'IMES, THURSDAY, JUNElst, 1967_____ _______________ DIED vin, Alice (Mrs. Stan Hoy) and GET VOUR BEEF BAR B-Q Amy 'Don. Resting at the Morris Fun-, IKT OWFRT1H E a ý,eneral Hospital on eral Chapel, Bowa ll.Srvice TCT O O H VI4ay 28, 1967, Amy Allun, in the, chapel on Tuesday at 3.15! FEAST AT THE PARK, ORON$ of Newvcastle in her p.m. Interment Ebenezer Cerne-ONUY t wife of the late Paul. tery. a-c ýar mother of Jean (Mrs 11kdred), Oshawa, lest -______ ___ ,MorrisFunerai Chapel, ~ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ >i. Service in the dia- day, at 4:30 p.m. In1 3owmanvil1e Cemetery. riaàl HoEpital. Bowman- Saturday, May 27, 1967,, iins, aged 71 years, be- of owrd S. Taylor, c> Èlear mot:îer of '1'neda Bdi)Dora. Stan, A- uz WHY PAY MORE?, ON PREMIUM QUALITY illiT-'fINJE RADIO ~- 1,v REPAIRs K Gosoline - Diesel- Motor Oil '1-Stereo FARM TANKS and PUMPS AVAILA13LE _ ,rd Players ~ CALL COLLECT ,ennas - fowers WIIITBY 668-3341 Systew for îent 's anid labour guaranteed 1' iARI<Y W1ERSMA 5f9351ORONO $ $ $$ $s $$$s $$$ '- liigh: j Novice: Elaine Vagg, YvonneJ Schoenmaker, Nancy Mâecer., .Senior: Donna Challice, Laurie Schmid, Dale Evans. Elass 4 - Arrangemen t 3 flowers end branches Novice: Yvonne Schoenmàker, Susýan West, Kim West. Senior: Donna Challice, Laurie Schmid, Charmnaine Newman. 'Class 5:. Bottie Garden: Novice: Janiet Schoienmnaker, Y- vonne Schoenmaker, Stephen Bar- nett Senior: Chairmaine Newman, Di- Rne Barnett, Dale Evans. ChuchSero "Continued. from page 4) want to get involIve-d."1 Whaýt w7ouild happen to society if we,- as citizens, refuse to get involved? Ma.ny try to live in this way, s4eking to ,live to ,and 'for thensselves, but in refusingito get~ involved in a responsible way they allow situationà to exist which becorne very harmoful to themt. The màn in the story compliment- eýd himoself that he did not want ,a get inViolved, but failed to see î'ýiat this lack of responsible in- volvement meant that hq must be inqvolved in a harmful way. Most people 'would answer Jesu9' question by saying' that they want peace. There is much mxisunderstanding about the nat- ure of peace. Two countries; may say they qre at peace because they ere not using weapons of destruc- tion ag <nist each other, but at the same time may be engaged in eold war. Meinbers of a family nsay decide that they are going to stop the war in their'house- biold. They stop the active hostil- ity against each ýother but allow resentment and ill-wili to remain ?Lnd therefore they do not have reg peace. Ail they have isý a ces- ,atigo of hostile Activity. It 'jnay be, however, that we aim at peace which means a riglit re- lationship with God and with our fellowmen. This is a very worthy aîm and only Jequs can give us that kind of peace. Wh~we try to answer Je sus' question in a less general sense and relate it to oui' religion, we sometimes would be forced to say that we are looking, for r es- pectability, pres g*_, or position In itself this is a very low aun. We do flot wanit to get in, 400 deep, muILt paddle iin the shiallow waters, of a religious experiënce. Jesçus challengcd hus follqwers to "launch out into the d'eep."' 1One of the facts of life is that weusually get what we are look- ing for. If oui' aim is low the tar- mo~~ueisw bvc v va iJeluxe- resh imka s mash-hit dobut acros0thetiante,, uio all-Inew Vin cornesto Canda. and riew full coul suspen sion give Viva flatter, road-hugging handiing. Power,'s been boosted over I11%. And for extra driving case, there's Viva's smooth new 3-speed, fully automnatic transmission. Perhaps the most wlcomne news of ail is the new level of silence. The all-new VA'a is here, with stunning new styling, New, greater power. Completely new ride. New super silence. Plus a new optional automatic transmission. The all-new Viva is longer, lower and wider with exciting new space- curve styling. A new wider stance Extensive sound deade ners and body insulation, and new tvân m-uine mnufflers soothe you with the silent treatment. See the all-new Viva soon at Your Vauxhall-Pontiac dealer's. Travelling abroad for Yot sr bolidays thils year? Ask about Viva's Overseas a ai i nIlY hgte C lIA.Groat things Comelnrâsmalljpackages, See your authorized Vauxhall- Pontiac dealer Authorized Vauxball-Pon'tiac Dealer in Bowmanville $1932. *Suggested maximum retail price Of a Viva Sedan wjth heater and diefroster at BOWMANVILLE. Price includes delivery and handlinq Charges. rederal Sales and Excise Tarxes. P-Ov:ncial and local taxes and licence are not included. The 166 KING STREET E. BOWMANVILL E, ONTARIO =SL T~J-Yfl~Ti~' iws ', oons I PHONE ma 'l-qznr,