn Club -leader, Jim Riekard, gave us some hIlpful hiats on giv-. ing reasons. We tiescîplit Up isîto, three groups and judged a cias& of Russeil oats. We gave reasons to cither Mr. Welsh, Mr. Rickard or Mr. Daîrymple. Mr. Rickard gave the ôofcial placing andctreasons-. Mr. Dalrympie took up the first work siacet and the soul recom- mendations. The meeting was then adjourn- jed. Neil Allia. STOCK CAR RACES DRAW ENTHUSTASTIC CROWD An estimated crowd, of 2500 persions in 500, cars jammed into the new Ganaraska Speedway east of Kendal, Sunday alternoon for an afternoon of stock car or "jalopy" racing. Although tliere was more than a littie dust, the 'crowd appeared to be as pIeased to be in the mnid-' die of no-where as they would have been at the "Indianapolis 500", with entire families arriv- ing with picnic lunches, from al parts of, Durham and Nortbum- berland. The ovai-shaped track had been eut into the field witb banking and posts as an added safety fea- ture for both drivers and -4pec- tators. Altbough there were« several jams during the race with cars flîPPing Over, there was riot a single injury. The top three maie drivers i 20 lap events were P. Langstaff,' R. Corry and Conrad Dillabough.~ The best fernale drivers in thef Powder Puff event were DolIyl BzecIng. Georgina Mullin and HaRLumah Farrow. Former Reeve 0f Clarke Dies Tiere passed away on Mondav. HONEY OPENS MILLBROOK FAIR "The Agricultural Fair ià not only a pleasant occasion te meet socially, with friends and neigli- bours;, it is alsoa an opportunity for farmers- to keep abreast with May 29th in Bowmanville Memor-_ advances in, the agricultural ia- ial Hoslital Mr. Arthur McKay of dustry. The top quâiity lives'tock Newtonille.and other exhibits are a yard- Newt~viIe.stick against which he can meas- use his own produetq," Durh'am The late Mr. McKay served M.P. Russell C. Hloney said as he many yenars on the Ciarke Town-'officially 'opeaed the 1967 Spring ship Couacil. >During 1922 to 1925 Fair sponsored by the Millbrook he ws aCounillr. Fom 926Agricultural Society, Saturday. Referring to the intense inter- to 127 e ws Dput-Reve.national competition against wliich From 1931 to 1934 and 1946 to Canadian farmers must compete, 1950 he served as Councillor and Mr. lloney said Canada must con- 1951 to 1954 as Deputy-Reeve.1 tinue to upgrade the production of During the years 1954 and 1955'its f arms if it is; to stay in' the he srved asReýve.forefront of the agricultural na- he srvedas Reve.tions 'of the world $4- Order your from the- OSHAWA DRIVING CLUB IIARNES RACIN F RIDAY, 'Vv 1JUNE 2n d PORT PERRY FAIR GROUNDS PAR MUTUAL WAGERING 8 HEATS POST TIME 6:15 p.m_ 16' M»dded P1ywoa d Boat with 35 H.P. 1959 Motor, Day Cruiser & Trailer $850. 14' Molded Plywood, 25 HI.P. Motor $400.00 '16' Wood, Fibre"gtassed, traller and motor for ................. $250.0 13'6" New Aluminum Runobout, 28 H-P. Motor and Traiter.......... $1197.00 Watsonî's Marine & Cycle Orono, Ontario Phone 983-5343 jil! ~lw 1 1