ORONO WEEKLY IMEIS, TIIURSDA- wýeek when thle ir son Leslie receiv-I Line school in 18644;5 L 0 Il C AL N 5 ed hnB.A. Mr. Leslie Hlopper jstood where Mr. Keit bas accepted a position on the bouse is now located. . Mr. and Mrs L. Hopper attend- staff of the Millbrook lligh Scbool He then became a P. td the graduation exercises at Me- where he will teach History and minister, a graduate Of, Miaster University, Hamilton, last Geography during the next term. University, New jersey,, _____________________ Mrs. C. A. Cumming TorontoJ, Time and sýpace are,. sperit, veral days with Mr. and, able at this moment t )Mrs.CarlBillngs.ther details of thie ife cet-cat, Mr. and Mrs. A* A. Drumm ond tured and eloquent pr( *visited on Sunday xwith Mr. and pasiséd away Octobeý-r Ontaroo >Mrs. Alex Drummond, Toronto. victim of typhoici fever Adventure A number of Orono BusinIess- North Caoia Vacations Sainte-Marie among the Hurons, at Midland ChamplIain Coun-t-ry On a Chamlpla in "ontY Ad- ventut Vacatiorn, you and yoLur famiily sin frtadhistori- cal insights, in a setting of naturAl splendeur. Fromi the Ottawa River 16 islandJ-sprinklled AGeorgian Bay' you f1,01Wwer initrepid Samiuel de Chiamipain explored, morîe than tbree centuries ago. Inspect the Officers' Quarters Museum iat Penetangui-, shenie. Br-owse around Orihia's Leacock Memorial Home. - See the awesomue Boninecheire Caves. 'For camping,caen, fising-or mnaking friertds with wildlife-you have 3"000 square iles of unspoiled wilder- ness in Algonquin Park alone. Among the Muskoka Lalkes, Kawarthas ai-d sylvan H-aliburton, are dozens of luxurious modern resorts. You'll find a Champlain Counitry Adventure Vacation richly rewarding for,every miemnber of your family. Fi-id out mnore about it by mailing the coupon below. f- --------------- - Department of'Tourism,. & Information, Parliant Buildings, Room Toronto 2. Please send me details about a Champlain Country Adventurc Vacation, Name - Addrýss City Zn rv Depuament Of Tourism f & Informnation cussdng the promotion of a Sbop-tA ret bidis per's Mail in Orono on Saturday, place in Kendal Churci July 8th during the Orono Cen- F'rîday, May 26 to L, tennial week. June Geach. This was Those present favouréd 'the ned by Mm.,J Byers ' 2 Mail and are to contact the re- ruthers and'Mrs. J. F maining businessmen prior to'gamnes were piayed an toniht wen asecod metingis y ail present. Then th tonilitwhe a ecod metig i oeopened the many lk~ Mris. Fred Tamblyn bas been a assiisted by Miss Joan patient i n the Bowmanville Mcm- Mrs. D. Sutch and orial Hospital daughterý Kim. The hii Mr-. Harold Hooey is a, patient i-il present and invited in Bowmanville Hospital. visit tbem ia Bowma. Mr-. and Mrs S. J. Norton bavej their apartment. moved to their borne in Millbrook. This. neighbourbood w Mr. and Mrs. L. DeHaas have ed b y the sudden passii moved from the Coriih apart- Wesley Catbcart oni ments to the Curvply apartments morning in Osé'awa on- Main- St. South. Deepest sympatby is ex Mr-. and Mr5. Jim Gamsby, Mel- Mrs. Cathcart and thei anie and Stevén, Lorraine,, Que, There was a large wcre weekend, guests of Mrs. Ken at the sale of the late G amsby. They also vigited Mrs. Tbompson's pxoperty i Gamsby's parents, Mr. and Mrn.'on Saturday afternoon, Lloyd King, Lindsay. The funeral of M4r. A Mvrs. Keî, Gams4hby sýpentý the Vie- to,,ok place on Tbursday, toria Day weekend in Orilia withifirst. A forrner couci Mi.and Mi-s. J. H. Boyd, BrianIfarrmedý actîvely tili he- and Terry.pnuoia shorlthtie ago. ______________________ M i. San lHoy's nmotherM ILTayloIr of MapeGDews Kenda News(COtilued <01, page <6) -We wce eaedt aeourUNTDC RC ci dî4rict president Mrs. I. MundaiY and Mrs. Flnot t owaVie at. oui- M4ay meceting of thýe Kendal Women's Instltute. It was, beid it th'e home of Mrs. G. Cathcart. The redent, Mrs. E. Cou-oLux pn cdl the meeting, by thIe sn'gin-g of Vhe Ode. The minutes wvere read lan d Mrs. H. Poster gave the fin, anýjcial repýIort. pienie planis were Ileft until our June meeting. Mrs. E. Couroux &aid shie would seeure helpers toe i-un the hootb on Field Day June l5th. Some of us wouid seli baking in Oshawa on June lSth. The conveniors, for bii stor ical re- search are MNiss C. tewart and MIrs. -G. Cathcart. Miîss4 Stewart had! choseni the motto, "He wbo forgets the pas t loses the key to thPur. oli I Cai, "Name a Canadlian Prime Minister.' The topic vwasl6on the, lf e of Dc. Alfred fi. IMomcent Hliel was bora ia 1842 on the fut concessiona of Cla-ke. is fatheýr was rdrowned at a iii west of Wreicome, where ho was employed in 1844. The widow and four chiidren moved to ber brother Robert Cowan's farm where the tobacco kiies stand on the Adam'so Jtohacco'farm on the 6th line. Ai- fred, Momnenit tàughdf the- sixth VYour best choce 'is.. NATI ONALBALER TWINE! l~oooo~ 0 Fully tested and înspected. o Grade "A" African Sisa. 0 Treated against rot, rodents and insecta. * Each bag guaranteed. Orotxo Pastoral, 1- --~ j Charge .s~ Rev. B. E. Long SUNDAY, lUNE 4th, 1967 Oron- Sulnday Sehool at 10:00. MýOrnIing Service at 11:15 Kirby- Morning Service at 9:45 Sunday Schooi at 11:00 Sunday, School at 9:45 EGG SHAMPOO or CREME RINSE by RICHARD HUDNUT speia 9 c Large 12 oz. Bottie STUTT'S Drugs, Phocne 983-5009 Orono, Ont. See our new stock of Imia-eghShorts, st.edby1 Gaytown and be ready for the wvarmn days aýhead Choose from stretehy nylon and viscose, cino and cotton twill. Included is th ixeve Western style with f ly front. Brighit Suminer'shades as wel as navy, black and brown. Sizes 8 te 20. Priced fromn......... ........ $3.95 to $5.95 GIRLS' SHORTS A good stock of grls' Shorts ofef good quality cotton, stretchy nylon and terry cloth. Al the newv Summner shades. Aise anany attractive short sets. Sizes ranige from 2 te 3x years., 4 toe 6x years and 8 to 14 years.î Prîced front................. $1.00 to $3.98 WOOL BLANKETS Fine quality ail wool Biankets by "Ayers," îvide acetate satin bounid ends, m.Mgproof. Gold and green Size 7211 x 90". Ideal for gifts. Special Price, each .................. $15,00O Viscose and wool Blankets, double weave for durabiity' whipped ends. White with rainbow-striped colour, borders-. Size 72" x 90". Priced each ........... ............ $7.50 More LADIES' COTTON DRESSES arriving for the week-end. ARMSTRONG'S