ORONO WEEKLY TIM~ES THIURSDAY, JUNE Stli, 1967 Ihow different our lives and our iii Chris.t as our Saviour" unless Drouglit up in Chris4ian culture flot Christian because "we believe (Continued page 6) Seripture Lesson - 1 Corinthians, ineffective because it is old. Man are Christian. They are, more neg-j lIapter 13. Ïclaniees, but his basic needs do atively, flot heathen. Others will _____________ not. Nothing l9 older thanged feel that confessing to cerKlain -ae from a sermon preached eouy ad inrc. creeds and doctrines makes oneIF OU EDA by Rev. Basil Long. las jsae sod smn u hlristian, or that if we live yIFYUNE A Thes ill ar as ld s ma bu i ie bMASONRY JOB TO BE as odrnasthe 'ieýythey1th Golden Rule- follow the Ten OECL - Recently, a member of the con-bl e, n we are too often satîs, Comnrandments - do the best we T. DNECL egregation echoed the comments fied to try and find a preventative catn- egry. W el now, ine past and[ feeling9 of many others when rather than-a cure. No cure is so ctory ek ,i wpue V1CEU fr he said " disagreewith the nodern a to £kadfn hi t hink, that noue of these are1 -ne am "In m aeeso any tese "voei s t ee am dysterday, tayvalid conelusions. We 'neyer do' Phil Vowles BRICKLAYERS ,days that, the Christian Churcli and for ever." Jesus is alwaya iecmleeyb heGle STONEMVASONS lis ale."Or ewppesRule, rke he Commandments & Son tinually try to make a case out, tune. perfectly, nor doe9 anyone really 983-5144 Renh r Scheib8r-52 of the thouglit of some, that We must go on, however, and do the best lie can. We may use Orono, 983-5626 chriàtianity is dying out. Ail of ask the question, '-Wha t is Christ- tiiis expression frequnetîy, but if RADIO REPAIR Willl Schmahl - -hiq ouglit to remind us that we iniy"I odigw ilfn eral otevr ei ee TOWER INSTALLATIONSpcaitinFrlae have a witness to make as well as a great variety of answers. Some we realy do he ver best e can .ýume serious thinking to do, and to lie reminded that whe. something outlives its usefulneso it eventually disappears. Youtli problems9 and gang aet- iities seem to be on the increase; the divorce rate continus to rise. The Church in general has fought the manufacture, sale and' con- £,umption of alcohiolie beverages, but the- manufacture and con- 'uiption is more widespread as eaeli year passes. Space victoýrieFý ,ave the way for a new age -which seems to belittlie the seem- ingly feéble efforts of the Chirist- an Gliurch and could suggest that if man can flit easily, from one planet to another, h li as evolved nut of bis need for the God who was revealled tbIrough the one who made Tifs jouraeys on foot as Hie wal'ked the dusýtY roadis of -Palestie andl tbe paths of Galilee. 'Tei-things appear to support -the view 'that Christilanity has Iost its -effectiveness bas become 4,)dýfaslfioned, -or Is even dying tout When ýwe spfea1k of Cfistiaiiity as ýbeing ol-fashioned, It may 1 means a number of tbings - unnec- ,eeary ineffective, out-of-date or embarrassing. , Wa may thini< of Chiristiaxnity as any o! thesc things because we feel that people have ehanged, that they are better and werthan our ancestors, but we have only to look a ittie more closely at life to see that, in gen- eral, people are more*confused la direction and moraàls than. per- bhaps any other generation. Before we adopt the attitude that the Chi-tian exprgsoion of hlf e is out-dated we must lie able to sug- gest a better cure. We musit also -realize that there i& a difference between 'okdi' and 'oflfashiond' and that a thing is not old-fash- loned until it lias been by-passed by something more effective. 