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Orono Weekly Times, 1 Jun 1967, p. 8

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- --- DO1NWO IVTMS, IUS~V MY2 ,16 k a - a a a - a j PLANTS FOR SALE NOTICE DDCTO EVC n lAgain this year we have a wide The Centennial Dedication 5cr- C eerl k ~ ~'P~\Tt ~variety of spring box plants, ger- The Senior Citizens will meet ývice and Unveiling of the Memor- C -àn ra 1 W .F m" d-T Nanîums, perennials, etc. on Thursday, June lst 'n the 1.0. ial by Orono, Oddfellows and Re- 13 F. Hall at 7:30 p.m. Everyone bekahs at the Orono Cemetery DEOYSGREENHOUSES _____ wiil be heid on Sunday, June il Norh S., ewcstl 1967 at 2:30 p.n. Everybody wel- INSURArEh St.,L ES ATEcastOleSPORK BARBECUE come. b-e 13 LIMITED Across from Spur Station. Phone SEE>21 9874916.. f-24p Saturday, June 17, front 5:30 p.m. ANIU Bowwrnmville 623-3393 Orono Fair Graunds. Ail you can 1 UTO eat Tickets from Hog Producers', An auction of Antiqueýs is being held at Soper Creek Park, Bow- OFFICE- MAIN ST., ORONO 1 98 Walton St.- 885-4548 1 Willis Piano - spliendid condi- Ofc.Rsev h day now. iomýcn t1:0sap v Phone 983-5032 Res. 983-5142 tion. Cali alid see-Evrne ecmeac er four hundred antique, items, to ______________FREE APPRAISALS Newtonville '786-2261. a-p go on sale. Auction sponsored by Exclsiv Agnt or NOICEthe Bowmanville Rotary Club. Excluive gent or NTICESoper Creek Park south of High,-, J KJ. OCHONSKI nFOR ISALEYoaeintdtotedth way No. '2 on Simpson Street. Orono's Licensed 0l 3Bedroom Bungalows 0 One 1965 Cabin Traiter, sleeps 1Oth Birthday of our Newtonville -- U rce ro 15~5.0 Ufour. Gas stove, icebox and water United Churcli, on Sunday, June ROW E TOURS 'Auctioneer and Valuatur oni lots 75x200 tank. a-c 4th. Organ prelpde at 2 p.m. Ser- "Western Canada and California U.U Ph one 983-5235, Orono. vice at 2:30 ýp.m. Guest speaker. Tour" - Escorted july 22nd-Aug, O rono Arca Represeatative _________________ evRoetWagBADD 2.-2dasPlc fitres Specialize ini Farm and 13 YoerelloB..,wD.1. 2 stoePr, a intresCty 0 ROY FOSTER OFO ClSpecial Music. 'This service will Yelltn Pa kralctoLaneouer, Furniture Sales g1 Ph- F98O581SALE bc followed by a social re-unionVictor, San ffaic, an other, '> a0 Two Building Lots on Church with the Orono Junior Band in "NewOund and and East Coastt Consuit Ime for terms 1 A large selection of Farms,,1 Street 66' x 165'. attendance. Tour" - Sept. 2-18 - 17 days. o Hoes, otsRetrat P0. 0Places of interest: Gaspe, Perci, and dates peornes inots, erea r-r i ne983-5158. a-p Books o the history of south- Pic Edward; sad efud pertes n tis rea U ______________ east Clarke 'are now on sale atllami, many otiers. HOEORONO 9835914 ' j =6=c==D =r I::o<: Mrs. C.-Burlev's,, Mrs. F. Gilmer. May 19--22nd. Travel dejux air- Monn ts ad Famlly NImorials O>ur qlulity and service leaves notbing to be desired Ask tie person Who boughit from mi, a aeighbour, friend or relative The RUTTrER GJRANII COMPANYT 73Ontarito Street PORT HOPE "Larget Display in Sothern Outarlo" [WATSUN'S Marine and Cycle Orono Phone 983-5343 McCULLOCH BOAT$ & MOTORS CHAIN SAWS Repairs to ail makes of Lawn Mowers and 2 and 4 cycle Engines OTACO PLOW POINTS AND MACHINERY PUMPING OUT, SEPTIC TANKS WHITE WASHTNG STABLES Bert Tompki'ns Phone 786-2552 Buflding A New Home? or Remodelfiing Cali, JO"E' BECKER, 98.3-5713 Orono LYCETT Plumbing & Heatingg PHONE 983-5407 Orono, Ontario g P*,»=>oc o 0 oc=o=oc=>oe Orono Electric PHONE 983-5108 CONTRACTORS FOR FARM and BOUSE ,Free Estirnates APPLIANCE SALESi Prompt and Guaranteed Repairs Equipuient and Appianees Such as Metors - Water Heaters' to ail kiads of Electrical T.V. - Radios - Stoves - Ironsj ~HamiItl'ons 0 Insurance 0 S erice g S Package Policies (I Fidelity Bond,' O LiabilityI g First Mortgage os 0 ~Sde HamiItono1 0 Phone 983-5115 I Box 133 Phone 668-3552 Stafford Brothers Limited 318 Duadas St. E. Whltby, Ont. Mandaturers of Cemetery Memorials Dealers In Doinestie & Foreign Granites and Marbles - Inscriptions Cut sud Cemetery Repair Work Liberal reward offered 'for'caster, Newtonville and Mrs>. W. large white maie cat, Manx breed Wood, Newcastle. b-21-c (tailýsis). Viinity th and 6th ________________ Con.