'There i5~ always, the possibility that àl is the methiod xhith la o]d-fashioned_. Love is thieolest thing in thej Iworld, yet.wlien a boy and. girl have fallen in love they believe iît to be the most modemn ànd up-r 'to-date, experience that people eau, have. If liowever, the youngI mnan reverted to the method of the cave man, using a club to subdue the lady of bis ehoice, the ,young lady wouldflot be very lkely to feel the lump on hier skull and go, into raptures of d- liglit because >lie had wanted her badly enougli to dlaim ler. While his de9ire for a partner would be Mod(ýrd. liýs metbod would be out-ofMate. We cannot rmie Cristianiity asq JACK RICARD REALTOR 99 King St., E. BOWMANVILLE When E'ayîng or Selling cail WILF HAWKE IVOUR ORONO AREA REPRESENTATIVE 983-5274 Members of Oshawa and Dis- trict Real Estate Board FRS1 DAILT!' SAVE 9c CASH nAmBwROLIS GARDEN FRESH FROZEN FOODS EZeg. 59e! - High Liner Filets of 1-1b. pkgs. HADDOCK 2 for $1 Reg. 39ë! - High Liner Cooked 12-oz. pkgs. FISH, CAKES 3 for $1 POST CEREALS 8 %hsnz. pac~kage$%1Fe ALPHA-BITSF 1O-oz. package O ERISPY NUMBERS à R 10-oz. packagej REGULAR 53C! Pckg ,f12I IMODESS 2 for ý89c REG. 59c! - ALL PURPOSE 'Package J-CLOTH, TOWELS 53c SHEER STRIPS 46c BEST BUY! - Saive 29e-. KAM luncheon Meut 2for,49c TENDER YOUNG-SPECIALLY SELECTED- VALUE CI1ECK'D TENDERLON PORTION-FOR ROASTXNG LOIN 'O' PORK Il LEAN TENDER-WELL TRIMMED POK HOV'PS lb./9 Schineiders Fanions - Pure Pork BREAKFAST SAUSAGE' Schneiders Fmus-As.srta Pak LUNCHEON MEATS Ib. 6s lb. 69~ Sehnelders -'RED HOTS Schneiders - BLUE RIBBON SUINLESS : .1-By the piece Wicners lis. 59C BologneaIL.49C 12-oz. tins 2for 89e BEST BUY! - Reg. $1.89 V'alue! - 30e off Pacjk INSTANT COFFE E lO-oz. jar MAXWELL HOUSE $1.S35, BEST BUY! - Save 14e!-DR. BALLARD'S 15-0z. tins Cli IONDog Food 6 for 79e BUY -OF -THE -WEEK -'77 5 IL bag GranulatedS with the purchase of 4 GENERAL ELECTRIC LAMP BULBS at regular price SAVE 24e! - -ROASTED COFFEE CHASE & SANBORN ]MATURE! - LIBBY'S ORANGE JUICE SAVE 10e! - 6 SERPVING PACK.. MINUTE BREAKFAST CLUB HOUSE - Price Marked 69e PEANUT BUTTER LAUý, 1 -lb. bag BEST BUTY! - Save 8e! - KRAFT VELVEETA CFIEESE 1-1b. pkg. 61e BEST BUll - Save 43c!- ASSORTED 12-oz. jars LIBBY RELISHES, . 4 for 89e DEST BUV! - Save 20e!- PALM GARDEN TEA ,BAGS . 75ý 48-oz. tins o77 pkg. 24-oz. la r 6 63~ FEATUE!-Ne SUNLGHT It-!av'Diif IDRY DETERGENT giant pkg.79 Pices Effective Wed,,_Thur., Fri.9 Sot., WI-IERE FRIENDLY PEOPLE SUNSHIN Fruit &' 100 to cello bag 59e TE FRESH Vegetables SU NKIST ORA NGES, TASTY - # NEW POMAMES 10 IbL 61e #1 JUMBO STALKS CRISP CELERY SWEET #1 SPANISH ONIONS June 7th, Sth, 9th, 35e Pkg. of 2 35< 1O~h. SAVE YOU MORE. CORNISH'S RED AND WHITE, ORONO, ONTARIO 5.- ý i 1 1 Oth.