- Clarke Township, near Shi- 1 loh hurc. , TOWNSHIP OF CLARKE Mrs. Morrow, 983-5021. a-p TENDERS FOR TRACTOR AUCTIO SALETenders will be received until AUTO SL 12 o'clock noon, Monday, June 12, Hligh Gradle Hosein rnLkr 1967 for the supply of one6 iub. and priners,1966MY.ber tired Tractor with sidemount- andsprnges, 966M.F trcto, d mower. baler, combine, mnodern farýn u Éhrifmaonad pi- machinery, tools et:c.' The. property i ute nomto n pcf of Pelter Kess,,ler, lot a, concession ications may lie had froin the 4 Clarke Township, haîf rmile east undersigný,ed. and1 haîf imile soutth of Shïloh Tenders mul st be on Township Churli.Seling ithut reserve J tender form,.sl. QI1 Saturday, Jr-e 3 Slel. cm ï, Aniy tender received after, a- mence t i pmi [bve specified fiie will i e Te-~ J. Reidi and Son, Sales, Manager-undt edee npnd Lowest or any tender lot nec- ______- jessarilly accepted. il Road Superintendent, Town.ship of Clarke. - ~ Noice To (reditors I 1censed Plumbing &alor .11 Mechanical Contractor who selis, instails qpd 9uantees CARMAN PLUMBING AND HEA,'tTING Phone 983-5207 Or«On Boanes &Iyam[ jPLUMBTNG and HEATINGj Sales awid Service 24 HOUR BURNER SERVICE f B-A FiNANCINGQ 0ow Iaterest Rates Phones: Tyrone 263-2650 H fampton 268-2288 or. remodelling youm- presentj one, then contact i N icholsoo tORONO'1 t , THE, ESTATE 0F JOHN, WES-_ I EY TEBBLE late of the Town- ship of Clarke in the County of Durham, Retired Fairier, deceas-, ed: Ail persons having claim5 a- gainst the estate of the said John Wesley Telible- who died, on or about the 1llth day of Auguit 1966 l are hereby notified to send, to the undcrsigned AdministratoIr or his Solicitor, on orwbefore the lOth) of June 1967, their naines and ad- dresse and full particulars oif ftheir daimns and the nature of the securities (if aniy) held by thern 1duly verified by statutory declar- ation. *Immnediately after the saàid lOth dÎay of Junie 1967, the aesets of the said dcceased will be distribu- ted among the persons entitled thereýto having regard only to the dlaimas of which the Adninitra- j tor or the undersigned- Solicitor shall then have noticeý. Dgted at Orono, ýOntar!o, this 24th day of May 1967. ICECIL ALEXANDER TEBELE Admuinstrator. Orono, Ontiario, W. K. LYCETT, Oronoý, Ontario, ~ Solicitor for the: Administrator.j Gord, ipo Oronol'âme983-5808 PAINTING and CAItPENTER WORK REMODELLING I tneic, and yExterior ______________________________ - 'i "Detroit Victoria, Weekend Tour" conditioned motorcoachi, wasihroonsý Hotel and tours arranged. For information to above toura phone or write- 885-2527, Port Hope 'ROWE TRAVEL AGENCY d-21 c ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Ivison J *Tambllyn, Orono wish to announce the enr- gagement of their only daughter Judith Laura to Alan Stuart" Plummer' only son of Mr and Mss. Ceiand Plummer, Bùowman. ville., The wedding Will take pldce Saturday, June 24th, 1967 atfour- o'clock, Or-ono United Churcli, DIED COWLING, Hlartley T (Pat)-At Oshawa Generafl Hospital on Wed- nesday, May 31, 1967 Pat Cowling of R.R. 2 Orono ini his SOth year., Belovcd ]husband, of Nina Darch, dear father of -Mrs. R Sutc-liffe (Joan), Cordon, Brenda . Edward and Kcnneth, s 1on of Mabel1 and the late Jos4epli Cowling R.R. 5, Bowmanville. Resting at Northcutt and Smith Funeral Home for service at 3:30 o'clock Friday afternoon. Inter- ment Bowmanville, Cemetery. DIED McKAY, Arthur-At Memoriall Hospital, Bowmanville on Monday May 29th, 1967 Arthur McKay. Dear brother of~ Alice (Mrs. Ralph Bougheni) Newtonville; Roy, of ton) Orono; Lucy' (Mrs. AlIan Martin) Port Credit; Ida (Mrs. G. Plumýb) Toronto; Beatrice (Mrs. Haýrold Bîrrowcloýugh) Port Hope RR 3. Aged 79 years. Rest-* ed at the Morris F'uneral ClhapeI B owmanville untîl today Tus day. SýerviceAin the Chapýel at 2 o'clýock. Interment Orono Ctere- DIED CATHCART, 'Charles Wesley-At Osbawa Gencral Hos9pital on Tues- day, May 30tli, 1967, Wesley Cath- cart'of Kendal in, hiý 67th year. Beloved, husband of- Annie May« Johnson dear'father of Mrs., A.-' Buchanan (Sadie!); Mrsý. R. Gib- son' (Jean), John, Gordon, Donald Bruce and Douglas., Restinýg at the Nort'hcutt anýd Srnith Funeral Home, Bowman- ville. Funeral Service at 2 o'clock Vridiay afternoon, June 2, 1967, Interment Orono Cemetery. Dr. P.l.Marne DENTJST Orono, Ontario Orono Medical Centre Office Houirs:- 9:00 te 1:00; 2:00 te 6:00 Saturday 9:00 te10 Phone 9 52 ~23 ~3o?~ ib Iry Ori le chatterton Electrical Contracting Electric Ileating and Service jPHONE 983-5546 or 983-5940 Orono, Ontario I ---------- 1 jý-r-s. G--e:-o-rg-e---Sta-,ple-to--n-, -S.

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